
3 Post – 211 Comments
Joined 13 months ago


The GOP is a terrorist organization.

Idk about this suit but let's not forget how Facebook did actually in fact get a fascist elected president.


Yea... Meta took the same "free peaches" approach and the entire fucking globe is now dealing with various versions of white nationalism. So like, can we actually give censorship of hate a fucking try for once? I'm willing to go down that road.

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How is it police unions seemingly have more power than any other union? The writers are striking and that's barely doing anything for them but the pigs? They just have to bat an eyelash and get what they want...

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  • The homeless
  • Children
  • Chronically ill
  • Disabled
  • Sex workers
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"I like you as you are Exactly and precisely I think you turned out nicely And I like you as you are

I like you as you are Without a doubt or question Or even a suggestion Cause I like you as you are

I like your disposition Your facial composition And with your kind permission I’ll shout it to a star

I like you as you are I wouldn’t want to change you Or even rearrange you Not by far

I like you I-L-I-K-E-Y-O-U I like you, yes I do I like you, Y-O-U I like you, like you as you are"

  • Mr. Rogers
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But is it really math that's keeping people from joining?

In America, software owns you

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I honestly believe it'll take physical violence to get back what's been taken.

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Honestly... I would beat some conservative ass based on this document. Burn the Heritage Foundation down.

This reminds me... we need an "I'm sorry Garfield" community on Lemmy.

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Meta should be fully jetisoned from the entire federation. If people want threads, join threads. edit: If people want their sports and brand posts then aggregate using RSS for corporate and non-corp social media. The whole purpose of the fediverse was to be NOT linked to tech bro empires.

He is really attempting to run it into the ground isn't he?

How... uhh... yea like how did someone even come up with this as a thing to uhhh... study? How the shit did someone's brain arrive at "let's get women's tears and uhhh present them to aggressive men." Like... what?

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I'm all for setting their offices on fire, honestly.

Also just as hostile to women as reddit, sadly.

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Parent asked me to cosign on an apartment knowing full well I know they stopped paying rent on a previous place for almost a full year while lying about it... That's a no for me, bud.

Seems to be the current trend in social media this year...

"We promise to not let it fall into the wrong hands." -The company that's been massively hacked a few times

Tactile keyboards

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These people are just plain dangerous.

Idk what is worse - Rupert or all the dumb motherfuckers out there who voluntarily watch his trash. The whole network and it's methodology need to be outlawed.

Yea nooo. No one ever said that.

On another note, you must really love being a living puppet.

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And nothing was learned by our crony ass government from this lesson.

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Meta is blocking Nazis... oh wait, I get it. This is a PR stunt to show the gullibles in the fediverse how much M(ark)eta has "changed." Sure, there might be a historical shift of right wing populism everywhere because of Meta's content regulatory practices but they've changed guys. C'mon.

It is 100% way overdue to take a lot of tech away from these cunts and make it public infrastructure.

People are "lazy" and only social, today. They want to log in, info dump, and not think.

Before the nadir of social media, when reddit and twitter were coming up, the people online were predominantly young millennials and new tech was exciting. That was a time where netizens were more curious and accepting of online platform learning challenges. In fact, if it was beta or even just more hands on and generally nerdy, that often made the platform more appealing. Then everything became standardized. Mega social media squashed innovative smaller fun projects. Competition got absorbed. And with the mass standardization of the internet came the younger generations who came up just expecting shit to work as they've always seen. Streamlined and with an inclusion of 15 minutes of fame. But, in honesty the biggest snooze is the lack of innovation that drove the old internet drives today's general malaise.

Times are different. People are bored with internet tech and are therefore less curious. My younget gen z and y co-workers glaze over if I even so much as mention irc or playing around with your own web server. Gen y understands but doesn't care because Twitter and IG governed their highschool experience. Gen z doesn't understand and are kinda boomer-esque in terms of any software comprehension. I've had to teach my interns what Excel even is.

Times are different. Everything has being standardized, monontonized, monitized, predictable, and generally boring. I think the fediverse would have to become mainstream to appeal to the mainstream. And today's mainstream aren't interested in new platform learning curves unless there's something fun, compelling, and of entertainment value to them.

Just my old millennial lady take.

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So many things I could type here... I'll just keep it silly:

Some people think drinking peroxide will give their body "extra oxygen".

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Has a slight ring to Trump throwing rolls of toilet paper to people who lost everything to a storm in Puerto Rico.

It's been a wonder that site ever got traction as something credible to get info from and not just a weird mesh of editorial, blogging, and long winded shitposts...

edit: That being said, fuck reddit.

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Everything's crumbling infrastructurally in Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma. The governments don't care and personal rights are on the chopping blocks there. Be mindful where you pick.

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Yea see... they (corporations) prefer their money is made next to white supremacy less loudly. That's all.

You're right.

Fuck. You're right.

I've noticed a lot of turfing on all of these threadsfed posts. It's becoming more and more. People just need to get a threads account if it's so important to them.

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Bodily autonomy, queer rights, cbd for health treatments, labor rights, renter rights, marriages and partnerships. The red states want to control you and your personal rights.

Please no crucify.

So they're baking user behavior tracking into the browser but calling it "privacy"? What's the difference between this and colors cookie tracking?

Yes, no. An ideology that celebrates killing minorities, women, and the queer community deserves all the hate it gets. The latest victim to your favorite ideology, Nex Benedict in the US and the entire Palestinian population vis-a-vis Netanyahu's conservative government. Conservatism belongs exactly where it is in the public's eye. If not moreso.

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The Catholic subreddits were filled with bile filled people praising Trump and wringing their hands at othering the queer community. Honestly one of the worst places I saw when I was on reddit.

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