‘I’m so scared, please come’: Hind Rajab, six, found dead in Gaza 12 days after cry for help

Collision Resistance@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 328 points –
‘I’m so scared, please come’: Hind Rajab, six, found dead in Gaza 12 days after cry for help

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That poor little girl, the family and the heroic paramedics that tried to help. This is horrific and must end.

I can’t fathom the horror. Our species is fucked.

She said: “We contacted the ministry of health and they coordinated our safe access with the Israeli authorities. We were given the green light to move the ambulance.”

But she said the ambulance came under fire soon after it arrived at the location. “First [the paramedics] said the Israeli forces are putting laser lights on them … And then we heard a gunfire sound before we lost the connection. It was like a gunfire or explosion, we were not sure of what happened.”

The Israelis baited an ambulance in to kill paramedics.

If this isn't a war crime, I don't know what is.

If this isn't a war crime, I don't know what is.

Doesn’t matter if no one is actually brought to justice.

Real Justice—where they are tried, convicted and then hanged on live tv for those who want to witness—is what needs to happen.

ETA: Not just the higher ups, but the individual soldiers as well; anyone who participated.

If that's what happened I agree. Targeting a marked ambulance which had even notified them is unconscionable.

Why did you say if when there is evidence that it did happen this way?

I see no evidence that they deliberately baited the ambulance? Bad coordination is the most likely explanation.

To be clear, even in that case it's still a war crime to shoot an ambulance.

In case you missed it

She said: “We contacted the ministry of health and they coordinated our safe access with the Israeli authorities. We were given the green light to move the ambulance.

But she said the ambulance came under fire soon after it arrived at the location. “First [the paramedics] said the Israeli forces are putting laser lights on them … And then we heard a gunfire sound before we lost the connection. It was like a gunfire or explosion, we were not sure of what happened.”

They attacked the vehicle the girl was in, then gave the red crescent the green light to go in, and then opened fire once the ambulance arrived.

That's the textbook definition of baiting.

Yes someone gave the green light, someone shot at them. Nowhere it's said those were the same people, nor that the people giving green light knew that the other people were going to shoot.

The most likely thing is that they forgot to inform one group of soldiers, or that they misunderstood, or some other fatal miscommunication. Miscommunication is common in war. Deliberately baiting an ambulance is both extremely evil and stupid.

Attacking a civilian vehicle, then green lighting an ambulance, and then attacking said ambulance is baiting.

Given the amount of surveillance by Israeli forces, there is absolutely no reason to doubt that they were listening to the conversations between everyone involved.

They will pay. It's written in prophecies. How can any people who had terrible horrors done to them, do the same and worse to their neighbors? They are hypocrites. To think I cried and was depressed when I visited the Holocaust museum. I'm ashamed I felt that way now, and have no sympathy when they cry about what happened to them, because they are today's Hitler. They are today's murderous Nazis.

Being ashamed of righteous empathy is part of the problem. Be better than those that commit evil.

"Why do the Israelis say anyone that criticizes them is an anti-semite?"

It's because people like you give them the excuse.