10 Post – 679 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I honestly dont know or care.

I'm just some guy, I do what makes me happy, I do my best to be considerate but if my happy fucks up your day I dont care. If that isnt good enough for you, I still dont care.

That the governments of the world actively encourage conspiracy theories because in general they foster a belief that they are significantly more competent than they actually are.

I'm Australian and I want to drive across my country. But with a twist.

I want to grab my best friends, all fly to Perth (Far western Australia) on a friday. We each have $5000 and the weekend to buy a car and prep it for the 3900kms back to sydney.

Do our own stupid little top gear adventure.

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Le Drugs

Haters are gonna hate hate hate hate hate.

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"Not quite as pretty as you, thats how I could tell you apart."

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She loaded it, but poorly. Which is a vast improvement on my wifes not loading it at all.

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"I'm sorry you feel that way" is up there.

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Simple. Im ripping up the ticket.

Since my actions have knock on effects and the ticket is 1 way that means Id have to abandon my wife and child and given how much my actions would change things, effectively unmake my daughter.

The worlds fucked, I might be able to unfuck it but theres a better chance Id just create a different flavor of shit sandwich. But to know Id never hear "Dayyydeee come pway wif meeeeee" again.

Fuck it. Let it burn.

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Best advice Ive heard on chairs "Fuck gamer and racer style chairs. Look for something that screams "Im going to fire 3000 people over Zoom in this shit"

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Being able to fall asleep and wake up exactly when I want to without an alarm man.

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In 3rd grade we had a rack of books in the class and we would sometimes be given half an hour to pick a book and read, I was a reader, I got like half way through a book and it was time up and we had to put the books back, well I wanted to finish it so I put it in my bag and went to ask the teacher if I could finish it later, she was busy talking to someone and told me she would talk to me "in a minute" and like a 7 or 8 yo I promptly forgot about it. An hour later she sees the book in my bag, calls me out in front of the whole class for stealing and when I tried to tell her Id tried to ask if it was ok to take it home so I could read it later but she was busy she called me a "liar and a theif" and back onto the shelf it went.

A few days later I took the book and hid it behind a cabinet near the door to our room, at reading time she noticed it was missing, demanded to know what Id done with it, accused me of stealing it again and tipped my bag onto the floor to find it. When she didnt find it, she told me "once a theif always a theif" and when the bell rung that day and she was busy packing up her desk, me the last kid out the door put his bag down to tie his shoe... and I stole the fucking thing.

If you're going to treat me like I'm guilty anyway, might as well be guilty.

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With only hearing one side of a conversation they know nothing about, they decided that the confident person must be correct because?

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Its an easily startled 900lb retard with sledgehammers for hands.

No its not majestic, keep it the direct fuck away from me.

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Helldivers 2 had zero advertising that I saw and it slaps.

Cyberpunk might have actually delivered on its promises if they spent half of their advertising budget on the dev team instead of billboards.

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As an Australian I can comment on this, theres this wonderful thing called "Context"

At McDonalds they refer to them as fries, but if you ask for a large chips, they know what you mean. If you go into a petrol station and ask where the crisps are, nobodies head explodes. If you go into a place that has ALL 3 (french fries, chips and crisps) and say "Can I get some chips" the person will ask for clarificaton.

British roots and American television has made OUR english quite flexible.

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I have a toddler who doesnt understand the concept of "We cant watch Gabbys Dollhouse anymore because Daddy is sticking it to the man."

Nope, few more years before I can think about shitcanning any of them.

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I think he also took a shit.

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You want carnage? Can we please feed it the entire history of 4chan?

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You think Reddit has BEEN bad? Wait until theres shareholders expecting a ROI.

I work for the post in another country where its medically prescribable and we have seen an uptick in suspicious small packages that reek of weed. The boss called the cops on the first one (years ago) and the cops were more interested in how we knew what marijuana smelled like and treated us like shit for calling them. Really we just wanted guidance on where our liability was on being part of the "chain" and how seriously we should take it and they were absolute cunts.

So now in our office our unofficial policy is "You smelled pot? No you didnt. And if you did, how do you know its not being sent legally? And even if you're fucking sure its sketchy as hell, you're calling the cops and making the statements and dealing with it. You arent fucking my day up over some guy getting a quarter you fucking narc."

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Sounds like they need a good union.

When the person showing you around starts telling you who to avoid.

The answer to damn near every question being "the complete tear down and rebuilding of society as we know it"

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ITT: Tankies not realising they are in a shitposting community.

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Oh I work for the government my friend. I actively disrupt those meetiings, I complain out loud that they could have been an email, I take great joy in pointing out that none of our "feedback" is ever implemented and that the meetings are an ego massaging exercise.

Consequently, 75% of the regular attendees like me and 25% want to stab me really bad, but we do now have fewer meetings.

