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Joined 1 years ago

They get to create useful things unlike a lot of white collar jobs

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I believe OP means a screenshot including the mouse cursor, but IIRC that is an option in snipping tool while using the countdown timer.

I get this a lot. I use the libredirect browser extension to open reddit pages in libreddit now.

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I just turn off JavaScript and then right click works again.

I've had that happen, the logging statements stopped a race condition. After I removed them it came back...

Foosball specifically refers to the tabletop game in America.

const long pain = 1;

Or privatize it using a friend's company.

I can go directly to replies to my comments now!

Why do you need to drive to a store that close?

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You might need to calibrate the compass in your phone

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"We are constantly improving our application. Please keep updates turned on."

One of the founders of pebble is supposedly making one, the target price is $800 though which is too much for me.


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Will there be any battery improvements? My Pixel 6 could use some (I miss the battery life of my 5a, RIP).

If only google would stop blocking display out on pixels.

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The grapheneos camera shows you the link when you scan a qr code and then its up to you to decide to go to the site or not. It makes scanning qr codes safer then apps that automatically open scanned links.

Southeast Europe probably had lions at one time (source). I'm not sure what's up with the north though.

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I used to think I wasn't a bot but then I failed a bunch of captchas and now I'm not so sure.

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I do the basic maintenance stuff myself and then pay a shop to tune up the bike each spring. When you use a bike to commute suddenly $150 a year doesn't seem like much to spend on it. That's less than one month of parking at my last job.

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"You load sixteen tons, what do you get?

Another day older and deeper in debt

Saint Peter don't you call me 'cause I can't go

I owe my soul to the company store"

-Tennessee Ernie Ford

Are there any actual benefits to titanium in a phone?

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I had an Eee PC. It was very slow and the poor resolution of the screen made it hard to use.

Istanbul requires a Turkish phone number or for you to scan your passport at a console.

That's like leaving the key in the door.

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My favorite phone ever was the Moto X. The curved leather back was so comfortable. Do moto phones still do the twist gesture to open the camera?

I'm curious what apps require gyroscope access to work

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I like the title only because I got a degree in computer engineering and passed the fundamentals of electrical engineering exam. I definitely don't do any engineering but it makes me feel like my degree wasn't a waste.

Edit: also that was an 8 hour test that I really took for no reason.

I would add to this: if there's a food you don't like after trying it, still try it again if you end up somewhere famous for it.

Your government doesn't just hit you with a wrench?

I don't know if it's loyalty but I get all happy when I see a comment or post by someone on my instance on a community outside my instance.

They had one of them in my neighborhood and it only stocked the most popular books (on amazon) which you already get delivered to you in an hour or two. It seemed pretty pointless.

Calculator: I'm using the one that came with grapheneos, which I think is the AOSP calculator. It meets all of my simple calculator needs

Camera: GrapheneOS camera for qr codes and videos, because the modded gcam app (not FOSS) I use doesn't support either. I like that it shows you the qr link after you scan it instead of instantly opening it. It doesn't connect to WiFi if you scan one though it will show you the name and password.

Calendar: Fossify Calendar. It's a fork of simple calendar. It has my favorite calendar interface and works with Davx5 to sync with CalDAV servers.

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I'm picturing chocolate covered potato chips

If small phones were still a thing I could see myself getting a 7 or 8" tablet again (RIP Nexus 7) but with 6+" screens being the norm there's no point.

I do love my kobo libre 2 for reading but also wish it was smaller.

My first smartphone was the Motorola Droid 2 and it could easily be over clocked from 600 MHz to 1200 MHz. The dynamic overclocking even helped the battery life. I miss the keyboard, it was great for playing old video games on emulators.

LycaMobile blocks both hotspots and VPNs in Europe. I made the mistake of buying a SIM from them once.

My guess is USA or UK

Source: live in USA. Taking breaks is seen as being lazy. As is taking days off when your sick.

It's normal on Qobuz too.