Priorities or privilege?

🍹Early to RISA 🧉 to – 441 points –

Y'all gonna pretend that while COVID-19 had us all hiding at home, a bunch of y'all didn't learn to knit, play guitar, bake bread, and all sorts of other things to pass the time and not think about the apocalypse going on outside?

Shit, Bo Burnham made a god damned masterpiece during lockdown.

Okay good point but now you’re not allowed to try my sourdough

I'm not pretending anything, I had a great pandemic

Bo Burnham? Masterpiece? He made some funny songs 15 years ago

“The stuff he made when he was a teenager is better than what he does now”

Now that is a hot take.

He also invented a new math, moving things, and universal gravity.

I remember I watched Brian Cox do some maths. Think it was rocketry.

He had a bit of paper explained everything and said "In only a couple of minutes I have managed to work out what is required to get to the moon. I can only do this because Newton gave me the second law of motion, if I had to derive the second law myself I wouldn't be able to do it in a lifetime. Newton was a genius"

It really put it into perspective for me. I wish I could find the clip.

What was he supposed to do? Get smarter and invent a cure? He was playing it smart already by isolating himself 60 miles away from anybody else

Largest Pest Epidemic in Europ; 1350 Birthday of Newton: 1642

Priorities? Privilege? Nae, Propaganda ;)

Just because the largest outbreak was bot during newton's lifetime, many smaller ones were. The biggest would be the great pest from 1708 to 1714 with more than a million deaths.

So the meme is accurate enough.

Considering how casually we took covid after just a year or two, if it had been going on for the past 300 years, I don't think it would stop a guy from playing around with pieces of glass :D

I have isolated ultra violet it's antimicrobial now get me some opium some brightly colored oil paintings and leave me be

For a brilliant historical fiction account of life and science during that period, read Neal Stephenson’s Baroque Cycle (Quicksilver, The Confusion, The System of the World) for a brilliant