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I support public transport but I really don’t know how to convince people. I live in North America.

But all those are poor people who got rich via crime since they didn’t really have other avenues.

The Batman lore has a lot of hidden messages about social class and hierarchy which doesn’t translate well to today.

We can't keep reacting to them and treating every election like it's the last night at the Alamo.

Thank you! While I do agree, voting for Biden is a no brainer when it comes to the binary choice, as someone from another country, this shit is frustrating.

You guys have had the same tone since 2016. I get it but clearly there is a huge crack in the system that is just propagating more and more.

The rest of the world is worried, as in worried long term, not just for November.

Bernie did in 2020.

I think people misunderstood my comment.

Biden being the choice in 2020 didn’t fix anything, it only delayed the problem.

As evidence by this year’s election.

If that’s the case, then why not release a free home version??

I fully confronted a person that claims Biden was the best shot against trump in 2020. I pointed out how he was not given that we are here now.

They still think that this is the best case scenario… like would they ever admit they were wrong?

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And people keep saying that democracy is at stake… dude, you guys don’t have it to begin with.

isn't his goal to rid the world of preventable diseases?

Only if he can get the credit.

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As a fellow non people person, god I wish I was part of your team!

I hope people realize that the solution isn’t really to just not buy one, especially since this is the way the industry is heading. The solution is regulations, strict regulations.

Stuff like this should be a slam dunk for congress but we all know which side they are on.

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EU has single handedly done more to improve myself my life than my own government with this one law.

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Why not just call it lemonade coffee or lemonade energy drink? Lemonade is not suppose to have caffeine.

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Ironically, this might be an area where machine learning could be beneficial.

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Yep. That settles it, we are definitely in a fucked up gilded age.

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Hah, jokes on you, I have an ultra wide.

Which is basically two monitors without any separator in the middle.

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That koala’s face says:

“That’s right, I got her all to myself”

Would be awesome if there was some kind of endorsement from these people for the student protests. “We got the Israel’s people’s support” should shut down any anti semitic claim (for sane people at least)

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Imo this is a great example of what not having freedom of speech actually looks like. It’s not when you get banned on a private social media platform. It’s when government just kills you for talking.

That’s exactly what a Nazi would say!


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The Enshitification will continue until moral improves.

For the lazy: it’s cause there is less water after than line.

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Everyone here are thinking $5 billion means Reddit won. Wasn’t their evaluation at $15 at one point?

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I think you misunderstood, I want wireless headphones that have the two earbuds connected via a wire so you know, one doesn’t just pop out if your ear and drop on the street.

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Even $120 would be amazing. I just got an email that said too bad. I just bought a monitor cause that’s where they sold it. Idk why they have to save my info. I just want to pay for the product. If it was up to me, they would delete all my info immediately. They only need to record when the serial number was sold anyway.

Oh if only I was European.

Well I guess I fully set myself up for that one lol

Kind of late, so I guess they didn’t do asbestos they could?

I’ll show myself out.

It’s really weird when considering the Ukraine situation. For a moment I thought US was just doing the right thing. Nope, they just are anti Russian, not necessarily pro Ukraine.

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Haven’t met an asshole elephant yet.

But elephants are like people and some may be jerks…

Stop that Mr Simpson

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What a terrible article.

TLDR: good inventions lose their novelty and become practical. AI has lost its novelty so it’s about to become great?

Kind of skips the whole practicality aspect.

And here I thought making a default username looking one was a good idea…

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There isn’t really many good reasons to post your kid’s picture anyway.

You know what, this makes me so happy that I’ll give ‘em that:

“Good job capitalism!”

Now I got to go wash my fingers for typing that.

Eventually oil will become so expensive that alternative technologies will be cheaper than it.

We’re already there. If you remove the subsidies for oil and tariffs for Chinese EVs, driving a EV would be the cheapest solution.

Shit like this makes me so glad that I just don’t sign up for these things if I don’t have to.

30 page TOS? You know what, I don’t need to make an account that bad.

Say something like:

“It’s best not to discuss such details at this time”

Which will tell them, yes, there is a good reason, no, I can’t tell you since I don’t trust you.

You will never get in trouble for something like that since you literately are not saying anything.

The bonus part is that if the coworker is cool, they can just reach out to you a week or two after you left and you can be honest if you think they are worth it.

I think it’s guilt actually. Most people deep down kind of know that eating meat is wrong, but if the whole world does it, you can’t be blamed cause you have no choice.

And then there comes someone who is not participating. Their existence breaks the logic above and implies that it’s a personal responsibility.

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Now that I think about it. Autocorrect sucks! It was made to make up for the inferiority of an onscreen keyboard (which I do prefer for this obvious reasons).

When I type on a computer keyboard, after a paragraph or a few sentences, I check if any words has a red underline and that kind of makes me proof read things as I type.

Autocorrect does the opposite, it “fixes” things you type so when you look back it’s fire and you press send.

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Pirate and go to live shows.

Companies love selling you digital stuff cause they are essentially giving you nothing (as in it doesn’t cost them anything).

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I always thought Hyundai was off brand Honda that got a little too popular and now likes to pretend it is its own thing.