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Joined 1 years ago

This isn't a random expert. He's a supreme court judge. The courts should be independent and impartial. In the US this is not the case, and it is endangering democracy.

They are not mutually exclusive, tbf.

I only pirate because it is more convenient than any alternative.

The best example I experienced was when I tried to watch an apple tv original show with my cousin (who has family access to the service). He wanted to log in to his account on my laptop and needed to verify his dad's credit card to do so. No problem, but it took a while. After that we still couldn't watch, because the player didn't load the video for some reason. Cue my cousin fiddling about trying to fix the issue.

In the meantime I had started to download the first two episodes and copied it on a thumb drive.

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As a web dev: if you want to limit the input to a specific set (male, female, other) USE A FUCKING SELECT FIELD! Text input is just objectively wrong here.

And if you want to allow for a broad spectrum of genders without discrimination why is it validated?

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The US won because of its truly massive industrial base that was equipped to develop and churn out military materials at a rate that is simply mind boggling.

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Yeah, nah. A standoff looks cool, adds tension, gives the goodie and baddie time to talk or to be silent (menacingly). But apparently they weren't used much irl. From Wikipedia:

The image of two gunslingers with violent reputations squaring off in a street is a Hollywood invention.

Playing loud music in a packed commuter train, watching tok tiks while watching a movie in the cinema, using both armrests when they have the window seat.

Yes! I don't want Florida in europe!

Sync, I've used it for years on reddit and am quite used to it.

It will be disgusting but if you thoroughly cook it it should be safe.

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It isn't advertising friendly, that's why. Also online children protection act or some such law.

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Education could solve this issue, but the so-called "culture war" makes it increasingly difficult.

Reminder that VIIII is a valid way to write 9 in Roman numerals.

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That stuff has a limited shel(l)f life anyways.

While I somewhat agree with you: this is neither the time nor the place to preach your vegan ways.


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Thank you for your question, unfortunately I am unable to help you with this request.

Yes! Absolutely!

There are also a lot of recurring problems, obscure bugs, performance enhancements that someone has already solved. Software development should care about completing a task, not inventing the wheel (or an image upload) the millionth time.

XcQ the link stays blue.

Fuck his mom.

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How the fuck are oversized hoodies children's fashion??

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A pre-roll ad and a banner was obnoxious enough for me to start using ubo on desktop, on mobile I kept using the official app because newpipe is not a very nice user experience.

When they started to play two long pre-roll ads, one mid-roll ad for every couple of minutes of content, and a post-roll ad I switched to NewPipe and Libretube. I felt like the content-to-ad ratio was close to 1 recently. Way worse than it ever was on TV.

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For anyone clueless about what this means:

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

Russia hasn't been pretending to be communist/socialist since 1991.

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I think topologists call it a torus.

Aren't ios buttons flat anyways?

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I'd be willing to use it if I get paid though. 10$/month and I'd even post something once in a while.

Visiting my 6w/o nephew at the hospital. He was born early with a heart failure and immediately taken to a special cardiological clinic and I hadn't had time to visit him and his parents yet. I'm quite excited to meet the little guy.

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If it ain't foggy at night: turn off your fog lights. They're blinding oncoming traffic.

Meanwhile in germany: 13°C and endless rain.

We have a saying in germany about our state owned railway operator:

The four biggest enemies of punctuality are Summer, Winter, Autumn and Spring.

Maybe the same is true for energy reliability and ERCOT?

We use litres, which is one decimetre cubed. We use hectares, which is one hectometre squared. But the beauty of it is, that you can just convert everything to units that are more widely understood.

  • 1 decimetre = 10 centimetres = .1 metres

  • 1 hectometre = 100 metres = .1 kilometre

Coming up to 300k, that would basically mean that an army the size of the "limited mobilization" has been wiped out. Might need to round up a few more peasants recruits there, Vlad.

Why did you drive it like that? And how did you get it like that?

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Never underestimate how horny artists are!

It's one of the ikea plushies. Apparently it is used by trans people as somewhat of an identifying symbol (has the trans flag colors on it) and people post pictures of themselves with this plush when they come out as trans.

Disclaimer: this is my understanding as a cis het man, so take this with a boatload of salt.

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I eat my pizza with a spoon, you heathen!

Thank you. He's doing fine, just waiting for corrective surgery now. That will fix the defect permanently (TGA, in case anyone is interested)

Check which version you're on. If it's not 0.19.0 you need to update. F-Droid now has the newest version.