
3 Post – 190 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

So many people forget this origin. Air mattress in your spare room (in SF), iirc.

As much as I, personally, prefer a house when away - either with the family or as a couple - this is one of the drivers behind the crunch in housing. People can’t possibly afford to by a place to live when the competition is a wanna-be property “entrepreneur” who is going to get 2-4x market rent by doing short term rentals.

You know what needs to be added to this? Cars. The amount of body damage needed to “total” most cars is almost trivial these days.

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So you’re admitting she’s in the pocket of Big Voter?

Me: Should I buy a prebuilt 3D printer?

Reddit 3D printing sub: Oh, heck no. I put mine together for $18.22 plus some spare parts from seven printers I got of craigslist for $1 from some widow. Only took me three weekends to do it, plus a couple hundred hours to update the firmware to match the parts and troubleshoot it.

Me: Uh, so does it print better than the one I could just buy?

Reddit: Well, I'm still tuning it for all my filaments. I've been through about 40kg, and I've got a trashcan full of benchys though. The last few have been pretty good.

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I feel so bad for mine I’ve raised the amount I tip them every month from ~12% to 20%. You should, too - they struggle so hard.


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Don't care. I will watch every second of every build project Adam Savage does in his shop.

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Current techniques appear to use around 1.8-2kWh/m3 for desalination. That would imply that this uses only 350-400Wh. You’d think you could her better production from 9m2 just going up a few solar panels and putting a conventional plant. I presume the author has no fucking clue how desalination of solar heating and distillation works and/or hasn’t even read the patent to find out how this works.

Good on the student team for thinking creatively, but they seem to have only two engineers but four managers on the team. And not a single coherent description from those four managers, who seem very proud of taking credit for the students’ work.

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Lots of advice here, some of it good, some of it questionable.

Two things I’ll amplify from other comments: there’s a reason your therapist missed. It’s could be anything from messing up in their calendar app to a pet or a family member being injured it passing unexpectedly. This falls into the “shit happens” category. You’re allowed to be angry, upset, disappointed, or any combination - your time was wasted. There are generally two outcomes - 1) the miss was unintentional or unavoidable or 2) the therapist is unreliable. Until you find out that it’s case 2, recognize that a couple of wasted hours - in the course of your life- is small potatoes (perspective).

Another is the concept of “agency”. There are things you can affect in your life, in your relationships, and in the world. There are things you cannot. Nobody can force you to allow yourself to ignore the latter. They will always get under your skin. However, if you find yourself dwelling on those items, try and take a step back and identify things in your life you control or which you can alter/adjust. Finding those areas where you have agency allows you to impart your will, to be a positive force in your life trajectory.

I won’t even begin to tell you this is easy. It is a process and a way of interacting. Here’s an example - recognize your disappointment with your therapist but take the initiative to reschedule. Taking it a step further, the day before your next meeting, confirm the appointment. It can be a text or email - simple, low contact. If you don’t get a response, escalate near the end if the work day (or first thing the morning of the appointment) with a call. These are things you can do to manage your therapist and your collective schedules. Most professionals (I am one fwiw) will not be offended in the least with good (but not excessive) communication. If they are, or if the therapist still flakes out on you - well, we’re back to case (2) above and you’re on the troublesome path of finding a new / another therapist. BUT - you’ve done all you can in your power to make this a success. Recognize your initiative as a positive, personal attribute you will continue to leverage in your life.

I wish you the best!

I’ll agree with you when a corporation is jailed for life when an employee or consumer of their product dies. Until then, this is simple theft and should be financially punished.

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It’s my understanding the British put these two peoples in

It was more the Americans - factions within Britain warned that this would be an untenable situation.

an impossible situation

And there's the rub. There are no considerations where land appropriated by the west from a (non-Russian, non-German) current population for a long-since displaced population as some sort of reparation for Russian and German aggression will somehow come to a stable peace.

All that said, the actions of Israel in isolating Palestinians into a ghetto where control is by fiat and without any consideration for self-determination and independence is not just ironic but also a source of constant and mounting friction and discontent within the repressed population. There may not be a way to resolve the condition, but the current attitude by Israel is actively aggravating it.

