4 Post – 281 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

A cranky biologist who means well. My hobbies include long walks off short piers and anything science related.

Price advertised == Price actually charged.

It’s not really that hard. Do it!

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It's why the right wing invented 'cancel culture', to try to demonize people banding together to change things. This kind of public pressure is a form of people-power. There's a nasty side to it all, but this is an existential battle for the writers and a mild inconvenience to Drew and Bill. I know what side I'm on.

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But I do (sort of) blame farmers (agribusiness really) for a lot of obesity. Maybe everything doesn’t need corn syrup in it?

Fossil fuels are useful as hell for chemical feedstocks and we mostly just burn them. Stop trying to prevent solutions by spuriously individualizing the causes.

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I keep a pitchfork handy as a wall decoration but I live in an apartment. It is my reminder of the need to fight back in the class war.

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My hobbies mostly sit at the intersection of plants and electronics/programming esp. microcontrollers and managing fleets of them.

Im obsessed with making things grow and relatively simple types of automation can make a huge difference to a plant. A trickle of water applied at the right frequency can turn an unforgiving sun-scorched balcony into a garden.

Im currently working on prototypes of a device destined for mass production. It’s a power unit for a temporary immersion bioreactor used in plant tissue culture. The benefit of my approach is that the power unit can work with almost any growing container and the unit doesn’t need any power hookups.

The unit is powered by the plant grow lights and my Mark I prototype proved it can harvest enough energy to perform any published temporary immersion protocol I have seen.

I think this qualifies as ‘weird’ because it usually requires explanation to justify the ‘why’ of this project. Plant tissue culture is not a common interest.

But if you want to plant a trillion trees and ‘save the planet’, we will need to develop some new propagation methods. This is my little attempt to address some of that need.

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I’m so conflicted. The cops ordered this. They would have charged him for disobeying. But he also gave a lot of ketamine under sketchy circumstances where he could have claimed a medical reason for refusing. But I know what paramedics make and it’s not enough to weather a legal challenge unscathed.

Nonetheless, Elijah McClain is dead because of his direct action. Being aware of nuance doesn’t help that one little bit.

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What? Ridiculous. You want fair pay and non-arbitrary, non-shifting performance metrics? Cold day in h*ck when that happens!

Doubt those numbers with all your might mind and strength. That is a PR spin from the church. Their census cannot be trusted or independently verified. They are losing the younger generation big time.

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Why isnt more popular?

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Bless you for this comment.

How many commenters here have even tried to figure out how ‘busses’ (the electoral process) work and find a way to get involved?

Spend 5 hours a week (yes, you can find the time, deduct it from your screen time!) and you could basically take over your local party committee. That alone won’t change the national trend, but you might just be able to influence a city council or school board race.

Local races hinge on a handful of votes very often. In our area, we managed to keep two anti-LGBTQ+ candidates off the school board last election. This impacts the lives of literally thousands of youth and their families and it hinged on about 80 votes. Vote, yes, but at least skim the Chilton manual for your bus in between elections. It really does matter

The struggle is real and most don’t get it. Ive had to forcibly quit hobbies that triggered that ‘lock-in’ because my life was going along unmanaged. There’s no explaining it to peoole who don’t experience it.

This is a big ass-mistake.

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“The ends justify the means. But what if there never is an end? All we have are means.”

U.K. LeGuin

Why did you make the stupid decision to take private loans?

I’m sure you were fully informed about all options and walked through a thorough and honest cost/benefit analysis of each available path. Right?

You went into it with open eyes and no one ever fast-talked you or misdirected or straight up lied. Right?

Also, go fuck yourself.

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That it can be a form of ‘tokenism’ that erases or ignores the vast majority of my personal characteristics and reduces me to a cliche.

I hated identifying as a gay cis man after a while. It was in a small US town and the identity came to feel like a straight jacket (ha!). My identity is much more fluid now even though I fit the descriptor of ‘mostly gay’ in a statistical sense.

I’m not your fscking ‘gay’ friend, in a nutshell. If someone doesn’t understand why I might feel this way, well then the friendship is probably doomed.

Little Bits!

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Ok, cool post. Cool paper! I love hearing about new things being found Turing complete.

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I’m really into electronics and plants. Together. I grew up on a farm with greenhouses so my interest in control systems, electricity and plants developed all together. I’ve built growth chambers, plant lights, automated waterers and yet none of that was for weed.

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Data from the USPS is like, you know, not anecdotal.

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Maybe not. You will have the same number of tax preparers chasing less work. Through the magic of the Free Market™️, shouldn’t that mean pressure to reduce prices? We can only hope.

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The best thing for the class war is internecine warfare among the upper class.

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The usual way and I’m sure you have your reasons.

It’s a taste of the real world need we have for second-order relationships, i.e. neighbors. I grew up in a close knit homogeneous small town three hours drive from the nearest proper metro area. It was simultaneously suffocating and comforting to have real neighbors.

I recently became active in precinct-level party politics (im in USA) precisely to meet some IRL neighbors. I stick around lemmy for an online taste of the same thing. It fills a basic social need.

Hi, neighbors!

I mean, have you met many neurotypical people? It might be a confirmation bias caused by social sorting. I’m ‘quirky’ and I expect nothing less from the people I choose to hang with. It just turns out the quirks I gravitate toward are correlated with neurodiversity.

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With due respect, it is time for Hillary Clinton to be taken less seriously. Look at who she let win the presidency? A dynamic candidate that could connect with more voters could have flattened Trump. She came across as arrogant and entitled. She is a shrewd and intelligent person, but clearly disconnected from most normal concerns.

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Yeah, thanks, we’re good.

Perhaps as an anatomical specimen for study? There’s a market for that. It’s usually where someone ends up when they legitimately donate their body to ‘science’.

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Based on the wording you used, I think I know which cult you might be referring to. Yes there are several cults with that valuation to choose from, but my guess would have to be the US American frontier real-estate sex cult. It’s not really important but I just get a kick out of finding another refugee in the wild.

For me, all it took was a few episodes of Carl Sagans Cosmos series on our grainy black and white tv late on Sunday evening. I didn’t meet any “out” sexual minorities of any kind till college but being introduced to the scientific world view really gave me something to hold on to during the worst years growing up queer.

You never know what kind of influence your example can have. Glob bless Fred Rogers and Carl Sagan, otherwise I’d have had no examples of acceptance and openness.

It was a quick read and the entire book can be summed up as generational pandering.

When I went to live in Japan for a year on a fellowship, I was intensely scrutinized for a bit until they were sure I wasn’t a weeb. Only then was I more welcomed socially. For some reason, people don’t like being fetishized. Who knew?

An Embarrassment of Trump supporters

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I like you and your style. Do not let a stupid dirty joke get in the way of proper electrical and data connections. It tells me where your priorities are and I respect that.

What number of fingers or toes would be not weird?

It’s literally in the summary

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Most bands I care about have a website and an email distribution list. Most venues I enjoy also send out their upcoming events by email.

Now excuse me, there is a cloud I must go yell at.

Stop! I can only become so aroused and I have work to do!

How about you define your own belief system and let others choose their own words?

No one said that blood-curdling cosmic horror had to be good to destroy the vestiges of your sanity.

Are you familiar with PAGANism? We offer goat leggings, discrete occult rituals and the virgin Connie Swail.

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