Now do something funny so commenters can evaluate you

🍹Early to RISA 🧉 to – 352 points –

The text is facing the duck, so he would see our faces. That means this still isn't POV because the duck should see itself.

I would like to make a meme that looks like I'm fake self-deleting but I'm really self-deleting. Like obvious ketchup everywhere or something.

Bruh this is Lemmy you can say suicide and blood.

The suicide mention was just me being colorful. The ketchup is I'd love it if there was a picture of me killing myself but instead of blood I make it look like ketchup. It'd look fake but be real.

I hope you are not serious. If you are feeling depressed and suicidale please seek help. Your loved ones will thank you later

I think it would be funny but have no plans to harm myself for now. Thank you, though :)

is my meaning being evaluated by a duckling.. is this what the internet was for.. maybe we can forget we ever knew TCP/IP..

If you print out a bunch of memes and leave them on your coworkers' desks while they're away is that UDP?