3 Post – 381 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

When I get pretty low, I hear the same things in my head as OP. I have journal entries that are strikingly similar to what OP wrote.

It’s a bit uncanny, I have never come across another person that feels, at least it seems, the way I do. I know it’s irrational to feel this way. I bet OP knows it too, deep down. But I can’t escape the feeling, and clearly they cannot either.

A gag order will not stop him from spewing his hate and confusion. He would have to be put in jail, which his base would eat up. And even then, that would not stop him or his legal team from arguing in bad faith at every turn.

It’s important to request the gag order, but don’t expect anything to come of it.

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Thats hilarious. Wake me up when he actually pays the $300 bajillion dollars.

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The worst part, from the article:

After the hearing, Emanuel and roughly two-dozen supporters congregated around his truck — a white Ford F-250 donning a Confederate flag.

The people who he tried to kill asked the court for mercy. He then goes outside to receive the support of fellow racists.

Vim all the way!!

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The missing features are software based. They’re not selling inferior phones. The article even mentions that getting this to work in other countries involves different issues such as regulation and legality of the features. This really is not new.

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We are not happy with that. We are ashamed of that. But [under] the jury system, you have to follow the laws, and I cannot tell a judge [to] do that and ignore the law, because... that's against the rule of law," he said.

Listen: I don’t make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

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Headlines are so sensational. From the article:

A Korean Air spokesperson said: “A Korean Air aircraft came into contact with a Cathay aircraft during pushback at New Chitose (Sapporo) Airport by the third-party ground handler vehicle which slipped due to heavy snow. There were no injuries and the airline is cooperating with all relevant authorities.”

This was not related to the other event, at all. A plane slid into another, due to heavy snow, while being moved by the ground crew.

I hope she is able to do so. It’s pretty clear that TFG will not willingly pay any amount of money.

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That would humanize those whom they oppress.

My best friend’s husband is very protective of me. We were at a friend’s house eating and drinking, when someone who we had not met came over. This guy was a friend of the host, and was already a bit drunk. I introduced myself to him, Tên tôi là Jessica. I really only know a few sentences in VN, but I try. Yeah, what is your real name? I respond Jessica. He asks over and over, meanwhile I can see the rage building in bestie’s husband. Finally, Anh says Her name is Jessica! You got a problem with that!? The asshole then gets real quiet. I knew in that moment that Anh was about to pound this drunk asshole into the ground, because the belligerent and aggressive asshole would not leave me alone.

The screen cap that was posted may be fake, who knows? But I remember that moment, from like 5 or so years ago, vividly. It was that very moment that I realized that they were not friends—they were the family that chose me.

Not sure why I am sharing this 😅

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His name is Robert Maddox. His YouTube Channel is pretty awesome.

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They traumatized a child for what? Those fucking pigs applied pain compliance techniques on a child. Then they shot him. The pig that shot him said that he thought he was using the taser. They thought that using a taser on a child was acceptable.

I cannot say on here what I think should happen. I do like the smell of bacon sizzling in the pan though.

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I don’t like the idea of a company telling me what I can and cannot smell. My father smelled potentially hazardous fumes, and his father ‘fore him! We will not submit!

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The title bothers me. He still is totally fine, but he was, too.

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lol I’d love to see how the US Government would be able to enforce such a thing.

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It would terrible for anyone to file a false report.

Especially if they use full sentences explaining a mundane part of their day, a random Dollar General address in Utah as well as the phone number.

If they make it look like what could be a legitimate report, it would be difficult for the system to weed out reports.

I hope no one does that. As I said, it would be terrible.

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From the article:

Speaking at a rally in Houston, Texas, on November 2, Trump described those incarcerated after the January 6 riot as "hostages, not prisoners." It came after organizers played "Justice for All." It is a rendition of "The Star-Spangled Banner" by the J6 Prison Choir, made up of men imprisoned after the riot, interspersed with Trump reciting the pledge of allegiance.

The depths of stupidity don’t surprise me anymore. If this isn’t an ad for lead abatement, I don’t know what is.

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/r/gendercritical existed for quite some time. The entire point of that sub was for people to hate trans people.

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Kid never had a chance.

From the article:

On’s mother, who told CNN he is a senior at Beverly Hills High School, initially bragged in a now-deleted social media post about her son’s participation in the violent event, circling an image of him and writing “he is all over the news channels.”

When CNN showed On’s mother a video of him attacking the protestor, she said he was only defending himself. She later said On denied being at UCLA that night.

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The Proud Boys sounds like a coming of age story about a group of gay friends standing tall in the face of adversity.

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I don’t think the ICC gives a shit about what the GOP has to say. There have been multiple reported war crimes, something must happen.

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From the article:

"I did it all for my country because I knew something my fellow countrymen didn't know, and that is that we were on the verge of electing a 30-year career criminal as the President of the United States, and if you do that, you're going to rot from the head down."

What a fucking idiot.

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The question is does that matter at all in the grand scheme of things or should these voters feel slighted

Whether these voters feel slighted or not is immaterial. These indictments and trials are absolutely necessary, if we want to show that there are consequences for attempting to subvert the peaceful transition of power. The voters already feel slighted. They may never have faith in our political system again—and that is a them problem rather than an indictment of the system. There can be no in between in this case.

