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Joined 11 months ago

Hitler, probably. I feel like that might be quite bad.

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Find me someone who'll love me.

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Like, just look at Brian Cox. He's a smart man. And he seems really nice. Stephen Hawking was a genius, and I've never heard a bad thing about him.

Honestly. Count yourself lucky. Contrary to their name. They are fucking dumb.

Hey man. From one stranger to another. I'm glad you're still here. Keep on going, stay awesome.

Well, I'm fucked.

I invest a decent amount.

Then I buy a large house and a very large garage and buy lots of motorbikes. As well as a fuck ton of security.

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As a straight, white, born male, I never understand how people can get so upset about a stranger, who means nothing to them, just because they use different pronouns.

Like, you're gonna be dead within the next 50 years. Why do you care so much about someone you'll forget in less than a day? Why belittle them just because they want to be happy in themselves?

I can understand it if you were in a serious relationship with someone, and they realised they wanted to be a different gender. Especially if you're fully straight. Then they became a man or woman, I'm sure it'd be very hard to cope with. From both people. But in the context of people that have absolutely no impact on you? Why do you care so much?

We're all on a dead rock floating through space, with the only guarantee in life being death. Fuck off. Calm down. Have a pint. It's ain't that deep.

I've got some, but they're not small.

There's callmekevin for game plays, but it's done in the worst way possible. (Rtgame, too. They're friends and have videos together)

Stephen tries' main channel. He does comedy sketches. But may not land as well if you're not from England.

And, one I haven't seen people mention, Kurzgesagt. Some people have issues from them for talking about things that may be influenced. And they've got big sponsors like Bill Gates. But, when you actually watch them, that whole kerfuffle just doesn't make sense because of what they talk about. They do educational videos, and their art style is the best I've honestly seen.

You know the sound that wobbly sheet metal and other wobbly materials make?

Yeah. That. I saw a video of it on Instagram and it gave me a huge arse smile.

I remember ages ago when you could just have youtube background play on android. Then they removed it. And now you have to pay for it.

I'm not giving them my money, especially when you consider how much data they harvest from you to sell it on.

I pay for spotify, whilst they do use trackers and sell your data. I get a metric ton more use out of it. Youtube to me, is just background noise.

I love you too

See, this is what always bothers me with blocked noses, like. Okay, yeah, it's probably automatic, but certainly, the brain can just override the active nostril and switch ot to the other sode when it detects something is wrong.

I'm so curious why it just doesn't.

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Damn, I kinda wanna play my English ninja wkth the Japanese word for ninja. But I do not want to end up like that.

Yeah, I don't really fancy following unspecified urls for unknown image hosts.

Nevemind, I took the dive and clicked the first link appearing to be a uk website. It's just furry porn. There homepage, however, is fucking amazing.

Nah, I'm pretty sure that'd the bikers.

Source: am biker. I just like the vrooms.

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I'm just imagining that juice maker, that just smashed to plates together to pour juice from a bag. And it took forever to actually pour. There was absolutely no reason for it to be smart. Except so that it could make sure you knky bought juice from them.

Video about it from critikal/penguinz0/Charlie.

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Hey man, roughly how much hydrogen would be needed to make 25ml of water?

And secondly. Where can I buy purr hydrogen and pure oxygen?

Yeah, the owner rides a bike. I think that's like number 1 sign someone has a death wish.

Source: me. I have a death wish.

There's even 28 horsepower rigjt in front of you.

I'm just worried I'm going to turn my sack into a punching bag.

I know it's extremely unlikely. But, I'm roerty sure hot baths have already killed the workers.

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My motorbike fixes my issues whenever I go on it. And the thought of going for a ride can calm me down sometimes. But it's usually more powerful when I actually get out.

I have nothing to add to this comment. I just want to make sure everyone knows that "the Baghdad battery" name goes fucking hard.

Why don't you try to go for a high score? I wonder if they could whip out a 10 streak.

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Ahh, okay. I haven't seen anything about cloud stuff, but I don't really change the colour much myself, in the bedroom at least, and the times I have domne, it's just through the app. But I do have an account for out of home use.

I use Corsair and the desktop app to control the ones in my other room, though. But the last time I set that up, it was just the push button.

Also, you need an account if you link it to alexa. But that's the only ones I know of that need an account.

In my opinion, I find the use of the light strip to be really helpful, as I can just set it to either match my pc lights or what's happening on my main monitor. In the bedroom, I like having the option to dim then, or change them to a softer? Or more subtle colour if I'm watching a movie and eating. I feel it makes it a bit cosier.

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Man, that's actually kinda sad.

Why don't you take back the streets and get a bike?

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They're those things where it feels like you don't need them until after you have them, and it's all much easier.

I'm pretty sure you can set automations up as well so that they just do stuff. You can get them to get brighter as you're waking up. You can set them to do stuff at certain times, such as sun rise and sunset, and to come on when you get home. And some others.

I didn't manage it in an argumentative way. Sorry. I've seen quite a few comments about that. But I haven't noticed it, so I'm trying to see if it's like a provider issue or a country thing. Or just whatever.

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Honest question. Where is all this bloat stuff coming from for Samsung?

Like, I genuinely haven't noticed any software that I didn't want installed. Sure, there are a few pieces that I've kept but don't use, but nearly all of it can be uninstalled unless it's stuff that's actually needed.

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I've had Philips hues for a few years now. And they're still going strong.

Also. I will vouch for smart lights. Unlike some smart appliances, I can fully see the advantage to them. Laid in bed all comfy and can't be arsed moving but need to turn them off? Have no bullets for your designated light turning off gun? Just open the app, and you can turn them off, or whatever colour that works for you. Or just tell Alexa to do it.

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Ohhh. I understand. Thinking about it, i can see how some apps could be considered blaotware. Like Facebook, which I think is auto installed? Could be wrong there. And a few others, but they're like actual things for it. I just don't use them.

I'm gonna be honest, I fully thought you meant like a lot of absolutely useless apps. So, I'm sorry about that.

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I kinda hope Michael reeves is included in the latter. Dudes bat shit insane. But in a good way.

You too mate!

Ahh, I understand. I'm sorry about your father's experience.

It can be bloody dangerous, especially when it comes to other drivers, and shit that could potentially happen.

Must be a harsh feeling seeing that happen around you. But, at least it was fun whilst it lasted

If you give me like 10 hours from when this comment is sent, I'll check as well.

To be honest, sporify is the only one I actually use. But I get a fuck ton of use out of it. I used to be able to use Netflix without paying for it. Bit it just didn't really work for me

I don't know where I was coming from pretending I wouldn't want to experience. Thinking about. I kinda do.

Yay, I was right. Thank you. Friend.

Dude, like 3 weeks ago, i was on a long arse bike wide, and it started chucking it down. I had full gear on, so I stayed really dry and warm. But as I was heading home along a sunny fast speed road, I'm on for about 15 minutes doing 60mph. And there was just this rainbow. I caught it in the corner of my eye, and I smiled? Like, it was just joyous. I thought it'll leave soon. But it didn't. The entire 15 minutes, I was just looking at it. As someone who suffers from mental health issues, it was beautiful. A reminder that just because I'm not happy with myself or the way I see things. There's hope in nature. Humanity won't be around forever. But nature will be. And nature is, well, it's indescribable.

After a while, it turned into a double rainbow, too.

Ahh, if it's like a proper dislike and she really doesn't want it. Then fair enough. I thought it was more of an annoyance