Does the American accent or British accent sound better? to Ask – 44 points –

I grew up with a thick Australian accent with a drawl I dislike, and have been consciously trying to change it for a while. The problem is I tried to make it sound more American at first but keep getting drawn to speaking "Britishly". Now it's a Frankenstein of all 3 accents and I don't know what to go with.

Some points for both:

▪︎ American accent sounds "cooler"

▪︎ British accent sounds more "proper and elegant"

  • Australian accent sounds more "relaxed" (but I dislike this for myself, personally).

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There's no one single British or American accent. Liverpool? Florida? Newcastle? Manchester? New York. Even within these places there's different accents.

Dont worry about that. OP is trying to change their accent.

I doubt they have given much thought to region or dialect.

There's not one single Australian accent either. Broadly speaking, there's three of them.