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So it’s not so much that the reef is not in danger, it’s that the Australian government doesn’t want its economy disturbed and has been successfully lobbying against scientists recommendations.

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Agree. Men who go out of their way to evaluate women’s appearances and say they like women with no makeup generally mean they prefer it when women are level ten makeup astronauts who make full face look like “I just woke up this way!”

That said, the full-set lakes that make it visibly hard for a person to blink look really uncomfortable, and that makes me vicariously uncomfortable.

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They are required in bedrooms in California if the place was built after 1992.

Edit: Smoke alarms not sex swings

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It’s ok luv, when they say “eat” they mean lick enthusiastically. You’d like it.

Holy shit. That’s bad. There were some very poor quality studies done on whether autistic people had a worse inflammatory reaction to A1 proteins than allistic people ( ) but they were certainly not implying that milk causes autism or that autism has a “cause” that should be avoided.

Can someone ELI5 what firmware actually is though? I kind of knew it was half way between, but i don’t know what that looks like.

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I think it would be worth heading back to Reddit, there’s just a lot more people there still. R/assistance is a good one.

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Yes, black bears are the more docile compared to grizzlies. You are supposed to try to scare them off if you aren’t able to avoid them.

This one looks young enough that it’s 50/50 on whether mom is near by though. They should have gotten up and left while it was distracted by their food.

There is a part in Trevor Noah’s autobiography- born a crime- which is about growing up in apartheid South Africa, where his dad has a restaurant that is special because it has the permits to serve all races: Black, white, “coloured” and “Chinese” aka “none of the above.” It was very unusual, most places were only for one race.

But the officials got tired of having an unsegregated restaurant so they decreed that even if a place had a permit serve all races together, the bathrooms still had to be segregated.

Not having space in the restaurant for eight separate restrooms, he closed up shop.

It seems that it was more than just failure to pay:

The new charges against Hunter Biden include filing a false return and tax evasion felonies, as well as misdemeanor failure to file and failure to pay.

That said, the maximum sentence for tax evasion is five years, but I don’t know how multiple counts work in this situation.

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Well steaming is certainly a step up from boiling it for a full hour like their parents did, for “safety.”

It looks like the story is that the videos prove it was consensual. It’s really terrible that she would make a false rape accusation and make that the bigger part of this otherwise hilarious story about the FL GOP chair and his “anti lgbt school board activist” wife trawling for threesomes.

Bridget Ziegler has resigned her job at the conservative Leadership Institute, where she worked to train conservatives in becoming school board activists.

You know how there’s a whole lot fewer bugs now than there used to be?

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You know Putin came to power through extremely questionable circumstances in 2001 and the “re-elections” have only gotten worse over the last 22 years, ya? But sure, blame civilians because the government pretends to be democratic.

It would not be right to confine and then bomb Russians either.

Oh, that makes sense, thank you!

Bianco means “pure white.” He’s a racist sheriff. Also, yes, the Chad thing.

It’s a little too on the nose. We are living in a simulation and the writers are phoning it in.

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I’m 40 and I have them on my dinner table, but usually eat on the couch. I am the placemat I guess. 🤷‍♀️

Only I’m sick or the place I’m entering requests it- the library, dispensary, pharmacy, doctor’s office.. I think that’s it. It’s in my purse if I need it.

It was mostly a Latino or Black thing, depending on the area. Sometimes associated with gang activity.

It was fairly easy to outlaw and then selectively enforce. It’s basically a law that allows cops to bother people.

The practice has been replaced with sideshows.

What am I looking at? Is the big one eating/exsanguinating/exbugjuicing the little one? Or is that just a cuddle?

So much so that female ducks have evolved tactical vaginas that can reject the sperm of unwanted males.

I wonder if this is what that one old man Senator was thinking of when he said women could do this. He just got us confused with lady mallards 🦆

His name is Chad Bianco. Jesus Fucking Christ, we are living in a cartoon.

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What’s something women/men will just never understand?

I have a ten year old iPad that i pretty much only use to watch TV in the shower. It just became incompatible with Hulu last week due to the iOS and I’m super frustrated by that. I can still use it for Netflix and paramount + but i was in the middle of several Hulu only series!

You can tattoo anywhere that is skin, but it doesn’t stay nice for long on the palmar side of the hand, I imagine it would be much worse on the finger tips.

I know a number of people who got their wedding “rings” tattooed on and were told by the artist that the under side would smudge and fade within a year or so. Years in, some have disappeared on that side and some are just an inky smear at this point.

If he’s functioning at a kindergarten level he actually should legally be under 24 hour supervision, just like a kindergartner.

He should also have as much access to guns as a kindergartner ( zero).

For me it’s pretty much all mastodon apps. I can’t even get to any lemmy apps except Memmy unless i search it by name. The Reddit app doesn’t show up for me though.

Might want to keep reading past the first few lines there. Israel bombed the shit out of Gaza after that and kidnapped all the moderate, pro Israel members of the Hamas government. Surprise! The people that replaced them were not moderate. There have been no elections since.

Also, Hamas was behind by ten points in polls right before the election, then won by ten points. But yeah, by all means, keep bombing them babies, they deserve it!

After the kidnap of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit on 25 June 2006, Israel launched a series of raids into Gaza and the West Bank. Israel destroyed civilian infrastructure and arrested dozens of Hamas supporters, including elected cabinet ministers and members of the PLC. On 28 June overnight, the army invaded Gaza and performed airstrikes, bombing infrastructure such as bridges and an electricity station. On 29 June, the IDF detained from the West Bank 8 ministers and 26 PLC members in addition to many other political leaders.[19][41] By August 2006, Israel had arrested 49 senior Hamas officials, all from the West Bank, including 33 parliamentarians, "because technically they were members of a terrorist organisation although they may not be involved in terrorist acts themselves". Most of the Hamas detainees were moderate members from the West Bank who had been calling on the Gaza leadership to recognise Israel and make the party more acceptable to the international community. Hamas has accused Israel of trying to destroy the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority.[42]

I thought it was because all the girls took their girl shoes off at the door when coming over for girl dinner and this is what they look like.

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And they loves each other! 💖

Thank you!

Genuinely curious, what illegal things has Biden done?

Oh, got it. I turn all those off to avoid being bothered. Post mates is only on so I don’t miss it if “the driver is trying to contact” me.

Does this apply to when I get a text or voice message on my iPhone? There is a message preview before clicking on it.

But… alpacas do it standing up. Why do they need to turn her upside down?

Except for the time traveler there with the iPhone

That’s really surprising so me, everyone I know was waiting for the new booster like it was Taylor Swift tickets, avoiding events until two weeks after they got it, calling around to pharmacies 50 miles away to get it a few days early. It was required for my work.

I live in a very liberal, very affluent Bay Area county, I don’t know if that’s related.

Nothing comes up in a Google image search for it.

“Do you have the button on the Sprite that leyd you get just soda water?”

“What? You want water?”

“Sparkling water, from the sprite fountain”

“So… Sprite?”

“No, I can see it from here, you know how you get water for water cups from the lemonade one? The Sprite has one of those extra buttons too.”

“I have to charge you for Sprite, you should just get a Sprite.”

“Look the line is backing up, can I just Sprite with no syrup please, I’ll pay for a soda.”

“I guess so…? I have to ask the manager.”


Get kitty cat health insurance! It’s soooo worth it.