11 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

A semi-nomadic online traveller from Verdigris, archiving, connecting and creating as much as he can.

Also a budding architect, visual artist, and demoscene musician at heart.

You can also see me down Masto-raft at @jupritona, and Fanlore (JWPH) and Newgrounds (that1verdeian).

Although I'm not in any way aware or alive when that was happening back then - that ".com bubble" blast I think? - I surmise that was a real crash-and-burn phenomenon, McKinstry's "CR6" internet show being one of its casualties, despite its significance in online emergent media history.

And Sweater Month too? How delightfully festive of a side hobby, regardless of climate location.

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This is just the latest of a barrage of instances whereupon justice does not compromise at all, regardless of circumstance or side, and moreso upholds the rights of the truly hapless, as well as those who continually campaign for humanity's good, over those who campaign only for themselves and their ill-gotten wealth and power.

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And now, it's not just news-producing sites; a while ago, I tried to look for the dimensions for the toilet and bath sections for a typical Filipino home, and lo and behold, two identical GAI cobblin' sites appeared on top of the search results!

I also felt the normalcy kicking back in at this moment; days or weeks ago, it felt like jumbled static and spammed noise perusing through this digital seaside village, with storms periodically downing the entire rafterstructure.

Whatever you are doing and faring right now, Mr. @ernest, stay humble and keep on doing for the best of all, even if it means having to ask for additional help from us when circumstances are dire. :D

Or rather, be constantly ravaged by OMORI and his dangerous arsenal of cold, blood-red spaghetti hands.
A human justice unretributed, yet upheld in some way anyway.

Ah, the regular EmpLemon internet staple...

He regularly uses it to refer to things on the Internet that have suddenly, or slowly, gotten worse over time, not only to its detriment, but also towards its audience(s).

You have a common-sense point there, and so what should we (if not all Lemmy and Kbin online rafts and their denizens, most of them) do at this point?

Have at least one competent, small-enough mental health team per instance or three, whose primary job functions alike that of an active mental health hotline, albeit geared towards the Fediverse citizen in need, admins, moderators, community builders, coders, creatives, and lurkers alike, but make sure they don't overstep their bounds a bit too much, and that they also connect with others representing other instances, keeping in mind the right to privacy and all other related human rights to make sure the ecosystem stays healthy at all facets, not just in the online, but also in the "outside world" sense.

For that, diversity, genuine compassion and science-and-humanity-based objectivity are also needed for those willing to take up those roles.

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Hey there, also calling back from as some of the commenters in this mini-raft.
Although most of the politics posts can be a bit of an eyesore to most of us here, I found comfort in this instance, even going so far as to establish some new mags for my ephemeral interests, one for the musico-archivist Derivakat herself, of which I have grown tired of continually building as my college era began to set in, up until this point.

As for private small-group convos, I'm also mulling moving on to along with a few others in my own Discord server if ever its fires start blazing forth.

And by that, he'll call it his own "Las Nevadas", but way, way more insidious and manipulative.

It's deffo r/Flairwars and r/Num for me, despite not having been in the latter in the time I was on that site.
Both have their own unique inside jokes, battling systems, lore, fanworks, and most of all, a slow yet steadily thriving community that's accepting of everyone. I often wonder how my first aforementioned community would thrive in this vast federated space, especially with all the new possibilities out here... Maybe new lore expansions, and a reinvigoration on the way?

For me, it's going to be r/SkyGame (the game itself speaks of humanity at its best, coupled with scenescapes and moments that will leave you agape in awe and pain), r/HFY (astounding, original stories and serials about humanity at its best, even through moments of suffering within the wider multiverse), and r/FilipinoHistory (an intelligently-enough discourse space for all things Philippine history, culture, and society as a whole).

Seems quite extensive, but... do I place some and/or all of it on the "My rules" or "My filters" tab on uBlock?

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That would be OMORI, first and foremost.

