1 Post – 1077 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

There are certainly hobbyists making good content. Most of the great content is from people making a living off it. They have time and resources to devote to doing deep dives into subjects that hobbyists just generally don't. The bigger problem as far as filling the internet with crap goes is all the react content and people making clips of other people's stuff that adds nothing to it and whatever YouTube shorts are supposed to be.

I had the same thought lol. Especially if there was enough space to put up a workshop next to it.

A couple weeks ago I had to travel for work and I picked the longer one because I got paid for more miles and it meant I would get back right at the end of the day so I wouldn't have to do anything else that afternoon. Also on that 2 hour drive I think I saw 5-6 cars for the first 3/4 of it which was pretty great.

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I leave my basement and talk to people every day without hitting on underage girls

I have both wireless and wired. The wireless ones sound fine although if I switch from one to the other the wired are a noticeable improvement. The real issue I have with them is that there's a noticeable delay that makes watching every video like a dubbed movie. Secondary to that I have never been able to get ones that fit perfectly so I'm constantly having to poke them back in especially if I'm eating or something and my jaw is moving around and there's just a lot of general bluetooth issues that are annoying. I have a much easier time with the wired ones just working.

Of course! They showered last week and everything!

A catered quiet night alone sounds pretty dope actually.

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Also in this context being weird and shy counts as nice. You don't actually have to make any effort!

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They also have things like spray-on dust to hide the fact they’ve been in a place.

New excuse for when someone complains about how I haven't cleaned recently.

Maybe if those invasive highly targeted ads were the least bit accurate I would buy some shit from them. Instead half the time I can't find the product I want without wading through a sea of crap even when I give them a search with specific parameters.

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robot girlfriend duh

A good chunk of the rest is morons parroting them.

The usb-c would have popped right out and let your phone be smashed into smithereens.

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Sounds dangerous. Should take Musk and Bezos along so their genius can save him in case anything goes wrong.

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Things you will need to operate while driving your car shouldn't have touch screen controls.

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Well I'm not gonna stop doing it.

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But that requires a level of forethought and planning I'm simply not capable of.

I edit images in Krita...

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My old job I used to have a lot of days where I'd have meetings every half hour or often consecutively. It was impossible to actually get anything big done because I'd just always be organizing notes from the last one or prepping for the next one. I between it was all I could do to put out fires. It was insane.

Imagine if most new houses came with “Alexa” switches and electric plugs.

Oh boy a bunch of added expense to get the light switches swapped out with ones that don't spy on me.

Would he have had unprotected sex with her if he knew the truth? If not it's pretty rapey. What if it were the other way around and he had slipped the condom off without her knowledge?

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I am working on 100% RDR2 and the last bit I have to do is the gambling challenges. The last blackjack one is to win after hitting 3 times or something ridiculous like that. I sat there just playing blackjack through all 3 Robocop movies just hitting on every hand as fast as possible and I still didn't get it.

To get in from outside obviously needs the vehicle to unlock, so it has to be jump started.

and how do you get to the battery to do that if you can't get inside?

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I've used this for years. Works great.

The only difference between it being forcible rape and it being "deception" is that the victim doesn't know the real situation. It's still forcing them to have sex against their will because if they knew the truth they would resist. The dictionary also supports this being rape.

rape 1 of 4 noun (1) ˈrāp Synonyms of rape 1 : unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person's will or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent because of mental illness, mental deficiency, intoxication, unconsciousness, or deception

Well at least there's a way in... Lot's of trouble could be save by simply having a mechanical key.

The nutjob is the one accosting strangers in the mall for youtube content.

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Corporations: "or what?"

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Or head to the lingerie store and seduce the gorilla.

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Netflix did stop me from pirating for several years until it went to shit. Once the other companies started rolling out their own streaming services and pulling their content off Netflix I went back to piracy. It's way easier to manage one VPN subscription than try to keep track of a bunch of streaming services.

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This post isn't criticizing trucks. It's criticizing the oversized modern one's that aren't any better at work than the much smaller ones of the past.

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If only there was some kind of transparent material we could make freezer doors out of so you could see what was in them.

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I want UBI so all the lazy motherfuckers who don't want to work get out of the fucking way. Sit at home in front of your TVs cramming doritos down your gullet all day for all I care, just as long as you aren't half passing whatever job you're doing and creating problems for me.

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Doesn't really matter why it is the way it is if the way it is sucks.

Why would the Superbowl need to be rigged for her to do this? Everything the woman does is already reported and televised everywhere.

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Everyone that got pissed off about that tried other stuff and found out it was actually better.

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"oh, right. If I had just pirated this my content wouldn't be delayed by these stupid piracy warnings."

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So it's great for archival storage. This is exactly the type of thing I'm interested in if it was cheap enough.

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