
4 Post – 63 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

TIL How to Train Your Dragon is originally a book. Thank you.

When I ask them a simple question and they answer with at least ten-sentences-long answer.
Jes, I do it too.

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Once I met a Slovak guy with clearly polish surname, so I asked him wether he had polish ancestors. He genuinely didn't get why would I think something like that...

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That eggs are made in factories. I still haven't made peace with this, and lurk around egg equivalents (I'm not vegan).

Also when I was in kindergarden, I had terrible idea about how the map of our village looks like.

The calendar on Earth must be boring. Only one moon!

Is it enforced? And... why?

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In czech, we have a phrase "jak sa kráje chleba" (same way as a bread is sliced). Problem is, that (at least in my social group) nobody knows, wether it means clockwise or anticlockwise, as everybody slices the bread differently.

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Also when the leap years were introduced, the priests (who were to take care of the calendar) didn't understand what dis "every four years" mean, and used to put a leap year every three years.

Thank you, this is the type of answer I'm looking for.

Watch LotR to see ridden carnivores.
I don't know, how would the world be different, but to spark your fantasy, imagine horses being herbivores, but turn carnivorous at every conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (~ every 20 years).

To get the data, search "frequency list (of English)".

I think it may be a reaction to present Denmark's efforts to ban burning of qurans. (They would also ban burning of bibles, but the main reason are qurans.) However, the meme is wrong in many ways.

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I got back into reading (after ~ half year pause).

Rosa Canina
I've allways wanted to have a floral name.

What happened in Pyrenees/South Occitania? Is Andorra OK?

How do they usually react? Or any other details you would like to share? And what is ccl?

Are you speaking about that english, which has the same word for "you" and, ehm "you"?

Can you elaborate how much is stingless-bee-keeping different from apis-mellifera-beekeeping?

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I might try to compost it (and than separate the plastic and soil), unless I find better sollution, but I'm a bit afraid of animals messing it out from the composter.

Local trash company recycles the plastics (at least they claim so). I've also writtern them an e-mail, but I don't really expect to get an answer from them.

Knock knock!
Would you like to hear about our lord and savior, The Great Lemming? (He jumped off cliff for our sins.)

The sign of a ball with three rays shall be repulsive for thee, thou shalt not enter any shelter nor edifice with the sign of a ball with three rays, nor destroy spoken buildings.

And to react to @bool@lemm.ee I would probably be able to write some primitive method of computing the logarithms.

I don't really care
where the money go
even though you've said
that I should have known.

I'm interested in
mechanism of vote
it's my nerdy thing
just let me enjoy't.

Let's use Condorcet,
not FPTP,
even two-round set
is pretty shitty.

'lectoral treshold
I want it to cease
so that we could vote
for minor parties.

Last year you could see
it has real effect
I would be happier
without this deffect.

So what electoral system do you propose? One-mandate districts? Using sorting elect. mothod and than take the first n candidates? STV?

Also note that for bicameral solution it's good to use different methods.

Maybe not exactly what you're looking for, but you could be interested in "circular definition".

Also changing your name when you're adult should be normalized - just so, without ressons.

Ludvík Vaculík: Morčata/The Guinea Pigs. It's about a man, who rears and mistreats guinea pigs to compensate for his own bridled life.
Any play by Václav Havel, if you're into absurd drama.
From newer authors, Anna Cima: Probudím se na Šibuji/I Wake Up in Shibuya, magic-realistic story of czech japanist, who left her soul (literally) in Japan.

Oh, I've just read you want untranslated works, I cannot find such a book I'd find recomendable enough, but try watching some Cimrmans, you'll find them at YouTube.

I will check that.

Could you elaborate on the lost sense of traditions?

Also I don't agree with you about the 'nationality not ethnicity' thing, but that really may vary, and I don't think it would be possible to debate that, as we'd first have to define the difference between nat. and eth., they seem to be ~the same thing to me.

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  1. Find your local facebook group. (Or some alternative to this.)
  2. Make a group chat with description like "let's go for a walk together time to time, to make new friendships". Hopefully a lot of people shall join the group, most of them as lurkers.
  3. Write there st like "Let's go for a short walk this evening, start at [time, place]". Hopefully somebody shall come and they will be a cool person.

Somebody did this a few months ago in my student dorms' group. Since then, we've been meeting ~1 a week. Allways a bit different group, everyone knows that everyone is here to make friendships, so the ices are broken. The group tends to be small-ish, as it's called usually few hours in advance. The feeling is very good. And I have one person from there, with who we're getting to be good friends.

Befriend both the duck and the horses and fight the wizard who swapped their sizes.

  1. Give the duck a flamethrower into her beacon. Now, she looks like like a real dragon and can destroy the wizrad's castle.
  2. Tell the wizard you are a certified dragon-fighter, and he should hire you instead of getting rid of the dragon (duck) himself. Give him some side task (bring you water (without magic, as dragons are resiliant to magic)) to keep him budy.
  3. Meanwhile the horses would invade the castle and eat all his books and equipment.

Now, the wizard has no castle, no grimoirs and no money (paid it to you to "fight" the duck). You won.

There Are many ecosystems that hardly depend on human activity. Fields And cities, but also fragile places as orchid maedows.
In some parts of world (Europe definitelly), these ecosystems evolved right after the end of the last ice age, there was no interregnum of "Wild forests" (with this part I'm not so sure, but if it weren't true, It doesn't affect the main argument).
Without humans, these ecosystems would rapidly get destroyed by bushes And forests, part of the manifold world would have gone.

And yes, I aknowledge that were destroing these ecosystems too, by industrialized agronomy. And I understand the feeling nature=forests without human disturbing, but it's simply not the whole picture.

Even though the main reason is that it's allways has been so, I can see two minor arguments that haven't been said here yet:

  1. The gender of some words may vary between different regions (still within one language), so used gender gives you aditional information about the speaker.
    (From Czech perspective this is not really a thing, becouse before you stumble across one of the few words that have this property, you can usually estimate the origin of the speaker by another signs.)
  2. By asigning a gender to animals, you're proner to percieve them as living persons, compared with a language that classifies them as inanimate (English, "it").
    (I am not backed by any scientific study here, it's only my feeling; and you could also claim that better solution would be ungendered language without animate/inanimate distinction, or classifying animals as animates.)

Sorry, I found it in my feed and didn't check the sub.

Maths. It's my field of study and I'm reasonably good at it, but I'm no more able to find joy in a nice definition etc. It's just boring.
Even if I study some out-of-syllabus topic I know that is interesting, it doesn't interest me.

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I have to finish the bachelor (remains one year) to maintain free education, and then... maybe. Anyway, thanks for encouraging.

How do you feel about audiobooks?

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It's good solution how to "read" while doing some manual chore, like cooking.
However, I don't do it, but I think it's worthy of a try.

The abstract things is what I used to enjoy the most. But I shall think about your advice, thank you.

How would be such a debate of ten milliards of people moderated? Who would decide, that today, we shall vote about the water, and tomorrow, about some boring technical norms of street lights? If you have an answer, how would be this solution resistant to a misuse?
Would we haveanything like a constitution? And how would be principles of subsidarity achieved?