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Joined 11 months ago

Oh Gates what a lovely altruistic human billionaire.

Sure lets burn all the oil to figure out how to not burn all the oil.

And what do we get to own? Nothing... My OS.. My.. bandwidth.. My RAM? Nope.

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Except one has backing and funding by a large portion of the western world.

And this is why nobody trusts windows

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The next 65% are political trolls

Windows 3.1 - 98 weren't too bad. Windows 95 was massive and people queued to buy boxed copies, so far from just using it because it came with the machine. Windows used to have actual fans, people that enjoyed using the OS

We chose this because each time a game is downloaded, the Unity Runtime is also installed," the company explained in adding the fee.

Ok and??

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What it's like to use Google in 2024

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Apple ensures its operating systems are clean, polished, and without bloat.

Except for all the uninstallable Apple bloat such as Apple Music, Apple TV, etc. And the numerous bugs and issues, such as still not being able to have the touch pad and mouse scroll wheel have different settings.

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Use Firefox

"We value your privacy... At about $10,000"

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What's the point of war crimes when there's no war consequences?

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Too much butter. Dough wasn't chilled. Oven too high. Cooked too long.

I've never had ChatGPT just say "actually I don't know the answer" it just gives me confidently correct wrong information instead.

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He almost stopped, but didn't because he wasn't getting an entertaining enough reaction.

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AI will be the downfall of AI

Fuck a reversal. Boycott unity.

I don't download chrome using it. I think Edge is actually better than chrome, but I use neither. Firefox is where it's at. I hate this assumption that everyone loves chrome.

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User agent switcher

There's no one single British or American accent. Liverpool? Florida? Newcastle? Manchester? New York. Even within these places there's different accents.

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22 jump Street?

Wasn't Musk a right wing billionaire who loved spreading their propaganda

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  1. Using Java

This is Warner Bros being the bad guys, but also Sony for not refunding people. Either way it doesn't matter consumers lose out, all the more reason to pirate.

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This is the problem with being a whole company on the ecosystem of another, they can pull the rug at any time.

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People use the Reddit app?

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So you pay for 0 services then?

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Let them believe they've won.

Wasn't this the plot point of The Dark Knight?

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Yeah I've avoided passkeys. Anything that Google is pushing to me is always in their interests.

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Adverts are inevitable, these companies cannot help themselves. The temptation to double dip... A subscription from stupid saps and money from advertising. Soon the ads will creep into the other subscription tiers.

Piracy and ad blocking is the only escape.

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Illumination would make this if it was real.

Also depends who they're stealing from though. Massive corporation.. I didn't see shit. A small family run restaurant struggling to get by then I saw it with both eyes.

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Except he's 6'5 and Collie probably isn't that.

This shit works on a lot of people though

Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros

Subs that I go on that used to get hundreds or thousands of comments now are lucky to reach 50 or so.