Note: I'm a second generation descendent of Russian Jews. I still see the entire Israeli/Palestinian condition as untenable.

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And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you turn lead into gold.

Oh, bother.

Except that a lunar cycle is 29.5 days long.

The Jews recognized this and their calendar runs akin to it (https://www.timeanddate.com/date/jewish-leap-year.html), but with 7 "leap months" occurring over the course of 19 years. Of course, then they fuck it up with extra or fewer days to keep certain holidays from falling on certain days of the week. You win some, you lose some.

Overnight? Sure.

After 12-24 hours? Certainly it’s not good for the battery to sleep all the way to a dead-flat battery. Why not have it drop into a deeper sleep? My Win laptop goes a month and still has battery (just by walking away and letting it sleep) and wakes instantly (daily use) or a few seconds (weekly+ use). Same with my iPad. Even my Sammy tablet will go for 3+ weeks and still have juice.

It just seems weirdly 1998 era to have it so bad at power management.

(Edit- I’m not blaming you, just curious if anyone knows why it isn’t even an option)

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3D printers. Yes, there are lot of $100-$300 models out there. Unless you want 3D printer repair and maintenance to become your new hobby, just go buy a Prusa (or other well supported, full featured printer).

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I expect you to hang this in a prominent display cabinet and pass it on to your heirs to be placed in a national museum.

I wouldn’t mind the various levels of there were a simple, consistent marking standard for speed and power rating.

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Exactly. Not that I don’t appreciate the automation we have, but this is one of the domestic “last mile” problems - along with proper dusting and loading and folding laundry - that need to be solved.

I’m just curious if there’s been any verifiable accounts that he has stopped beating his wife.

Looks like somebody didn’t rake their forests.

That seems like a lot of work. It would be easier for me to write a bot that will post every article from my favorite sites to technology@lemmy.world. Then I could have another bot summarize it in the body.

Oh, wait…several people already have. :-/

Don’t you be doing Jen and Kira dirty like that.

I’m sure it would, but someone must think of the children, and make sure that the on board software is up to date for safety’s sake. (I can hear the money changing hands to fill the election coffers of the congressional oversight committee members even as I type this).

When you feel out of control in life, identify where you have agency and focus your efforts there.

This was my thought a well. Just using the internet at all guarantees that we’re supporting Amazon, Google, and Microsoft because they host most of the content.

This conundrum points back to our need to have agency, and something OP will/should address. One way to lower anxiety is to understand where we have personal agency and where we don’t. No matter how hard or how long I beat on a brick wall with my bare hands I will not damage it, only tire and damage myself. This isn’t limited to man made/capitalism. I also cannot swim across an ocean. Recognizing when I can make a difference and accepting my personal limits allows me to focus my goals around things where I will succeed or produce results. They may be (globally) small, but they affect me and my community in a meaningful way. I might even use that brick wall to provide a brace for leverage or the water in the ocean for salt or brackish irrigation. Expending energy that I know will not affect change only lets them beat me twice.

It doesn’t matter what units the ruler is in, how large it is, or even if the marks are uniform. If we’re using the same ruler and the values are getting smaller, we’re regressing in whatever metric that ruler is measuring.

The ACT specifically does not indicate work ethic or grades, but simply a measure of how much in certain subjects you retained. And at a national scale it’s statistical rather than anecdotal. Claiming it’s meaningless is like saying global warming isn’t happening because it was cooler today than in was in 2022 on October 11th.

Standardized testing is nothing but a ruler. Lots of people use rulers incorrectly, but they are still valuable tools. And a year on year decline, presuming their scoring method is statistically uniform (as implied by the article) is significant and concerning.

I have no idea if they did or not, but Russia was also accused of using it and most of the videos purporting its use turned out to be magnesium, which also burns white, produces white smoke, and sets pretty much everything it touches on fire.

So far the 40 beheaded babies turned out not to exist. I trust very few non-expert reports of things happening.

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If I pulled something like this in my profession I’d be fined and permanently lose my license to practice. And losing my license in one state would likely trigger the automatic revocation in the other states I’m licensed (maybe not WV, they don’t seem to give a shit). That seems appropriate.

