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Joined 12 months ago

How are they planning on sending over any significant manpower and supplies across 2800km?

Rail? They border Russia and there's a railroad over the border

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Do you also not allow your kids to set foot in a car? Much more dangerous than sleepovers

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Don't worry, there is also a Linux version.

Be aware that using open source doesn't protect you completely from this, look at what happened to Simple Mobile tools, best install your open source applications from f-droid.

Do you have any good open source alternatives for Nova Launcher?

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Only a very small minority did protest, that's why it didn't work.

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Electric power generation, which is about 20% of all energy used.

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Not really , they use the Open Data Commons Open Database License which means it can be used commercial but they have to release changes under the same license.

Because it's called Full Self Drive and Musk has said it will be able to drive without user intervention?

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This doesn't come out of an app, they scraped the Internet.

How many of your car rides are really necessary?

Trade with the EU hasn't completely halted, we still buy gas from Russia.

The Earth will judge

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Four words is too low these days to protect against gpu bruteforcing

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Explain to me how that is not sexist?

Here's the Oxford Dictionary of sexism:

sexism /ˈsɛksɪz(ə)m / ▸ noun [mass noun] prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex: sexism in language is an offensive reminder of the way the culture sees women.

To burst your bubble, some of the most famous rapists and child molesters I know of had their wives help them. Women can be monsters too.

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The world makes much more sense if you realize that despite all our achievements and knowledge we are just hungry, angry, horny apes in clothes.

Seems to have been debunked:

Later researchers found a coding error and pointed out that Mr Levitt had used the total number of arrests, which depends on the size of a population, and not the arrest rate, which does not. Others pointed out that the fall in homicide started among women. No-fault divorce, rather than legalised abortion, may have played a bigger role.

The dimensions and weight has been reduced ever-so-slightly compared to the predecessor.

I think they meant the company, not the phone

Designing a chip is something completely different from manufacturing them. Your statement is as true as saying TSMC is such a stupid company, all they are doing is using ASML machines.

And please tell me, I have no clue at all who you're talking about.

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The mistake you make is that you assume the law works the same in China as in countries that have rule of law. China doesn't have rule of law, they have 'rule by law'. The Communist Party isn't just above the law, the law is a tool for them to use how they see fit. If you are undermining the Communist Party then that is by definition misinformation.

Remember, this is the same country where one day the minister of health aplauded a journalist's effort to combat pollution with a documentary called under the dome, and the next day it was gone from the internet as if it never existed. Whenever they have internal issues they stir up some hatred for the USA or Japan, only to be forgotten somewhat later.

They took 1984 not as a warning, but as a manual

8 character a-zA-Z is 45 bits of entropy (log2(56^8), about the same as the XKCD password if you take from a 2048 word list. That's crackable in a minute on AWS.

Password hashes get frequently stolen, don't rely on rate limiting if it's something you really care about.

Here are the dice ware recommendations on the number of words:

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If you can't see pedestrians on the road (on time) you're either driving too fast, or you're not paying enough attention, or you're driving a car that is not suited for roads with pedestrians. That's totally on the driver.

Leaving that aside, what do you think causes the increase? Dark clothes getting more popular...? I believe it's the rising popularity of bigger cars with bad visibility (and maybe also the increase of phone usage while driving).

I don't know anything about a "constitutional vow".

They are named the Republic of China and claim all (or most?) of mainland China in the claimed territories, (but where those are defined I can't find):, I suppose it's not really wrong to call that wanting to be a part of China.

Also in the amendments they talk about the free area and the mainland area

Of course it's a very misleading claim because if they would claim anything else they risk war with the PRC.

All the discussion I've seen is also about independence vs the status quo, not independence vs joining the PRC. That's not really on the table.

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That's one weird argument. Are you implying morality stops at borders?

And it's not even meddling, they are asking for help.

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Even if you take four words of a 30000 word list (quick Google says that's the number of words an average person knows), that's still less bits of entropy than a 5 word diceware password (7776 word list). People are also really bad at randomness, so your own string of random words is likely going to be much worse.

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If you read the article you would have seen Linux is supported

We are ready to reunite Luxembourg any day now, better get ready to move to the be tld.

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I feel like there's something more missing. We have "right to work" in Belgium. You can't be forced to join a union or a strike, yet unions are strong here.

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It's not unheard of, Icelandic is much closer to Old Norse than Norwegian is.

There are many reasons why this could be the case: pure chance, less outside influence of other languages, a smaller group of people, ...

Not all of these apply to the US and I have no idea whether English in the US has less changed than in the UK.

No, it's a law criminalizing the act of insulting “heroes and martyrs”


That sounds much more reasonable, but don't forget these numbers are also skewed by sexism, on many levels. Victims might not even realize they are victims. In many jurisdictions a woman having nonconsensual sex with a man isn't even considered rape.

Now, I don't believe the numbers are even close to 50/50 or that women don't have the right thing being wary. But being wary is one thing, simply banning all sleepovers at the house of single male parents is another. I'd still call that sexist.

I have to run out of the bathroom when my wife uses her Dyson hair dryer because it hurts my ears, and you're telling me this is by design?!

EDIT: After some reading, I retract my statement, Ranked has a bunch of glaring flaws and can be worse sometimes.

Care to elaborate? Ranked choice isn't perfect, (a perfect voting system is mathematically impossible :'s_impossibility_theorem ) but I don't see where it would be worse than FPTP.

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kWh is kilojoule per second times 3600 seconds or 3600 kilojoule. kWh/y is 3600 joule per year or 3600 kilojoule / (24*3600*365) ~0.1W

Serious question, why do they then even bother with the retail platform?

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Divide by 10, minus 10%

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Hydrogen itself is a strong greenhouse gas and leaks from everything, so it wouldn't necessarily be better.

Wasn't this confirmed to be an AdBlock (Plus) bug?

Yes, Android apps are signed and Android refuses updates with a different signature.