A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back

lemme in@lemm.ee to Technology@lemmy.world – 1628 points –
A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back

It's a nightmare scenario for Microsoft. The headlining feature of its new Copilot+ PC initiative, which is supposed to drive millions of PC sales over the next couple of years, is under significant fire for being what many say is a major breach of privacy and security on Windows. That feature in question is Windows Recall, a new AI tool designed to remember everything you do on Windows. The feature that we never asked and never wanted it.

Microsoft, has done a lot to degrade the Windows user experience over the last few years. Everything from obtrusive advertisements to full-screen popups, ignoring app defaults, forcing a Microsoft Account, and more have eroded the trust relationship between Windows users and Microsoft.

It's no surprise that users are already assuming that Microsoft will eventually end up collecting that data and using it to shape advertisements for you. That really would be a huge invasion of privacy, and people fully expect Microsoft to do it, and it's those bad Windows practices that have led people to this conclusion.


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Apple ensures its operating systems are clean, polished, and without bloat.

Except for all the uninstallable Apple bloat such as Apple Music, Apple TV, etc. And the numerous bugs and issues, such as still not being able to have the touch pad and mouse scroll wheel have different settings.

I remember when everyone was complaining about how terrible Safari is. The lead developer started having a go and ranting on Twitter, saying that raising bug reports is not constructive feedback.

That was a mess.

Do you have any links? Not that I don't believe you, I just can't find anything on it and it seems very entertaining

I do have a Twitter account but for the life of me I can't remember what the password is so I can't actually see the responses, since apparently you need to sign in to see responses now, but if you do have Twitter you can see the responses here's the link. https://x.com/jensimmons/status/1491064075987873792

Some nitter instances might work. This one did. Not a shitshow at all, especially as she didn't say that "bug reports aren't constructive feedback"

Everyone in my mentions saying Safari is the worst, it’s the new IE… Can you point to specific bugs & missing support that frustrate you, inhibit you making websites/apps. Bonus points for links to tickets. Specifics we can fix. Vague hate is honestly super counterproductive."

There's plenty of bug reports in there and she's behaving how I'd expect a developer to: by asking further questions and version use for stuff that should be fixed. Didn't see any point where she lost her temper in any way


She refused to acknowledge the existence of issues and point-blank refused to fix existing bugs.

Claiming apple is the new internet explorer is only untrue in the sense that it understates the nature of the issue.

Safari is still a pain for frontend developers to deal with. At least IE6 was a static target and we were well aware of all the bugs. Some of the bugs and workarounds even had names, like the "peekaboo bug" and the Holly Hack".

Safari is a moving target that has so many bugs and issues that none of the other major browsers have.

I caught the tail end of IE6 webdev, but the idea was basically "let jquery figure it out". Not too painful tbh.

Apple is not blameless but they are a shit-ton better than Microsoft. I have to have M$ for a few work apps but I’m primarily MacOS for desktop and Linux for everything server-side. I avoid M$ as much as possible.

Don't forget the fact they're locked onto luxury hardware, and you can't build your own flavor for it. Even worse is, notebook manufacturers copied them so much there's less variations among them. I was looking for some "subnotebook" as a potential portable PC, but I had like a few options (many of which would have included AliExpress junk), but there's an endless supply of same-looking 14-16" ones, that are thin ("real" portability according to techbros), lightweight, "desktop replacements", and run at a constant 95°C.

Yeah, the main takeaway here is "Apple Bad"

The main takeaway of this article about Microsoft's horrible decisions is "Apple bad"? OS flame wars really haven't gotten less ridiculous in the past decades...

I was making a sarcastic response to the comment above mine and its chain, which devolved mindlessly into "Apple bad" as things tend to when Apple is mentioned.