1 Post – 422 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Sometimes people want to play with a toy and not scream at their OS because of… millions of possible reasons.

CGP Grey is a treasure

Sounds like you’re stuck in a worst practices mindset.

Sign your damn releases and have the whitelisting done by cert.

Yea that’s exactly how the response during hurricane Catrina occurred /s

  1. It is the Arctic, not the ant-arctic.

Actually that’s all.

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With feedback loops already started there is no other way. Emissions need to be drastically cut and geo-engineering will be necessary to interrupt those feedback loops.

YouTube has a monopoly and it’s no surprise people are frustrated, especially those who aren’t tech aware enough to continue blocking ads.

Automatic should be the only option

Because you seem to be incapable of recalling what you said.

You are being called out for having zero knowledge and then declaring what should be allowed.

No, they don't understand sons loving their fathers.

They're weirdly into daughters loving their fathers though.

Cops rushing to have lethal robots just proves him right.

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Not just for security, selling snake oil is also grounds for ad blocking.

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The assumption that pirates would pay rather than simply consuming other media is absurd.

These loss numbers are pulled out of thin air with no reasoning behind them.

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Such a toxic community! I popped over to reddit and saw posts like this

This bug was introduced with the last Patch last year before they went for christmas/new year holidays. They are back since 1 week now and i think and hope they patch it as soon as possible . To be fair its only a Problem early till midgame before you got youre economy half way working, after this point you dont have money Problems at all . I find the ai pathfinding + the cargo System more gamebreaking then the money bug

On steam checking new reviews shows people are unhappy and refunding but there’s hardly any vitriol there either. Moderators are quick but not that quick.

Over on the official forums we see complaints, disappointment and frustration but little in the way of outright hatred.

I’ve yet to run across anything that crosses a line in terms of content I would moderate, however that doesn’t mean moderators didn’t nuke such comments before I could see them.

This looks like the expected reaction to a game being broken on release. The devs are simply shifting blame to the community.

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The ban is a bit over the top but your (or their) choice of female instead of woman is strange. No one talks like that.

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It is inevitable that Meta will try to kill the fediverse while chasing profits, there is no other possibility in their endgame.

If that is pushing ads into other instances or killing those instances entirely we don’t know yet but it will happen.

It has to because the shareholders must always have more.

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Drag shows are not necessarily pornographic, they’re often just theatre and comedy, and I’m confused how you got this impression that they are pornographic.

The most well known drag queen in Australia for decades was Dame Edna (now deceased) and no one would have batted an eye at going to watch her perform with work colleagues.

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I refuse to use “boomer shooter” it’s a dumb moniker that ignores the single most influential person involved in the genre: John Carmack.

He’s not a boomer, boomers didn’t make the genre, boomers don’t deserve the credit.

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You are always just a quick search away from educating yourself before you post misinformation.

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Spez is the most over paid pasty greedy little big boy thats ever lived.

Having done nothing but piss off users, developers and moderators he rakes in an absolute fortune.

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Ridiculing someone for trying to gatekeep something isn’t gatekeeping you spanner.

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Might need to check your maths on that one

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The Australian government needs to retaliate in a serious way.

They just had talks between generals about this sort of dangerous behaviour and the Chinese immediately do this.

This is a message from China that they don’t respect Australia. Fine.

Australia should cut coal and iron exports to the bastards right before their next winter hits.

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These are fun, Australians can’t waive any of their rights, including consumer rights and rights to access the courts.

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Only Ukrainian citizens are subject to conscription in Ukraine, unlike a notable neighbouring country, which conscripts both Russians and Ukrainians.

makes strawman

wHy ArE yOu PeOpLe LiKe ThIs

I used to do IT Support in a 24h call centre and I did the night shift regularly.

I would get more work done than any other four employees in a shift by listening to 160bpm techno and smashing energy drinks all night.

Those seemingly endless hours of absolute hyperfocus and flow are something I miss.

I also hated the job but I fucking love problem solving and still miss it, despite not missing the pay rate!

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For blind users who also enjoy memes

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The whole story just gets weirder every sentence.

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China regularly tells other nations, including the US, not to get involved in their disputes over the South China Sea and Taiwan. It is normal diplomatic posturing.

How could anyone be healthy after having four of their children die?!

There is reasonable doubt that she killed the children based on the available evidence as determined by legal and medical experts.

Your opinion doesn’t matter at all.

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noone there is learning

Wrong. Dead wrong.

In the email chain subsequent to this exchange Linus even addressed the fact that the contributor would be better off learning about kernel development by focusing on the removal of unnecessary code and clean up.

No one jumps into kernel development knowing everything.

Maintainers need to teach people, not just about the culture and ethos, but about best practices and Linus had taught people constantly.

He has also learned a lot from others. To suggest otherwise is to think that Linus knew everything about kernel development back when he first began Linux development.

I don’t

They should be using birds not crocodiles but the OP is correct, there have been advances in reconstruction techniques as well as new fossil finds that show previous attempts were generally poor.

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Memeing this image is pretty disrespectful considering it’s entirely obvious how pissed they were at having their privacy invaded.

Huh, his hands really are tiny

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They could look into repurposing farming equipment and supplies given all the shortages they’re experiencing

Microsoft have done this previously and shelved it because their method had enormous security issues.

I don't see this going well for them.

This is oft repeated but is short sighted, it is NOT that people do not want to think, it is that they don’t have the time and energy to constantly fight their devices to perform simple tasks.

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however that doesn’t mean moderators didn’t nuke such comments before I could see them.

Im well aware of survivorship bias and even addressed it in my comment.

It isn’t the first time devs have shifted blame for their failures to their customers.

He’s also a pedophile. He was moderator of the jailbait subreddit.

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