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unfortunately that behavior is more and more typical... in congress

"hi lae'zel we just met --"

"i want your moisture"


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kissinger's death recently has led me to understand a few things. your hard right republicans pretrump are realpolitik. they want america on top no matter the cost. MAGA is a grift that's all about squeezing every penny out of the hyper-religious and or uneducated and or fascists. they don't care where america comes out in the end. cheney(s) et al want america on top no matter the cost. MAGA wants themselves on top no matter the cost. project for the new american century is USA USA USA no matter the morals. MAGA is we're number 1 (but just us not you)

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good thing you explained how

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you do it with massive funding to public education for generations.

which is why massive first amendment violations are more likely

means the next lot of souls due to be consumed is scheduled for delivery for the 119th congress.

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actually...a lot of people need to do something. which is the purpose behind talking about it first. getting support and consensus for possibly making a case can lead to cases actually being made. it's not like on TV where the district attourney of america walks up to the judge of america and convicts him. educating people why there are arguments and convincing them they are powerful don't happen overnight.

Correction. Shareholder Income is at stake.

if you're going through florida, keep going

attributed to john lennon: "if you tried to give rock and roll another name you might call it 'chuck berry'"

attributed to bob dylan: chuck berry is "the shakespeare of rock and roll" 'articulate' do you need to be?

what a nonce

i hate to say it...and i am not implying the intent matches reality but this is...sort of...the intent of the electoral college.

"a fart is a turd honking for the right of way"

the only truth to the headline is the increasingly part - and it's because of articles like this.

if anyone's interested in some further reading / contextual information on this article / conflict specifically (or conflict generally):

distinction & proportionality

If you wait until someone is about to die

yeah, if you push someone out of the way of a vehicle, you could say (accurately) that they were about to die but now they're right as rain. but when someone is about to die because of an ever increasingly worsening medical scenario that unfolded predictably (that's a big part of it - the medical knowledge we possess being able to prevent the condition)... it's not like being on death's door will suddenly mean you're back to normal without great effort, cost, suffering, and risk.

imagine applying that to any other medical condition "yeah your head hurts / it's difficult to breathe / your toe is green / etc, but you aren't about to die yet. come back when you're brought in an ambulance"

not disagreeing with your first paragraph, but sort of adding that it's not a desire to control women's bodies - it's a desire to control everything. the society they want requires a "traditional nuclear family" run by a patriarch. a woman's body is one part of this and is the means not the end.

i am disagreeing with your second paragraph as it was the ghoul in the senate who placed 3 fascists on the supreme court.

...not if everyone is afraid to use sick days / lose wages / repercussions from management / yadda yadda yadda

doesn't it already?

just off the top of my head:

death penalty. makes sense that societies would be better off if anyone guilty of a capital offense be immediately executed.

eugenics. humanity definitely (in a vacuum) would be better off if undesirable conditions were removed from the gene pool (including common diseases or even...psychopathy etc)


but we're humans. so we don't just go with the straight science because we know (i mean...i wish we were more consistent) we cannot be trusted as much as the science.

i want to make it clear that this isn't in disagreement with the article

removed my reduction because - though i disagree with almost 100% of your statement - you are contributing to the conversation. you didn't say some useless garbage like "this" or "wrong" or "my axe" some such nonsense. you expressed your side of the discussion.

i still disagree. there are traditions that taxonomize bats as birds and whales as fish. these archaic categories do not help us understand the world around us anymore than the ptolemaic geocentric model of the universe. was around a long time. doesn't make it accurate. but i do agree that meat isn't exclusively flesh on bones.

"eat the flesh of the olive and discard the stone"
"dry fruits were present before fleshy fruits and fleshy fruits diverged from them"

traditionally meat revolved around the sun and the flesh of fish was the center of the universe.

or you know whatever man.

got the skeet blanket ready

introspection isn't their thing.

oh boy - his followers aren't going to mars, his kind are. and when they will be because they don't need us anymore. they'll leave us to their steaming shit-pile of rubble the rest of us called earth

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were the kind and caring people more kind and more caring than the people in your community who spend their time and resources in bettering the community? did they shine and/or were their intentions better than volunteers in your community?

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good cop bad cop.

no. i do not mean both sides are the same. one side wants the status quo to remain but isn't taking seriously the fact that their bad cop partner is going to take them both down. maybe because they're all as fucking old as possible.

i am not sure i'm comfortable with expressing a desire to string anyone up but i agree that when WEAREALLDOMESTICTERRORISTS isn't a statement that grinds this whole shitshow to a halt and we examine wtf is going on in the US ... then wtf are people doing?

don't they all have school to go to?

Alito [...] was reduced to incoherence himself

...huh...didn't expect that from such a distinguished jurist

the language of cowards

no idea why some take issue with your statement...the 9th paragraph of the article:

β€œThe problem is that where destructive earthquakes are rare, buildings are simply not constructed robustly enough to cope with strong ground shaking, so many collapse, resulting in high casualties,” said Bill McGuire, professor emeritus of geophysical and climate hazards at University College London. β€œI would expect the final death toll to climb into the thousands once more is known. As with any big quake, aftershocks are likely, which will lead to further casualties and hinder search and rescue.”

emphasis mine

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how long would managers and executives continue working if literal sewage started seeping into their office and for how long would it continue to flow before the problem was solved

biblically accurate samsung galaxy s24

I admire the optimism, however I'm afraid it wouldn't have any more of an impact on the present state of things than...a simple majority vote every two years

who are you, Winston Smith, that's so important...

wait was it nesisary or nesusary.

nesesary? nesasary? nesysary?