
0 Post – 71 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Stop kidding yourselves.. Reddit isn't dying. It's growing.

0.5% of users turned to Lemmy while the rest bent over.

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Those are some cute specs, I like em small

No, I don't think there is a "not insignificant" number of people who would jump ship. We're literally just a few nerds who dislike the monolithic corporate structure and care about privacy. Stop pretending the whole world is in the same boat. It's turning into a weird tinfoil conspiracy.

It's fine that we like it here, and I'm glad that we have an alternative, but people need to wake up and realize this isn't some huge activist movement where we're pwning "the man". They don't give two shits about these dumbass protests. They will do whatever necessary to continue growing and earning money. So stop giving a shit about them, stop talking about reddit, and just be happy users have the power with Lemmy.

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They do it anyway though.

A full plane is still greener than a car with 1-2 passengers.

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I work in IT for a major telecom provider in Scandinavia, and almost everyone takes 3 weeks summer vacation, mostly at the same time.

Management recommends taking as much as possible over the summer, as we have a 5-6 week "slow period" when people's 3 weeks don't align.

Other than that, it's common to just take the rest during other school holidays.

We get 6 weeks by default and earn our way up to 7 weeks after 5 years.

He probably means whitelisting domains when posting already uploaded images, clearly not having read the post

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No chance they will block out the entire EU market. They will probably just do the same as everyone else and make a specific EU policy.

Actually I think Meta Threads is still not available in EU for the same reasons.

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DOS 1 and 2 were almost on par with BG3 imo.

Pillars of Eternity was also really good.

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I think 5-7 weeks vacation is normal in most of western European countries.

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Hey, I remember this! Some guy made a really cool Mario and Portal crossover using this, called Mari0, back in 2016.

It has portals, multiplayer and lots of hats!

It's not usually the software on these locks that fail.. You can make secure radio equipment. What does code have to do with it?

Most locks aren't that secure anyway, and windows suck. I would only bother with this if I had a lot of money (and enemies) to secure everything around my house.

Locking down your stuff is more of an insurance thing, not a real security problem.

Steam version of BG2 EE worked flawlessly for me. It's been discounted down to like 3€ a few times

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It does. I used Connect and Voyager, and both have this feature.

There are lots of privacy oriented Android flavors out there. Most of them won't come with Google Play services installed. Any of them will be able to run any apps you need.

In my opinion, Google isn't bad at all when it comes to tracking and bloatware. They're much like Apple. It's the branded phones like Samsung that are absolutely horrible.

Anyway, check out the LineageOS Wiki: https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/

It can give a quick overview of the devices which can easily install a custom ROM (OS). I heard good things about Fairphone

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I don't necessarily disagree, but your analogy of inviting someone into your home is flawed. You did agree to them collecting some anonymous data just by using it, and the browser history usage is opt-in.

Their products are not free, they just don't cost money. If you don't agree with that policy, don't use their products. I would also add that this is their business model for most of their products (which are undeniably extremely popular, because they're good).

Maps, Search, Chrome, YouTube, etc are all really good products that you pay for by letting them use some of your data, but not the more sensitive parts, in my opinion.

I disagree that their "raw database" should be public. That seems like a terrible idea. I would much rather share my clicks and geolocation than pay for the service (I don't, but I would prefer that model).

I do however agree that data needs to be regulated, and that users solely own all their own data.

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Abuse, violence, gambling and drugs. American?

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most advanced rail systems in the world

As a Scandinavian: LOL

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The conspiracies never end with you people..

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It's not that great tbh. I spent maybe 6 hours in it and didn't get hooked. With BG3 however, I'm at 60 hours and I can't put it down

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Compared to almost all other distros, Arch is advanced in the way that it's the simplest of them all. Nothing except the very basics are set up for you, so it's tough to start with.

I live in Europe so maybe that's why it asked me if I wanted to enable it.

This happened to me once. Definitely a big highlight of my pooping career.

You write as if you've had a bit too much to drink

I'm sure they're hating that 1% of their users is spamming /r/place with bot visits, but I think you have to realize that there's no "fight" to be won and reddit definitely isn't facing any type of demise.

If you like Lemmy, help improve it and stop talking about reddit.

If you like Bethesda games for their worlds, it's probably gonna be great. To me, the gameplay in their engine just feels really bad.

The movement, FOV, aiming, shooting, etc. just feels like they spent a few hours on it for an alpha for Morrowind and it hasn't changed one bit since.

When you're used to well made FPS engines, the gameplay of Skyrim and Fallout games just feels super bad, like tech demo-level bad.

I hope they finally made some changes, but they didn't for Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout NV, or Fallout 4, so my hope is running out.

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I just have pack and extract functions in my shell RC files that look at file extensions and use the proper tool with proper arguments.

Wrote them 10 years ago and they've worked flawlessly ever since!

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It's kinda unfair to compare with pacman as it by nature does way less than the rest, given that Arch is bleeding edge and doesn't have the same kind of dependency hell that other package managers have to struggle with.

All in all, a whopping 1-2% increase. Yay!

I've been using Arch for over a decade, and I would advise you to be careful when upgrading nvidia drivers. They just break every so often. Just do not delete your pacman cache and you should be able to easily downgrade

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Proton and Wine are largely the same thing. Proton just has DXVK built in as well as a bunch of Valve-made patches.

Valve had greatly accelerated Wine development. I still run many games off pure Wine with manually added DXVK.

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I live in Europe, and it's most definitely opt-in.

I was never really on Digg, even though I was on the Internet since the early 00's, but yeah, everything dies eventually.

Can't think of anything aside from some obscure message boards that still exist today.

Instead of aliases, I just have lots of symlinks in my homedir.

I do have .. and ... aliases though.

Mostly if I'm gonna work with files I just use ranger, or FZF from my shell to find stuff.

Boost for Lemmy is coming though

Working in IT/development, this article encapsulates all my every day frustrations

But muh POSIX

Most of Europe and large parts of Asia has good railways compared to USA. It's not that the developed world has good railway systems, it's just that USA has a completely broken public transport system. But planes and trucks go brrr

I used to just check WineHQ and if it has Gold or above, you can definitely make it run

It's just poorly made (performance wise), period.

Even modern hardware struggle with that crap. The old "But will it run Crysis?" meme is even more relevant for Oblivion

Like USA?

This site quickly turned into reddit-style bandwagoning and downvoting stuff you disagree with, huh

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