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Joined 12 months ago

Rust dev, I enjoy reading and playing games, I also usually like to spend time with friends.

You can reach me on mastodon or telegram @sukhmel@tg

Would be even funnier if it was posted to non-political memes

::: spoiler because it's not same strange people, but the phrases are "and you are our expert in shipbuilding? If there's a hole, then that's how it's supposed to be" from the smoking man, "Aren't you ashamed to talk about our ship like that?", "Let's everyone mind their own business" from the painter, "and I'm proud of our boat! I like it even better with a hole" from a person with a flag, "let's not be negative guys!", "technically this is not a hole, but a special hole", "Jonathan has two holes in his boat and nothing", "and are you going to repair the galleries? stay quiet, smart guy", "The situation as a whole is of course ambiguous", "I'm not listening, I'm eating pilaf" :::

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You didn't listen when we told you there's malware in torrents, so we put malware in torrents

Nah, that's different, you see

Also kind of the same as when the US companies transferred technologies to Japan in order to produce there for cheap, and then destroyed nearly all of domestic manufacturers with the import

I kind of see how letting your own industry sink because you want to minimize the cost is a bad thing, but I also don't think that going sharp 180° after that and trying to impose extreme taxes out of the blue because you suddenly realized that your money was spent on the development of another country is good.

It would be nice, of course if none of this went into military and police there (or anywhere), but that's wishful thinking :(

Edit: that's the original of the picture, although it is translated

Octopus TV-shop delivers to an elderly lady that forgot to buy pickles for the salad. Nothing out of the ordinary ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

So, I guess some art is saved¹ in this event

::: spoiler 1 $45M [of] Masterpieces Risk for Assange's Freedom: An artist threatens to destroy $45 million worth of masterpieces, including works by Picasso and Warhol, if WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange dies in prison, spotlighting the clash between art and activism. :::

Ey used the wrong word, but this in fact is correct. Once lemmy gets popular, bot farms will definitely will siege it, and the amount of "bots and shills" will rise

uBlock Origin is also not piracy, but it is the real way to block

I understood the original comment as "if devs were paid they wouldn't sell out". Which is probably valid, more or less

Well, actually, "well actually" comments under shitposts usually add ironic value and aren't too serious, at least most of what I've seen

Chill, man, there's only so much space to add new names to this meme

I think, they are only paid indirectly in that the money are spent on propaganda to make them act like this

This isn't exactly right, since it can't be delivered from the original pair of statements

I still think that better late than never

A mem cut from a fan-made exchange between the Spider-Man 3 characters Peter Parker and Harry Osborn, Peter saying: "I Just Told You I've Already Bought It, Harry, You Don't Need to Sell It to Me"

image of a hand-drawn owl with text: Wanted, Haskell, enemy of the ★mutable★ state

They generally seem like fun people 😱

Action Park was formally opened on July 4 of that year, with two opening-day promotions: a Dolly Parton look-alike contest and a tobacco juice-spitting contest

Gene didn't want to do the same old shit, where you just get strapped into something or it twirls around. He wanted to take the idea of skiing, which is exhilarating because you control the action, and transfer it to an amusement park. There's inherent risk in that, but that's what makes it fun

the park eventually bought the township extra ambulances to keep up with the volume

But especially this:

The Bailey Ball was an Alpine Center attraction developed and tested, but never opened to the public, as a result of those tests. It consisted of a large steel sphere in which a rider could be secured, and then rolled downward. The plan was to do it on a track with PVC pipe as its outer rails, and one was built alongside a ski trail.

