Uh, just a hint of an accent

Data's Cat Spot@startrek.website to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 824 points –

Low effort.

At least pick some real sounding ones, like "Przemysław Mądrzykowski", or something...

7 more...

And the optometrist asked him if he could read the last line of the eye chart, to which he replied “Read it? That’s my wife’s maiden name”

Once I met a Slovak guy with clearly polish surname, so I asked him wether he had polish ancestors. He genuinely didn't get why would I think something like that...

Maybe because Slovak and Polish are both West Slavic languages? So they are similar.

As a west Slav (Moravian) myself, I'm usually able to distinguish these two, especially in written form. The meme shows the characteristics of polish quite realistically.

Sir, would you like a side to vowels to go with that consonant clusters?

Stół z powyłamywanymi nogami

For a native Ukrainian, this is just a pattern matching between Latin and Cyrillic

How I read it: Стой с ... ногами

The first words out of my new coworker's mouth were about Robert Lewandowsky.

Never in doubt.