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Go onto Lemmygrad and try talking about your investment property.

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Theres a non-zero chance that Linus Sebastian just did something really dumb. LoL.

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Its like none of you have been to a gangbang before.

Do you know how hard it is to get more than 4 guys close enough at once?

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I cant find the video but there was a very serious accident in Australia at a theme park and several people died. The ambulance crews who attended reported that "The patients suffered injuries incompatible with life" and the media had a fucking field day about how paramedics shouldnt be making jokes and how cold and insensitive it was and blah blah blah.

The Ambulance service had a press conference the following day which was one of the absolute best public ass chewings Ive ever seen. The guy tore into the media like a wolverine. Heavily paraphrased but - "Our paramedics are not doctors, legally speaking they cannot pronounce someone dead. They do however know that a man who has been literally torn to pieces by heavy machinery cant be helped. They have to stand there, look at that scene and make a realistic professional assessment that the patient has suffered injuries that nobody could survive and report that. Then they have to look at the next person... and report that professionally too... and then the next one... And without doing any investigation into our procedures and the why of them you decide to report on OUR professionalism!?!"

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Even fast food restaraunts in airports pay a higher hourly rate to compensate the staff for the added pain in the balls for getting to work.

People are missing the fundamental point of defederation. THIS IS A GOOD THING.

You can have an absolutely squeaky clean instance for memes, news and generally huge sharing communities. Instances that dont have to worry about DCMA notices or having their servers seized and you can have instances that are willing to run those risks for niche content. If legal threats start being thrown around, the meme and hobby communities dont suffer. The piracy instances can shut down, migrate and start again, making the lawyers play whackamole.

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Oh come on... you're leaving out Eric and Jnr? Thats just asking for a revenge plot reboot.

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The market for people who NEED printers is shrinking. Last concert I went to I had the QR code ticket in my phone, I havent printed map directions in at least 15 years and I literally cannot remember the last item I needed to print at home.

But they also cant say "Oh well, we had a good 30 year run with home printers" they have to keep making more than last year, so they have to get increasingly predatory.

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I mean, theres 3 categories for giving them a pass on their transgressions (as a fan, not legally or morally speaking) IMO.

  1. The art/performance was just so far beyond good that you cant deny the cultural significance. E.g Michael Jackson, Elvis, Tupac.

  2. You had a personal connection to the art before they did the shitty thing or before it came to light. (In my case: early Chris Brown, Kid Rock) They were big in my late teens and early 20s and I have positive memories associated with their songs. Not the percieved quality of the art.

  3. They had their day in court, did their time and time has passed. E.g Mark Wahlberg, I dont know the guy, I dont know if he is a good person or not these days. But the last documented occasion of him being a huge violent racist asshole is 1992... 32 years ago.

Women (and trans women) naturally carry a higher body fat percentage than men (Incl trans men) a "male" athlete can more safely and more easily carry a lower body fat % and therefore more muscle per kilo. So the weight classes wouldnt be able to be 1:1 if you wanted a level playing field.

There is still the inherent biological advantage in being born male and going through male puberty and developing a male muscular/skeletal system before transitioning. Very difficult to rule around every nuance of this though.

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Allow me to preface this by saying that I think both sides act like enormous cunts at times and I am also eternally grateful that it is not my life.

The only problem I have with the "Its Palestinian land" argument is that 1948 was 75 years ago. Its very important to the macro view of the sutuation but do you think a 3rd generation Israeli born citizen who is now strapping up his body armor to fight so that people stop trying to kill his family gives much of a fuck about how young his country is? Or who traditionally owned the land? Its his town, his city, his little brother who was just kidnapped.

I dont think anyone seriously thinks if Israel gave Hamas/Palestine the whole west bank, no more arguments about borders, leaving the settlements alone and trying to make peace that Hamas would become all about peace, hugs and understanding.

I think its absolutely impossible to defend either side with a straight face. Ask both of them about the worst 10 things the other side did and both of them are monsters.

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We had one teacher who decided this was the rule in his class and the school backed him. We also had an absolute madlad who insisted for 20 minutes that he needed to go to the toilet and when constantly refused shit his pants on purpose.

The teacher was fucking apoplectic demanding he get up and get out and he just sat there "You said no, deal with it. Call the principal down here if you dont like it but I'm not moving from this chair for another 10 minutes."

Nobody ever gave him a hard time about it, we all appreciated him taking one (or a 2) for the team they rescinded that policy shortly after.

Need for Speed Underground 1 and 2.

If EA would release them as just full faithful remasters, with no P2W or microtransactions I will break my word that I will never support that piece of shit company again and pay full retail on release day.

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No no no no no... EA cant do something cool and good for consumers, someone slipped with a decimal place.

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