The designers neglected to take into account the tendency of PVC pipe to expand in heat. During the first test, with a state inspector present on a hot summer day, the ball, with a man inside testing it, went off the track as a result of the pipe expanding and bounded down the adjacent ski slope. It continued through the parking lot, across Route 94, and came to rest in a swamp. After it came to a natural stop at the bottom, the inspector left without saying anything and park management abandoned the project

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screenshot of a comment in the thread mocking a reply from developer: "Change management is particularly difficult with games like Cities Skylines 2. It's the most complete in depth city simulation ever written. There are a lot of moving parts and with its agent based deep simulation change management is a challenge. It's difficult to see in advance that removing game assets from the game will result in the unavailability of said assets in game.
No doubt the there there was a change management procedure prepared in advance that was reviewed by all stakeholders. But this was such an edge case, removing assets resulting in the unavailability of said assets in game, that this interruption simply couldn't have been for foreseen.
It won't be long now. In last week's update CO announced its intent to form an advisory panel, including members of the Cities community. CO will be able to leverage this expertise when formulating its rollback strategy. It's a solid bet that forming this advisory panel will be on COs agenda in the next couple weeks and we will see content creators showcasing a pre-release rollback in the months that follow.
CO has committed to fixing core game features before the release of Bridges and Piers in Q1 of 2025 and we have every reason to believe this commitment is firm. Certainly we will see Beach Properties assets return to Skylines 2 by Q4 2024 or at the latest as an update to the base game released simultaneously with Bridges and Piers in Q1 of 2025."

This is just gold 🤣

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Tis a very wholesome meme, I hope this kind of cooperation is (or at least will be) possible

Edit: on a large scale, I mean

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Although you're correct, I find fediverse lacking in the department of the more niche stuff, e.g. fandoms of specific games, communities by geo proximity, obscure hobbies.

But well, Reddit wasn't like this from the start and I hope the diversity and smaller communities will be here instead of there with time.

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That's because Russian "law enforcement" is actually terror, they do everything for the large part of citizens to be too afraid to even speak up not to mention doing anything.

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Maybe it's a portmanteau of AI + giraffe, it seems like this was a problem well known among AI researchers:

Machine responses are only as good as their data set. Take giraffes as another example. An AI trained on examples of questions people asked and answered about photos learned that nobody ever asked a question like “How many giraffes are there?” when the answer was zero. So if you ask that AI how many giraffes are in a photo, they always give a nonzero number, even if there are no giraffes at all.

But I'm not a researcher and don't know if it's related or what does that mean now. I would be pleased to learn the answer as well

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It's not even necessary, they will find everything on their own

That's just a new game plus for electricity

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That's how it starts, you see the usefulness of one case, the next thing you know is you're measuring distance in sheep and power in mice

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I feel like this tells a lot about the state of the society we have where most people can't be what they want to be if they want to also make a living

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…a-a-and it's gone

They seem to be freshly ploughed, something will grow there, eventually.

A house with a narrow strip for a garden is a bit weird though

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Iseif is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.

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Irony is not exactly lost when this article requires jumping through hoops to read after presenting the hook about toilet theory and saying that the author uses it to imagine what the audience is like.

As a distracted audience I'd rather go distract over something else then create an account

I imagine rusty cybertrucks are going to look very sci-fi post apocalyptic, and if they really rust this fast this will not even require an apocalypse

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If this fails to have any effect, I wonder how many more local wars will be started soon on the ground of international law becoming some kind of joke as of lately

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I feel this really is because of plucking the historical guilt strings and "if you're against Israel's actions you're an anti-semit"

But I am not in the know of the local German situation, so might as well be a wrong impression

This is a bit of "no true Scotsman" fallacy. If something you volunteer for hasn't been monetized you can always say 'yet'

FOSS is something people volunteer for and it mostly doesn't get monetized and cut off. Sometimes this means that the original is cut off but a fork lives on, so I would rather say that volunteering for a closed product is dangerous in that regard, not volunteering forany product

Nothing in his comment says that the US is not an example of this strategy 🤔

And that's how Russian propaganda leads to BSOD

Only a loading screen, judging by the small size

Then you can't proceed at all, and the error message doesn't even explain it

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Techies: what if it bricks accidentally?

Manufacturer: *spinning the key fob* we didn't think that far, to be honest

A few moments later

Manufacturer: *proceeds to drop the remote and accidentally bricks everything*

He's almost completely covered in fur yet his armpits are shaved amidst fur, that's a nice touch, too