Brudder Aaron

0 Post – 92 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Everyone's favorite brudder.

Oh no. I'm in Arkansas.

Guess I'll turn on the VPN.

30 more...

Enabled wealth cap. Several players were holding on to massive amounts of money, artificially inflating the in-game economy and driving prices higher than the average player can realistically afford.

Going to call it. Right before place ends, they're going to completely wipe all the Fuck Spezes.

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That's because it is. r/place is a pathetic attempt to try to bring engagement back. But honestly everything on the board is just what happened last year. Bunch of popular subs branding the same spaces on the board, people spamming with Among Us guys. Just this year has a brand new message of Fuck Spez that will no doubt be removed before the end of the event.

Capitalism! Exploited by greedy leeches in a society indoctrinated to do nothing about it!

Fuck it. Hit them with a couple of billion and THEN companies might stop being shitheads to basic human rights.

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His obsession with the letter X is like that middle school kid who used to talk about how many girlfriends he got and how good he is at being a bad ass...

Basically, he's a less likeable version of Zane from Hypnospace Outlaw.

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Which is why people should scrub their comments. A lot of people are holding on to "The good times." with their posts and comments. It doesn't matter if reddit can technically undo the work, I'm still going to check and make sure it stays gone. Without that content, reddit is nothing.

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You don't really get it, do you? Most of the mods in their respective communities cared about fostering a thriving community for their interests. Yes, power hungry mods who only do it out of power tripping exist, but those mods are the ones who are likely staying. The passionate ones, the ones who made the site, are leaving.

So now when everyone's favorite subreddit gets installed with a bunch of new power-hungry mods, things aren't going to be quality. There will be tons of shit flinging, tons of splitting the userbase and the general quality of the community will cease existing.

Free labor is replaceable. But passionate people are not.

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r/Place was insanely popular... Popular enough that people bitched for a few years before they brought it back. Now Reddit's in the corner and they're trying to bring r/Place back. On one hand I'm very curious how it'll turn out this year. On the other, I won't be doing anything to it because I really don't care for Reddit to use the community's art as a reason for them to generate more traffic and more profit.

While I really REALLY hope he doesn't weasel himself out of this, our justice system highly favors people with money to pay for crimes to go away.

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This is PRECISELY the reason. He fired a lead engineer who told him they can't control how many people engage with his tweets. So he made it so that EVERYONE gets to see his tweets in their feed. Queue mass blocking of him and now he's upset.

Tinfoil hat is ON. Spez and Loyalist are squashing any and all criticism that appears on r/All.

Even the first episode of the game was rife with incestuous undertones. I fully support the dev in their art, but it's hard to say it's not an incest game.

People just need to grow up. Weird things happen all the time. We can't be puritanical and pretend it doesn't exist.

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The INVESTORS showed up...

It's a game of Jenga and Spez won't let you take your turn. There's no way he can win it.

Yeah I know who you are, Boebert. White trash!

More like short term. They care about whatever money they can get right NOW. Doesn't matter for the future because then they'll just think of others ways to screw over others to get another burst of money for their accounts.

Huckabee is a lowly piece of human garbage. I hate that she won our governor election.

Have the upboot because I think you're handsome and cool.

I forgot they were actively blanking out things they didn't like. What was that cat mascot they were butthurt about?

Steve Huffman (Spez) says a lot of things.

Steve Huffman (Spez) also does the exact opposite of those things.

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Would this not be an advertisement nightmare (Not that Twitter isn't already one) to try to change a recognized brand's name to something completely different?

Also lol Motherfucker can afford to piss money and he chooses Godaddy.

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"We have investigated ourselves and found that we did nothing wrong." Pretty much that. It would get rid of their ability to do that.

The best thing I've ever done with my mental health is stop chasing the idea that being with someone is the key to happiness. Things like tinder just prey on insecurities with false promises.

Only if Elon threw his fat ass on Zuck and sat on him the entire fight.

Yeah... living in a deep red state goes against every bit of my moral fiber. But I can't leave. I can only sit here, helplessly trying my best to vote for equal rights but then I see people are voting for red no matter what is at stake. The party system is trash and it needs to be gone.

Bluey too wholesome to be defaced.


It's people like Spez and Elon who would be the first to die off in a post-apocalyptic scenario. Their "Smarts" won't do shit if they don't know how to survive. Not to mention high profile people will likely be the first on the chopping blocks.

Nah. He'd spin it as doing a great service for the nation of Saudi Arabia and how they "Begged and pleaded" with him to sell them the documents. Of course he gladly did because he's a good guy. A great guy. Probably, no definitely best guy ever and couldn't say no.

How about we not respect people who supported a tyrant who attempted a coup and undermine America's democracy?

Refusing to be humiliated is not a reason to suddenly respect these PoS'es

If only there were an app... suited for kids that google could use... One that would give them the limitations and safety they want from people and not ruin the whole site while still chasing those kid viewers.

If only such a thing existed.

Yar har fiddly dee. Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free.

As "wrong" as stealing is, I find it more wrong that companies can keep fucking us over like this without reprimand. Triple A games are becoming more and more difficult to justify the new $70 price tag.

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2016 was the turning point of me being a stupid and proud "Non-voter" to being a loud and proud voter. If I have to thank Trump for anything, it's for showing me how stupid our society is and we need to do everything we can to undo the damages he has wrought.

A techbro saw Elon's dumpster-fire handling of twitter and went "Yes, this makes sense!" Oh Spez, this is why we don't idolize idiots.

I mean, people live stream themselves committing crimes and shit quite often. Never underestimate the stupidity of our society.

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They... did.. But every quest is "Go to specific type planet, find X amount of clues, then go do special boss battle."

Remember the Real-Money Auction House in Diablo 3? This seems very much like that...

And I bet it's going to go the way of the RMAH.

The RS Wiki is amazing and should be the shining example for wikis. As shitty as Jagex can be, they did a really awesome thing to help keep it going.