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The rules of the Senate, as undermined by McConnell and inexplicably tolerated by Schumer ensure it won't happen.

That co-equal branches thing was nice while we had it.

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Why would you do this? Who hurt you?

I suppose “the media has catastrophically failed in it's job to inform many voters” wasn't as catchy.

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If you think the Eastland Steamer is a story you should check out the Cleveland Steamer.

Thought #2….maybe don’t.

Imagine any other defendant in a criminal proceeding suggesting to reduce security in order for their supporters to disrupt proceedings.

Jury tampering is illegal after all.

At least, for everyone else it is.

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Unfortunately for him the case is actually not about paying hush money, it’s about lying about the payments in company documents and its direct impact on the election.

Sure you can give money to people, the lying about it on financial/campaign finance documents is what he’s being tried for.

Of course the media keeps calling it “hush money trial” which it is not.

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People of inexplicably confident certainty that they alone have discovered legal loopholes enabling them to ignore laws they don’t like while benefitting from public services and infrastructure of a nation they assert they are not a citizen of. It’s delusional ignorance.

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What an absolute nightmare. Those poor people are caught in the middle of a conflict they can do nothing about. It’s horrific.

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After years of tripping over their own feet Argentina opts to shoot itself in the dick because change.


It's a great country and Buenos Aires is a wonderful city but hoo boy this is … not likely to go well.

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Of course he could have done that step first but instead another damaged and armed asshole imposes his demons on others and inflicts grievous pain on dozens of families before offing themself.

Yet another in a long list of isolated incidents because after trying nothing we’ve run out of ideas.

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To be fair, Cotton is an utter dipshit so his ignorance is genuine.

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“Sorry our nation elected a bunch of morons”.

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First off I’m terribly sorry for your loss. While I am by no means a paramedic I took first aid classes from one and this very subject came up (what to do with used PPE and such after an incident). We were told to just leave it pending hazmat-trained folks responding for cleanup. At a patient’s home it’s left and frankly not their responsibility - the patient alone is.

Sucks but they will indeed leave stuff behind - I wish it had been a better outcome for your family but I assure you they meant no offense or harm.

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“Infant throws tantrum, toys out of pram”.


If Roberts had any principles or just a spine he'd set an example, instead the SCOTUS legacy is beclowned daily and he does not care. What a failure of a once vaunted institution.

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The anarchy symbol rebelliously displayed on a rear projection screen, the pride of the A/V department, in a ballroom of a Hamilton Suites lobby somewhere. My youth recoils in horror.

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That poor little girl, the family and the heroic paramedics that tried to help. This is horrific and must end.

I can’t fathom the horror. Our species is fucked.

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Both boys have to pay $4m and can’t run NY businesses for 3 years. Not nothing - although I did not see anything about Ivanka.

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Momentum quite literally provided by the GOP, Reagan would be so proud.

Yeah…. His usual ethical-adjacent stance. He won’t support the awful but the moderately better are just fine. The pinnacle of GOP integrity is still pathetic.

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Cannon has no ethics to grapple with, she'll quite happily do whatever it is she believes protects Trump. As with Alito and Thomas she's blatantly biased and doesn't appear to care at all about her oath or duty.

They're flaunting their disdain for the very system they purport to protect.

I recall how my heart swelled with pride as they held fast to their patriotic ideals and took a principled stand by saying FUCK ALL at the time and opting not to make their thoughts known when it truly mattered.

Too little, too late.

This clown will be quickly forgotten. Deservedly so. What a colossal embarrassment.

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Declined to rule out? Well, yeah - he's been explicitly promising it's precisely what he'll do.

Article 14 doesn’t stipulate guilt, just engaging in which the Colorado court determined he did. His removal is the result of due process. So if they can show in court that Biden did the same then sure…but they cannot.

Not the same, purely partisan BS.

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All hands meeting … “show of hands, who's been here less than a year?”…”you're all top notch, the best candidates from the best schools… we couldn't get that caliber employee years ago!” [suggesting those who built the business to that level were what, inferior - including the VP that just said it?]

It was meant as a compliment to the new folks…but it fell FLAT.

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He really doesn't want to miss the graduation of the child he ditched to raw dog a porn star because …. ?

Yes. The Judiciary is quite compromised thanks to electing that idiot and will be for years. I take solace knowing that some people found Hillary unlikeable, because that was a rational basis to ignore her ample experience and demonstrated skill in governance.

/s because JFC this timeline

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To be fair Rogan is a raging dipshit that was not quite as funny as Andy Dick. How he achieved an actual following is mind boggling.

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But…but….but…the market will self regulate?

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Quite literally only because they would appoint someone even worse.. The House is deeply flawed.

Another GOP scumbag fleecing the rubes by targeting an actual public servant. Dr. Fauci's legacy will be having saved thousands of lives going back to the worst days of AIDS.

Paul will be a trivia question and punchline.

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“In a private meeting”….so who leaked it?

Yeah shitty people gonna shitty people, her being a reprehensible human being doesn’t justify anyone physically assaulting her. Of course she’s all but threatened others with the same or worse so in a sane world she might see the irony but… I doubt it.

  1. She has no fucking clue what appeasement means or how it objectively applies in this instance.

  2. She responds insultingly to what is an entirely reasonable and entirely diplomatic phrasing of a justified opinion.

She's an utter embarrassment. Every single voter in her district should be mortified. What a buffoon.

“I’m going to shoot myself in the foot on principle.“

Not what was said or meant, but undeniably the ultimate result of this approach will be leadership that actively and happily opposes ANY progress for Palestine. Period.

Biden has done poorly on an issue that the alternative would utterly disregard.

I know, the “lesser evil” argument is weak - but Biden is pushing back on Netanyahu where others would encourage and enable him.

It’s your vote - think pragmatically.

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Ok. Let 'em be mad.

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They know perfectly well but prefer the revenue to fulfilling their journalistic responsibility and acting ethically.

When news is a product to market and not a social responsibility this is the result. They're selling a narrative and horse race delivers profits - also their delusion that kissing the ass of the guy that calls them the enemy might save them could be a factor.

Shameful how their response has been to cower and equivocate and not report objectively and clearly.

Ugh that sucks. I can only guess that it was an oversight but you’re absolutely right to be bothered. As you suggest, likely a moment of “get this bag out of the way”. Still upsetting for sure.

While it was thankfully brief I also was part of end of life care for my Dad and despite the anguish I took great comfort from knowing his last hours were with loved ones nearby and in his own bed. I wish that the knowledge you were there and helped brings you solace in your grief. You were there when it mattered most. hug I wish you and your family peace.

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My entire living family isn’t even 25 people…to lose that many and more would be beyond comprehension. It’s horrific, irrespective of whatever politics you might support. Dead kids with numbers on their arms … nightmare.

Of course given it’s the current NYT a follow up article noting how this is bad for President Biden will surely follow.

I mean emboldened fascist ideology normalizing violence to achieve political ends is bad but Biden is old so they’re basically the same threat.