It’s not rust, it’s a P a t i n a

Poor guy. It must be so difficult watching his workers joining together to demand their fair share of his company’s profits. It’d be a real shame if workers in other countries follow suit. I can’t even begin to imagine how difficult it must be to be a billionaire. Those poor bastards.

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From the article:

The trans community are often treated as activists pushing an agenda when we tell our stories, not as human beings sharing the truth in good faith.

I had not really thought of it that way before, but yes, that is exactly how it feels. Even those who call themselves Allies seem to brush off what I have got to say. I’m not some militant activist. Don’t get me wrong—I fight for our rights where I can. However, it seems that my perspective and fears are brushed off by pretty much everyone around me. I cannot presume to know what goes on in others’ minds, I can only speak to how things appear as well as to my personal experiences. It sucks feeling like no one is really listening.

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The illusion of a coin flipping in the air allows those that have mastered the act to get near 100% precision.

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I don’t get it. iMessage is Apple’s service. Why are they obliged to open it up for everyone to use? Would it be nice? Yes, of course. Should Apple be legally required to open up access to their service?

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In one post he insists that "almost everybody agrees" including the "crazed Radical Left Lunatics" that not only should Colorado's decision to kick him off their ballot be reversed, but that he is also "fully entitled to PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY."

This is the man that millions of people idolize. People point to that guy and go He’s just the man for the job.

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At a news conference outside the courthouse, Candice Matthews, a spokesperson for the family, said George had tears in his eyes as theyd left the courtroom.

She said the family is disappointed, angered and confused by the ruling.

“Darryl made this statement, and told me this straight up with tears in his eyes, ‘All because of my hair? I can’t get my education because of hair? I cannot be around other peers and enjoy my junior year, because of my hair?’”

Matthews said that George will continue to serve in-school suspension and that his attorneys plan to file for an injunction in an upcoming federal civil rights lawsuit

He has to go to school. But at school he serves in school suspension. How is that helpful? How is this young man supposed to receive a quality education? (I understand that the cruelty is the point.)

Legally I am not allowed to suggest what I think should happen to the racist fascists involved. Suffice to say it’s not pretty. ☺️

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For me, the hardest part is trying to figure out where I belong. In Viet culture, at a party, the guys hang with the guys, and the girls with the girls. Even when I put a full face on, I never feel like I am one of the girls. It doesn’t help that everyone knew me before I came out. So I don’t fit in anywhere. It’s lonely. My sister Chi Man tries to help, but I am usually the odd one out. This has been going on for years now, so I have tried to make peace with it. This is a lonely life. With that said, I do not regret my decision to live as the person I am meant to be.

All I need in this life is my son and my best friend. That is enough for me.

“By submitting his petition and consent as required by the statute, President Trump has met all requirements set forth by the Maine Legislature in the statute and is entitled to be placed on the Republican primary ballot,” Trump wrote in the appeal. “Nonetheless, in the Secretary’s Ruling, the Secretary wrongfully denied President Trump a place on the Republican primary ballot.”

Trump also argued in the filing Tuesday that Bellows “failed to provide lawful due process” and “made multiple errors of law and acted in an arbitrary and capricious manner.”

“President Trump did not ‘engage’ in ‘insurrection,’” he wrote.

Even his lawyers are buffoons. An easy way to not be kicked off of the primary, is to not try to overthrow the government.

I really hope that fuck gets what is coming to him.

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No, we should all waste their time giving testimony that is so ridiculous, but still believable.

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That is a great question!

I need to preface this by saying that my entire friend group is Viet.

In Viet culture, male and female roles are explicitly defined. That means that, generally, the girls hang with the girls, and the guys hang with the guys.

The weirdest part is kind of sad. I don’t fit in with the girls because I am not feminine enough, and the guys try to grab my tits as a joke. I don’t belong anywhere.

My best friend, Chi Man is the one that helps me stay grounded to this earth.

Otherwise, it’s the usual contract custodian doesn’t get a good look at me, so they warn me about going into the men’s room at work (where I was specifically told to go )

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From the article:

“This is total war,” Matt wrote on X, formerly Twitter. “Francis is a clear and present danger not only to Catholics the world over but also to the whole world itself.”

Matt is the editor of a traditionalist newspaper. That guy needs to touch grass. How stupid can a person be?

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We should celebrate our trans brothers and NB fam out there. So much news reporting and such skews towards trans women these days. It’s good to see positive articles about trans men and non binary folks. They deserve just as much attention as trans women like myself.

Yikes! I hadn’t thought about that!

Giving him a microphone on national television is a terrible idea. He will absolutely use that time to spew hatred, lies and the most absurd conspiracy theories.

His moron supporters will eat it all up, not unlike how puppies eat their own shit.

Every major news network wants this debate to happen. Think about the outrage money, it angrily prints itself!

Honestly, we don’t even need to worry about the dues. Our planet has already dropped to a “C” level rating. The odds of Earth being recognized are now slim to none.

We should have returned the Space Bucks.

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