1 Post – 113 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Now we just need companies to have their own militaries and then for someone to nuke one of their towers. We'd have the whole nine yards.

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"Hands look fine so probably not AI, nothing weird in the reflection behind her... Why is there a picture of Hitler on the wall?"

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Yes. The cruelty is the point.

The puppy was being trained for hunting. Meaning she killed her for doing exactly what she was being trained to do. Of course she wouldn't know there are some animals she shouldn't chase.

Oh, and this is not a one-off thing from Noem either. She also mentions shooting and killing a male goat for "chasing her kids".

In any case, I worry when someone's solution to completely fixable issues with other living beings is to just kill them.

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He's still mad at those researchers for scraping the data that shows that ever since he took over, the antisemitism, racism and general bigotry has gone up on the platform.

the current to cross your heart

Gives a whole new meaning to "cross my heart and hope to die".

Ah, the "except" in Amendment XIII.

It's called the sunk cost fallacy. "I can't possibly quit because I've put so much time/money/effort into this."

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Personal tl;dr:

  • Affects only large platforms for now
  • Selling illegal goods is not allowed and there must be a way to report that content
  • Ad targeting based on sexuality, religion, ethnicity or political beliefs is not allowed
  • Targeting ads on children is restricted
  • Transparency on how recommendation algorithms work
  • Option to opt out of recommendation algorithms
  • Requirements for data sharing with researchers and authorities
  • Cooperation with crisis response requirements
  • Requirement for external and independent auditing
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I actually burst out laughing when I realised the whole

in the background when I went to check out the homepage. The website is asking the question we all are. :D

Under His Eye...

While it still works, you can use to get around those walls.

You don't need GOG Galaxy. I play my GOG games through Heroic Games Launcher on my Artix Linux system.

Path of Exile is rated Gold on ProtonDB and according to reports works out of the box through Steam Proton.

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Tattooed rooftop parkour delivery person saves sister.

Years ago, I was into Geocaching. For the uninitiated, users hide small caches around the world, and the cache usually includes at least a log where people who find the cache can mark their visit. The coordinates of the cache are marked on the Geocaching website and people use GPS to locate it.

I thought it was finally time I'd put one of my own caches out for people to find, so I went to scout out possible locations for it. It was late autumn and was still light out. I knew that I wanted to put it on a nature trail I liked to walk so I went there.

One thing to know about late autumn up here in the Nordics is that it gets really dark really fast, meaning I was enveloped by a dark forest pretty quickly after making it to the trail. No matter, I thought, I had my phone and it had a flashlight, so I kept going, despite it having low battery (which, in hindsight, was a mistake).

I found a spot for the cache at about the halfway point of the trail and made a mental note of it, planning to come put it there during the limited daylight hours.

And soon after... Lights out. Phone was dead and I was in total darkness. Ambient light was close to non-existent due to how cloudy it was. I felt a bit panicked about the situation but kept going, feeling around with my feet to make sure I wouldn't walk off the trail.

Lucky for me, I was quite familiar with the trail and eventually managed to come out the other end on a gravel road that was also unlit but at least easier to traverse and eventually got back home.

Not the scariest possible experience, but you can imagine how it feels to walk through a silent, damp forest in pitch black darkness while trying to feel your way out. Not sure I would have fared this well if the trail was unfamiliar.

I did get the Geocache out there the next day, and it remained there until I moved out of the area.

I think the algorithm for Lemmy's hot sorting is just based on interactions within time unit. The newer the post, the more valuable an upvote is.

Or in the case of some languages:

"Oh. I forgot a return statement."

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Oh, the B can also promote butt stuff so let's remove that one as well. The L takes away from the S men so we should remove it so everyone gets an equal share. Ahhh, there we go. S. The acronym is complete.

What do you mean we're right where we started?

Asking others and even yourself "why?" when it comes to views is a really good thing to practise, I agree. And don't leave it to just one layer. Ask "why?" after every single explanation and see how deep you or whoever you're asking can get. It's one thing to have a view and a whole another thing to know how you got to that view.

I've gotten out of harmful views by using this technique and realising that the only reason I held some views was because "others told me so", which caused me to look into things more.

Of course this won't work with really stubborn people but it's a good start to make at least some people think.

The headstone depicted could be older.

Musk does not fuck

There's a sentence I did not expect to read today, but kinda did expect to read someday.

I'd say eating plants would still be the lesser of two evils in that case. Animals we kill for food also eat plants, so from a pure quantity of suffering, it's better to not have the middleman there.

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Yes, let's outlaw a thing that barely happens at all. Because that's the most important issue that needs to be focused on.

To think humans cause such pain to other sentient beings due to hubris...

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Note that "the Fediverse" consists of multiple platforms. Not just Lemmy. So no, this will not be a Fediverse mask-off moment. Perhaps a Lemmy mask-off moment, but definitely not the entire Fediverse.

Owncast is rather interesting to me. Self-hosted streaming platform that can use the ActivityPub to publish streaming notifications, if desired.

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Finland is not close enough to the edges of tectonic plates, so if we get earthquakes here at all, they're barely noticeable.

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I'm also between gen Z and millennial and was the family's tech kid and still get calls. Are you me? :D

Just yesterday I got a call asking how to select all images in a directory... And then another call about how to get those images to Google Drive, which is literally just drag and drop... And one of the people involved was my gen Z younger sister.

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From what I have seen/heard from people still on there, there's a new setting that only allows you to receive DMs from "verified users" (i.e. Twitter Blue subscribers). You are automatically opted into this and have to opt out to receive DMs from others.

Thank you for your efforts, Peter Poopshit.

Trans athletes have definitely won some competitions. The news were sometimes difficult to miss.

But that's really the thing. Sometimes it feels like there's no problem before a trans athlete wins. Like how many competitions have transgender athletes taken part in throughout modern history? Thousands? And how many have they won? A handful?

I mean, almost nobody talked about this before the inevitable happened: A trans person happened to win a competition and it gained media attention. And when we consider that the Olympics has allowed transgender athletes to compete within their gender since 2003...

It would be kinda funny if the argument went to trans men having an unfair advantage when previously the argument was: "Show me even one trans man who has won against cis men." Goal posts are ever moving.

Now that I think about it, I've never seen anyone quote specific parts of challenged and banned books. They just say the content is this and that and leave it there.

Tried even searching for specific quotes just now but can't find anything. So I guess it either has never happened, or happens so rarely that instances of it are difficult to find.

There's a tool that can almost directly convert your scenes and resources to Godot.

Unidot Importer on GitHub

I'd scream "oh no!" so the wicked fairy wouldn't figure out it's fun for me and change their mind, and then I'd just chill with my dog or cat life. If I could be taken care of by a trusted person or people, that would be great.

KeePassXC is not affected by this vulnerability.

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Laughs in long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony fox

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NewPipe app is a good one, or Tubular if you want sponsor block too (though you can't comment or like videos etc. on either). But if you want to use the actual YT app, the solutions in the other comments are good. I assume that setting up a Pihole or some other ad-blocking DNS could also work. I assumed wrong. See reply.

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What I did was say I'm deleting my WhatsApp account in [insert sensible time] and if anyone wants to contact me, to use Signal. Lost contact to some, but many followed.

Finland here. Tipping is in no way expected and it's actually rather atypical to tip at all. Though no one will say no if you do decide to tip!