Plus, with the right combination of applications (more preferably, a few, and some with no active internet permission at all) and power settings tweaked both for better battery mileage and longer, more focused on-the-go sessions (e.g. editing documents, playing that one dungeon crawler roguelike, and planning important events, etc.) you could count on it more.

Even to those who don't have their fathers anymore, like mine, due to incurable disease or sudden accidents?

Probably Omori, although I haven't gotten to two of four endings just yet. Its vibes naturally resonated with me over time, even at its darkest moments.

Modular synthesis, archiving, lost media, and most of all, rhythm game lore.

I also have tried this rather minimalist jotting site called a while back. Moreso a personal repository of rambling, quick thoughts than one alike Tumblr or Cohost, yet it's generally seamless, most of the time.

I would also like to add that she's also in the game Sayonara Wild Hearts as the Narrator herself, as a sort of last-minute addition by the developers at Simogo.

Just like the eventual rapid fall of L'manberg, albeit not as fast as a series of TNT and wither bombardments...

It would be mostly this song by Filipino band Over October, even though this could also apply to those missing their own parents or siblings for so long:
Into the Light

I still haven't vaporized mine yet, as long as I get my few modded subreddits and co-mods there, as well as my Flairwars history, up to speed and migrate completely from there. Before the moment everything becomes a large L'Manburg hole do I truly exit off.

The first one's for images you have saved on your phone or computer (desktop/laptop), while the latter's for hosted online image links.

In Dream SMP canon terms (no offense to that series, though), that'll be L'Manburg's Doomsday.

Headcase by Derivakat

For a complete surprise, just the few intro part notes of bo en's "My Time".

This is quite a bonafide selection of bundle games indeed, perfect for an individual, earnest cold-season picking! May I get A Short Hike, then?

It would be this normal-looking ballpen for me; authors would likely see it as some sort of a canon-fixing tool for their fics and fanfics, and more.

If you're the type who wants to unwind from the hyper-realistic art style of most mainstream games nowadays, while also exploring modern Filipino life and culture through the eyes of a young adult student, the Until Then demo might be up your alley. Aside from the pixelated art style coming from the devs themselves, who are also wholly Filipino themselves, there's quite a substantial attention to detail when it comes to the greater Metro Manila and the suburban locations around, including our local circuses. Oh, and there's also quite a bit of mysteriousness and some philospophy to it, as vaguely evidenced by its Playstation 5 trailer.

Philippines (current overall)

  • Kindergarten 1-2 (ages 4-5 (or 6, in some cases))
  • Elementary (Grades 1-6)
  • Junior High (Grades 7-10)
  • Senior High (Grades 11-12) (generally 17-20)

Most, if not all, of my experienced dreams so far, have been in 1st person, as if I'm the one living through whatever realism-fantasy-scifi shenanigans I'm in; thing is, most of the time, they're almost exclusively set within my home province, including the central capital city, highways and all.
Consuming and creating various creative media also has its own part in aligning perspectives in those dreams, as well as how the supposed "plot"/"storyline" plays out in its entirety.

I concur, too. So far, I have conquered said dungeon with at least 3 character types in 6 differing runs; the most fun I had fun so far was the Huntress herself, for in one of those winning run, I chose the Warden's path, coupled with the Nature's Wrath armor upgrade. It made most of the lower levels bloom in grass and all sorts of seeds that probably upped my farming time by a couple of turns.

Such a badass force-of-nature run that was.

Also, Sprouted PD has a sublevel every 5th or 6th where it's all hidden forest and mobs.

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As @Drusas also noted below, just discovering and enjoying new things, while also finding stories of humane positivity, everything nature and greenery, and listening to trackertunes that are well-crafted and have a strong storyline involved.

@Sweetpeaches69 Thus, the recursive idea of "ideas" themselves, be it good, bad, or somewhere in-between.

And, about time for some listening to this one banger Free Money! rip on Youtube as a sort of ironic celebration.