No, the music overlay music offered in the app is licensed and can be added. Creators who are performing covers, I believe, generally have the license held by TikTok or have their videos muted/taken offline. Special arrangements are made for intentional or encouraged content . That is a guess, but things like Megan Trainor’s “Gucci” where she is both the original artist and a participant would be a case like this. I would think Grace Kelly and sing alongs on arrangement-bound copyright material like Pentatonix doing public domain carols (or even Roger’s and Hammerstein) are negotiated licensing if outside of their pre-negotiated license.

It’s not code. It’s a matrix of associative conditions. And, specifically, it’s not a fixed set of associations but a sort of n-dimensional surface of probabilities. Your prompt is a starting vector that intersects that n-dimensional surface with a complex path which can then be altered by the data it intersects. It’s like trying to predict or undo the rainbow of colors created by an oil film on water, but in thousands or millions of directions more in complexity.

The complexity isn’t in understanding it, it’s in the inherent randomness of association. Because the “code” can interact and change based on this quasi-randomness (essentially random for a large enough learned library) there is no 1:1 output to input. It’s been trained somewhat how humans learn. You can take two humans with the same base level of knowledge and get two slightly different answers to identical questions. In fact, for most humans, you’ll never get exactly the same answer to anything from a single human more than simplest of questions. Now realize that this fake human has been trained not just on Rembrandt and Banksy, Jane Austin and Isaac Asimov, but PoopyButtLice on 4chan and the Daily Record and you can see how it’s not possible to wrangle some sort of input:output logic as if it were “code”.

My only real gripe is that the SSDs aren't being refreshed as component prices drop. There's no reason for the entry level not to be 256 now, with 512 mid range and 1TB top end. Retail - and I presume wholesale - prices on the parts have dropped by half or more since the deck was launched. There may be contractual issues involved, but - for Valve - it would make sense to make these machines as self-contained as possible. Yes, you can by a SD card, but at this point you probably shouldn't have to. And, lets face it, 64GB on a gaming device is pretty limiting. Just start slotting in larger drives as the inventory breaks the previous price floor and inventory is cleared.

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I find it more neckbeard than Reddit, and I mean that in the most offensive way. Reddit was big enough that there were lots of places they either didn’t participate or were so rare as to not be annoying. They’re everywhere here on the big, fully federated servers.

By the same token, the semi-federated, more restrictive instances (yes, I mean beehaw) are actually quite nice places and really does feel like a mature place to casually discuss things.

In general, though, lemmy is a desert or ghost town of vibrant niche, non-IT focused communities with regular participation.

Oh...yeah; not a shadow. 🤣

It would have taken a decade and a lot of money just to achieve the strength we (and they) thought they were at before the war started.

No, no - that guy is (was, literally) the Verizon spokesman.

This is nearly identical to the Apple ecosystem. Everything gets virtually pathed and saved to your iCloud account unless you direct it to do otherwise. Oh, and you can't manage iOS to do otherwise, short of disabling the iCloud uploads. In Windows, for people who blindly (or intentionally) choose OneDrive for their cloud service, it's essentially transparent. I'm not saying it's right, but for the pc-as-an-appliance crowd, it's pretty smooth when it works.

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HEy - we're goin' server tippin' tonight. When the sysadmin is asleep we sneak into the server room. Then you just set your shoulder about halfway up the rack, brace your boots on the access floor and push as hard as you can. It's so fucking funny when they crash, but you gotta be ready to run 'cause if the sysadmin wakes up he's gonna be steaming mad. LOLOLOL

Why change the time for everyone when you can just adjust “working” hours. People who do shift work or work retail and other non- white-collar jobs are collateral damage. Roofers and farmers change their start and stop times baes on light and heat conditions.

Just start at a different time. Time is based (roughly) on the global position from a reference mark. Stop fucking with it.

Time to find a different group or a less organized one. I play basketball once a week with a group of friends/friends of friends. It’s non-competitive; we shoot for teams to mix it up every game. When we get 8 (4 on 4) or more we play full court.

It’s fun, it keeps us all in (a little bit of) shape, and the lack of formal organization makes it easier not to burn out.

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More importantly, how long until I can guarantee a 51% chance of solving every bitcoin block?

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