Forcibly displacing Rafah civilians would be war crime, France warns Israel to World – 408 points –
Forcibly displacing Rafah civilians would be war crime, France warns Israel

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What's the point of war crimes when there's no war consequences?

There have never been consequences for Israeli crimes and ethnic cleansing.

Even now there is ethnic cleansing of the Armenian quarter in Jerusalem and Palestinian villages in the West Bank.

If you keep doing the shit we've supported you doing for the last 7 months, that could in fact ruffle some metaphorical feathers.

"Not really though, fellow corporatocracy. Fuck the proles. Pay me and I'll help you genocide coz I'm a career sociopath. Whoop whoop!!"

So my understanding is that committing war crimes doesn’t mean you “get arrested”. It’s that if you lose, you can’t just say it was war. If you had committed war crimes, you would be put to trial.