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Joined 10 months ago

We can trace this back to Reagan nixing fair reporting laws.

Now might be the time to put some protections in place for trans folks serving in the military - those bans are a little more recent and likely to return if someone happens to win office…

I was going to join the Navy to help pay for school, and then one day it was no longer legal 🤡

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I have tens of thousands in student loans for a job that my state made illegal for trans people to have 2 years after I graduated lol

Mates, makeup ain’t for y’all. You know how you spent eight hours messing with your .bashrc or rolling for counter strike skins or whatever weirdass hobby you have? You don’t do it because you are trying to attract women - you see your friends get into something cool and you get competitive with them. That’s what it is for the womenfolk. They get their nails did and do weird ass makeup looks because it’s a fun hobby. They know that you probably don’t care about the difference between coffin and ballerina nails. But their friends do, and they want to show off, because it’s fun.

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I paid for my teaching degree by working as a prostitute. Prostitutes aren’t extra horny degenerates or something, they’re just folks trying to survive. I’d probably be a better teacher if I could still do it, because I could cut back the hours at my second job 🤷‍♂️

Seems like we hold teachers to higher standards than CEOs and politicians, for less money than a Walmart GM makes…

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As a teenage girl into coding, I was treated like absolute shit. If I made a mistake in my botball code, it was because I wasn’t good at coding. If a boy made a mistake in their botball code, then it was something that the other boys would help them debug. I remember it being assumed I just wouldn’t be able to figure out what structs were, so the boys running the botball code didn’t teach me. In college, any group project was an opportunity for boys to try to fuck me.

As a trans man, someone who has experienced life as both a man and woman in STEM, there are massive barriers to women. It’s invisible to you because you haven’t lived through it.

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I wonder if that’ll make it legal for me to piss in the men’s bathroom again/have a job in the career I love and went thousands in debt to train for… only mentions students and they tend to forget that trans adults exist…

Oklahoma state law says it’s a misdemeanor and schools can lose up to 10% of their funding for letting anyone (teacher or student) use a bathroom that doesn’t match their birth certificate. (There’s been a standing executive order since 2015 that birth certificates cannot be changed). I have the face and body of a reddit neckbeard, but I was violating the law by not pissing in the same room as my female colleagues and students.

Just kinda messes with your head when you have to commit 1-3 crimes a day at work.

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🫄Also a pregnant person option.

As a trans guy that does want to carry my own someday, it’s kinda cute and the fact that people see it on their keypad will probably make my life easier when I get to that point.

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Also stop making us pay for our own supplies. We can’t write off more than $300 of class materials on our taxes too - maybe she could add some pencils to her routine to make them a legitimate business expense.

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To be fair, most Tyler Perry movies could be replaced by minute long clips of stock footage with some filters stuck on them.

The court is trying. He’s just playing a lot of games. Lots of the money is held by his parents or hidden in different shell companies. The court established that he and InfoWars are basically the same thing as far as the money is concerned, so he’s been trying to start new shows and businesses to further complicate things.

Court orders don’t automatically happen or always get enforced. Going through a divorce right now - lawyer told me that even if I do get an order that some of the shared debts are paid, he can just not. I’d have to go back to court and still get dinged on my credit.

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Has anyone ever been fired from a job for being cis? [I’ve been fired from a couple for being trans….]

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So the cops in previous statements were being purposefully misleading to help push the narrative that Nex died by suicide. That was obvious, but will this be enough to combat the bad faith misinformation being spread all over the fucking place?

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My problem is replacing search terms with synonyms (which are often wrong for the context) and ignoring things like quotation marks or other search tools. It’s hard to exclude irrelevant results. Sometimes I’ll know an article’s exact title, search with and without quotes, and never find it.

I did a pizza party for the class that made the most improvement on a benchmark test. Paid ~$100 in my own money, tried to get everyone enough for two slices. It wasn’t the right kind of pizza, they were still hungry, I didn’t get the right soda… fuck me for not dropping that cash on a fat j instead.

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They shouldn’t give exceptions for “good faith effort to hire.” If you can’t hire someone, clearly you aren’t matching what the market demands and need to improve working conditions and pay.

Just like “emergency certifications” in teaching, when the solution to “we don’t have enough qualified people” becomes letting any one with a pulse in, we end up with a race to the bottoms in employee qualifications, pay and working conditions.

You cannot expect someone go through years of school, with additional specialized training, sometimes even masters or doctoral level degrees, to work for substandard wages. In the medical field especially - the mobile and qualified can make bank as travel nurses, why would they bother with you?

When I was in college working in a lab, we were worried about accidentally killing frogs with our equipment because we didn’t have anything filed with the IRB about frogs.

Everything with Elon bewilders me. I thought this is why we had regulatory agencies.

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I think it’s harder to post to Reddit as a human being than it is as a bot. You have to read like six paragraphs of text (which doesn’t show up on old Reddit) to make sure that your post is formatted correctly, and then a mod will look through your comment history and ban you because they read everything you’ve ever posted and discovered that you own a car or something.

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These kinds of programs are important in high poverty districts. Super transient population - sometimes students might attend for a couple of weeks and then disappear. Parents don’t speak English, or can’t read, so they can’t fill out the paperwork to get their kid on the free lunch program. Many of these kids come to school TO eat - when COVID shut my district down the schools were kept open as feeding sites. We provided breakfast and had a school food pantry.

I don’t think people understand how many children would starve without free lunch programs.

I’m never buying a Honda again after buying a 2018 Civic model. Less than 10k on it when I bought it and the A/C went out. There’s an issue with the condenser on the 2018/2019 Hondas. They offered to pay HALF of what it’d cost to fix - I’d still be out more than a thousand. And from research online, apparently the replacements tend to fail too.

