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7 is closer to 10 than 6 so we consider that 7 is really just a 10 with a size-3 hole in it and we fill that hole with 3 from the 6 giving a 10 with 3 left over which make 13.

Also not an ADHD thing.

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So could we produce a surface tension-free water?

Homie dats a gas. Or supercritical fluid, which actually is indeed used for "washing" (SC CO2 is used to decaffeinate coffee). However, like others said, surface tension /= cleaning ability. Part of what soap does is increase the effective solubility of things that are not normally soluble.

You may be interested to know that these kinds of paper adhesives are usually intentionally designed so that the substrate (paper) tears before the adhesive does. This is meant to ensure robust packing and to give proof that the package has not been tampered with. Couple this with ever thinner and shittier substrates, and, well...

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I wish whatever jackaſs that decided that the long ſ needed a ſtupid nub at exactly the ſame poſition as the croſsbar of the letter f in Roman typefaces a very unpleaſant afterlife. As if OCRing hiſtorical documents didn't have enough problems already.

This is not true. That women cannot have the congenital dichromacy (or anomalous trichromacy) that biological males commonly have is flat out wrong. A biological female can still be a protan or deutan, but the phenotype requires that both X chromosomes carry the recessive color vision-deficient alleles. Nevertheless, given that ~8% of all X chromosomes have such a gene regardless of sex, the incidence in the female population is still around half a percent, which is not insignificant.

Interestingly, one form of tetrachromacy in females actually has the same cause as color vision deficiency in some males (specifically anomalous trichromacy). From what I understand, only one X chromosome is active per cone cell, and which one is active is random. So, half of such a person's cone cells of one type are "normal" while the rest of that type are anomalous and have a slightly different peak wavelength. The net result is four different types of cone cells, i.e., tetrachromacy, which may have an incidence of more than 10% in females.

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DuckDuckGo from the browser, because 90% of the time I can get where I want with the appropriate ! bang from the address bar.

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I mean, sure, things like that are super dangerous, but at least they're obviously, flashily dangerous and for that reason have a lot more attention paid to them. The real nasties are arguably the ones that aren't so flashy but are much more common amd don't have immediate effects. Formaldehyde and benzene will give you cancer, and acrylate monomers will make it so you one day wake up allergic to the modern world.

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Fire is definitely possible without oxygen. Like in a chlorine atmosphere, for example.

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Nah fam you can keep the sea bugs, too.

Maybe a dumb question, but if all of the vehicle's bells and whistles are meticulously recording my every move... how do those data get back to the auto manufacturer anyhow? I read the article and the "how that works" link, and sure it mentioned phone connectivity, but if I don't connect my phone, then my car presumably has no way to communicate what it collects... or are there a bunch of extra radios that phone home (satellite, cellular...)?

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cot-caught merger be like that sometimes

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you mean let.

and then letting Hindley-Milner do the rest

♪ How 'bout I do ANYWAY ♪

So you're saying that you don't like trying to relight the thermal oxidizer for the formaldehyde stream that went out due to spillover from another process, with an emergency flare? Got it.

Or spiced lentils... dal bhat <3

Lol OW was the first thing I thought of.

Me: hey look a protan filter

OW: okay, red is now pink, and everything else is washed out :)

Me: okay tritan it is

OW: lol have fun on your acid trip

I think cleanse and clean are not quite interchangeable. Cleanse has a gravitas that clean lacks. For example, growing up, I heard a lot of things like "be cleansed of your sins". "Be cleaned of your sins" makes me vaguely uncomfortable.

Hard agree on business lingo, though.

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aɪ noː jɚ ˈbiːɪŋ fəˈsiːʃəs, bʌt ˈɪŋglɪʃ ˈvɑʊəlz ɛsˈpɛʃəli kən biː ə ˈɹiːəl ˈklʌstɚfʌk. ɪf ə wɚd ɪz tə biː ˌjunɪˈvɚsəli ˈɹɛkəgnaɪzd baɪ ɪts ˈspɛlɪŋ, ðɛn ðə ˈspɛlɪŋ wɪl nɑt ˈfeɪθfəli ˌɹɛpɹɪˈzɛnt mɛni ˈpiplz pɹəˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃənz... so nɑʊ ju hæv ðə seɪm ˈpɹɑbləm æz bəˈfoɹ ɛkˈsɛpt wɪθ ˈhɑrdɚ-tə-taɪp ˈlɛtɚz.

ʃwɑ ɪn pɑɹˈtɪkulɚ ɪz ə hoːl ˈʃɪtʃoː ɑn ɪts oːn

ɑn ðæt noːt, gɛs weɹ aɪ gɹuː ʌp :)

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Homogeneous, meaning having a uniform composition. Hoe-moe-jee-nee-us (or hoe-muh- and/or -jee-nyus; point is, there's an ee sound before the last syllable). Saying homogenous (huh-mah-jeh-nus) in that sense is not only wrong but also means something else.

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This post made me go try something in clojure again and man I forgot just how fucking good the language is. Everything fits together so nicely.

TIL that influenza virions can be stick-shaped.

thanks, I needed a win

Professional zero finders of derivatives of mathematical models built from duct tape, prayers, and Jimmy's observations from before he got cataracts.

The only thing you can know for sure is that you exist.

Or maybe not, depending on your definitions of "you" and "exist" :)

Huh TIL. Growing up with the merger, I suppose I've come to assume that non-merger folks have different pronunciations for any words with a- or o-adjacent spellings.

Tungsten carbide is only very weakly paramagnetic.... you need to mix in other metals to get a strong response...

Ya "an historic", when the h is clearly pronounced, strikes the wonderful double blow of being both pretentious and wrong as far as I'm concerned. Looking at you, NPR. Go run up an hill, why donchya?

Not gonna lie, I thought about your comment multiple times today trying to make sense of it, and only just now did I realize what you meant by it.

Yes, like Alan Turing. Ugh.

Didn't realize this was happening and yay -Syu went brrr and it broke my shit. Probably doesn't help that I'm running nvidia with linux (endeavouros). Wayland doesn't work at all (black screen on login with only mouse ptr, wrong resolution), while Xorg is now much less smooth e.g. on the switching desktop animations. Moving windows around and in-window graphics are fine. Some graphical config stuff changed too; I'm still taking inventory.

I'm also currently playing with nvidia vs nvidia-dkms with different kernels to see if that solves anything.

EDIT: Looks like that my configuration was failing to set nvidia_drm modeset=1 correctly due to my unfamiliarity with dracut. Manually adding nvidia_drm.modeset=1 to my kernel cmdline makes Wayland work (and quite well at that), though Xorg is still laggy.

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They are basically shortcuts. For example, I can type "!w ibuprofen" into DuckDuckGo (or the address bar because I have it set as my default search engine) and be brought immediately to the wikipedia page for Ibuprofen. There's also !yt for youtube search, !so for stack overflow search, and many more.

My condolences, buddy.

Oh absolutely, I don't blame KDE or arch repos lol. I did see that it was a KDE update but somehow didn't clock the version number. I had it in my head that KDE6 was much farther off.

wół go pyta:

Neat, thanks for the clarification. Even though the initial proportion is 50/50 for X-activation, are there scenarios where one daughter line is more prominent than the other, or does it usually remain 50/50?