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Joined 12 months ago

What has the EU ever done for us?

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What has the EU ever done for us?

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Looks like the average German alternative sarcastic TV sci-fi show. Has strong vibes of Ijon Tichy including that strange but somehow attractive woman.

Ice cream factory urges its employees not to eat ice cream.

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Killing and raping is frowned upon? Really?

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Impressive solution. I'm amazed.

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The pipes would warp and break without those extra loops. They mitigate contraction and expansion due to temperature changes.

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Thanks for translating. As a non native English speaker I nearly got a stroke trying to understand these.... words.

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Pretty sure someone or even several people had that problem pointed out for years - and the management didn't care for those "negativlings" and ignored the problem.

The rot starts at the top.

Martin Neumaier, The Free Democratic Party (FDP) candidate for the district of Ostalb

Licking toilets is a fetish with no other people involved or harmed. Gross is an understatement in this case but whatever.

Much bigger problem is fdp, those are a highly professionalised bunch of assholes who systematically destroy democracy and sense of community in Germany. They are a threat to the country like cdu and afd.

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Propaganda is really getting dumber. The shit they make up looks like an accident of a bunch of clown cars.

Not to forget: The cables are so sturdy you can strangle attackers with them. Comes in handy sometimes.

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My take on the piss tape: It exists - and it shows him with underaged/minor participants.

Explains completely why trump is Putin's obedient pet, doesn't it? He doesn't care for the pissing, that's a negligible kink - but not even trump could get out of a CP law suit.

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Pretty sure they are happy they don't have "communism" when they pay those bills.

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Russian warship didn't fuck itself so it got helped.

Improper bird maintenance.

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That system is shit and a danger to the people and to the unity a nation needs.

In Germany we don't even think about this system when we are ill - we simply go to the doctor whatever it is, and we call an ambulance if it's necessary. Not a single thought.

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The line between lunatic and marketing is thin.

No, I didn't know. And I still don't.

Isn't there a huge incentive for failing leaders to start wars? A common enemy from the outside unites the parties on the inside, the critics have to step aside - a political move since forever, and still working perfectly, see Netanjahu as the newest addition to the list.

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Probably a scam with the woman involved. GDR (former eastern part of divided Germany) was famous for that: They had prostitutes who made western businessmen drunk and horny and then got them to talk about their missions and secrets and so on.

That guy got fucked.

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There was one account here on Lemmy saying that the drones cannot be heard due to ubiquitous tinnitus and the low range of high pitched noises.

That's why those soldiers never react to drones flying overhead.

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They already do something like that (want to raise work hours and make full time contracts mandatory) in the developing economy of, no joke, Germany.

Employers are an entitled bunch of assholes over here.

That idiot can fuck off far, far away. Preferably to hell or so.

You sure she understood the question? That was a looong sentence with a lot of words.

Pocket knife.

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Most cities in Germany have parks in or near the city centre. In fact it's considered unusual if there's isn't any.

He's racist. That's his campaign.

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What has the EU ever done for us?

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That makes her completely unironically more qualified.

That's the core of charging management: The charged device controls the process, not the charger.

Anything else won't work if you think about it.

It's not friendship if it's danger. It's bullshit, manipulation, toxic, whatever.

Problematic relationships should be identified as such and swiftly abandoned.

Some people gut very lucrative contracts out of it. Some influential public person endorsing this shit heavily? Pay him big money. Really big money. The biggest money ever seen.

Without gangsters on a motorbike?

Not credible.

That woman always was on her own, even with the leeches living next room.

...don't understand the demographics of their party.

It's all about advertising to the racists and to the putin-bots. Trump only is a smelly and horrible means to a very ugly end.

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I'm not racist but...

That last word is important.

Had one girlfriend that had an orgasm every few minutes by fucking, fingering, getting eaten out, masturbation... Basically every kind of sex made her come immediately. She really was a miracle. One day she came 40 times in a row. I counted intentionally that day because I was wondering how often she could come. We only stopped that day because I was completely done and exhausted and drained.

She felt great and wanted to continue.

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