Pretty much every time I see the same model I ask if the owner has AC. They always have the same problem. It’s going to be real wonderful driving when it gets to the 100’s this summer…

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I report lots of scam ads and leave comments calling them out. I’ve had Meta or YouTube take down maybe one or two of the hundreds I’ve reported. But I’ve had a ton of my comments removed as “hate speech” (stuff like pointing out a NFT collection was using stolen artwork). We are not their customers - advertisers are. The people who made this ad are the people that paid Meta - why would they take it down?

I thought it was hilarious how redditors fell for some guys bait/fetish post. Iirc the guy admitted to making it all up in some dm’s

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Almost 58 per cent of researchers said they considered that there is a 5 per cent chance of human extinction or other extremely bad AI-related outcomes.

“Hey mate, what’s the chance that you think AI could cause us to go extinct or summin’” “Idk like 5% bro.”

Reading the paper, they just asked a bunch of researchers when they thought different tasks would be doable by AI. So it’s all just vibes based. We should apparently expect AI to be competitive in StarCraft next year though, hype!

It is illegal for me to piss at work. I am not legally allowed to use the men’s restroom. I do anyways, because I’m a fat, hairy dude with a beer belly. If someone were to out me, I would likely lose my job, cause my workplace to get into trouble, and would probably be forced to move to escape death threats.

All I want is to take my testosterone shot once a week and do my job. My transness is irrelevant to anyone who is not having sex with me or my doctor.

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Why does the same company that owns WebMD also own and a car website?

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You can’t take them, because the district is worried they’ll get sued if one breaks. Your option is to tell the parent, and the parent will 80% come up with some bullshit excuse or accuse you of targeting their child. I worked one district that had a form we could fill out - after getting caught three times they were supposed to turn the phone in. Never happened.

Please. Do. Not. Send. Your. Child. To. School. With. A. Smartphone. DONT.

They are addicted. We’ve given them tech that adults can’t even manage to responsibly use. They don’t know how to be bored or curious. The behavior is just strange - when I’ve been fuck it and just taken a phone - they regress. 15 year olds babbling and throwing tantrums like toddlers.

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It’s also sadly common for folks to detransition because of hostility and a lack of support. Hard to afford hormones if you can’t get a job because you’re trans.

The former president of the United States is a convicted rapist who bragged about his dick size and paid a porn star thousands of dollars to have sex with him. That’s an example I wouldn’t want set for a bunch of kids, but it appears that’s just fine. An underpaid public servant working a side gig to make ends meet though…

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I’m not coping. Weed and alcohol to help me sleep, researching an “exit strategy” that doesn’t traumatize anyone else.

Fr 😭 the best I’ve found is silk boxer briefs. So much of the “sexy” stuff is crude joke shit, like oh look the dick is an elephant trunk! Also even more tangential, why is no one able to take a good dick pic? How is a blurry picture of a dong next to a can of Monster supposed to entice me?

Seems to be a viable career, if she can charge a $3000 cancellation fee…

I love how you admit to “using” prostitutes, because you don’t seem to view them as human beings. Seems like what’s good for the gander isn’t good for the goose.

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Middle school boys could not create realistic depiction of their classmates engaged in sex with photoshop. At least not without significant time and effort. Now they can generate hundreds of photos in a matter of minutes.

Just because it doesn’t have an effect on you personally doesn’t mean it’s a speck. Other human beings exist and have feelings. Maybe stop being a narcissist.

The whammy is when your hell hole state is low cost of living, so you get paid too little to be able to afford to leave. It’s also hard to be competitive when you rank LOL in education. They know if they keep us poor we can’t afford to leave.

It sucks, because I can feel the hostility towards my existence. I can’t safely pursue my career here. I’m done fighting for my state but I can’t get the fuck out.

Reddit is mostly bots. Trump social is gullible idiots. Selling gold and prepper shit on Trump social is going to be profitable. Reddit ads are garbage and have been hated by the user base since their inception.

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It’s weird how the media insists on describing a 30 year old man who committed defrauded folks of millions of dollars like he’s a teenager. Like this was just a group of teenagers who didn’t really understand what they were doing until things got out of hand.

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Obviously she should have joined the military and shot brown kids instead.

I was going to participate in a navy program that would put me through med school. Then Trump decided to ban folks like me from the military.

As an older trans person, things were better for us before he was in office. It’s exhausting hearing one’s existence debated every fucking day, by folks who have zero idea what they’re talking about. It wasn’t illegal for me to piss at work in 2015, it is now.

I’m an adult trans man who has been on testosterone for more than a decade now, and it’s a fight to stay on my medication. I almost want to live in this fantasy world where doctors just hand out hormones and blockers like candy. But most doctors are terrified - all it takes is your hospital ending up on LibsOfTiktok or something and it’s time for the bomb threats. My medical provider is one of the few that hasn’t left my state, and if he leaves I’m fucked.

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Lots of scientists will just send you their article if you email them. They don’t get the money when you pay to read it - often they pay to submit. Reviewing journal articles is a privilege and doesn’t get you paid. The prestige of a scientific article is from the number of times people have cited it. The only “harm” done is that the publisher doesn’t get to make 100% profit for doing nothing.

Journal publishing is mostly a way to extract money from universities. Elsevier and its ilk name whatever price they think a research university can afford.

Reddit also harbored trading rings for CSAM. It took a CNN report about r/jailbait for it to be removed. There was also r/picsofdeadkids. r/creepshots.