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Joined 1 years ago

Hey! You read all of my comment this time. Thank you for extending the bare minimum of effort. In return, I'll read your comments; It's a reciprocal relationship.

So, in your view, elections change nothing and we're all sheeple. True change will occur during the revolution; elections have no consequences. Answer me this:

For a trans woman, living in the American South, would another Trump presidency lower quality of life for her, raise it, or would it stay roughly the same?

K. You don't read all of my short reply then I don't read past the first sentence of your long winded reply.

You're not a serious person.

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So in your reality, what happens?

Seriously, what are you hoping to gain? What's the desired effect?

The progressive faction just.... never votes. What happens? Magic? Revolution?

You're the sane one, so tell me.

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Two serial murderers, one with a higher body count and is also a pedophile, rapist, con man, national security threat, insurrectionist, and convicted felon.

And at that point, it's not an analogy any more.

I'm not part of the drag scene, but my understanding is that drag is an exaggerated performance of gender.

The actual situation of the actor doesn't really factor into whether or not it's drag. It's also not exclusively an exaggerated performance of femininity.


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There is also steel and gold foil. Neither is great for hats, but they're still options!

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I'm not confident my tax documents aren't saved to my dektop.

I usually air gap onto an external disk, but I've been busy recently.

So Congress has one man, with a particular set of skills, tasked with apprehending targets and bringing them to the House floor.

Sounds like a movie idea.

Look man, why don't we talk about spears across cultures?

It's a weapon of the people and FAR more useful.

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You COULD invest in an enterprise grade shoe rack unit which can act as the centeralized hub. Essentially, all users would connect with the server each time they need a shoe. As you note, distributed shoe storage technology exists, but there are actually a few different implementation strategies.

One option is to retrofit an area in the personal closet for shoes. This has the advantage of keeping each user's shoes away and out of reach from threat actors who wish to gain access to the shoes. A disadvantage occurs when there are poor weather conditions. The strategy there is to leave the shoes outside to dry.

Another option is to implement the strategy you outlined and practice a door-first shoe storage policy. Slides near the doors, work boots at the back door, and nicer shoes at the front door. In cases where shoe resources are over assigned, you would construct a priority chart to ensure that the shoes (usually slides) are stored at the door where they are most needed.

Another popular option in my region is to forgo shoes outside if you're staying within the household property. Depending on a user's mass, testicular fortitude, and the surrounding terrain, it is actually quite possible to take the rubbish to a wheely bin while walking over perfectly smooth pavement. Just wipe your feet a bit when going inside.

There are also homebrew hybrid solutions which mix and match any of the above, but be warned that a novel approach might have limited community support.

Store brand foods are good a lot of times. They used to be garbage, but nowadays they're pretty good.

Frozen veggies instead of fresh is usually okay if you're steaming or roasting.

Automotive parts off Amazon have worked alright; Rebuilt my suspension for, like, $120. That's tie rod, sway bar, shocks, and struts. No issues for the two years since that repair.

A ton of hobbies have perfectly respectable aliexpress alternatives. Keycaps, Fountain pens, 3d printer parts. They rob intellectual property, but I like linux ISOs, so I don't exactly have a history of respecting that type of property.

Software in general can be cheaped out on; I don't think I need to champion FOSS on here.

Refrigerators and washing machines can be cheaped out on, as long as you do a bit of research about their reliability.

Lots of stuff is easy to DIY if you have some work space. Furniture, fish tanks, thermonuclear warheads. Learning to sew is valuable, not because you should make your own clothes -fuck that- but because you can mend the stitching on your current clothes.

Services can usually be cheaped out on. Youtube videos and a can-do attitude can get you through manicures and toilet repairs. Court clerks will sometimes be willing to walk you through basic legal stuff like name changes. Things you should educate yourself about beyond a short youtube video: Electricity, flammability (from heat sources), and anything involving significant pressure (pistons, compressed air, and power washers, mostly.).Also be a little careful with chemical reactions: cement hardening, for example, will produce a bit of heat. Usually this isn't a big deal and you can ignore it, but there have been idiots.The world's information is at your disposal. Provided you've got some common sense, and you never fuck around with the capacitor in a microwave, you should be fine.

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Cis women and trans women have been found to have comparable performance in sports. Generally, cis women have an advantage over trans women.

I'm sure that you'll be objective and apply the same reasoning against cis women now that you know they have a physical advantage over other women.

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Trucks are heavily advertised over cars because selling a truck produces more profit.

Over time, those advertisements convince Americans that they need a F-150 4x4 EXTREME DUTY ULTRA RUGGED truck.

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What happens if you teach a transwoman to shitpost?

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I have never, ever, heard someone in real life bring up veganism unless it was specifically in the context of what they eat.

The problem is, it comes up. Food is a very foundational element of social life. Sharing a meal is important, providing a meal as a host is important, and supplying food at events is customary.

Rejecting the offer to put something in their body is misunderstood as an insult.

The kool-aid man is an invertebrate, dude.

Now hear me out:

What if you jumped through a tall fire, naked, a few times? Nothing so fast as to actually burn you, but enough to make you hairless.

I'm fairly certain that would kill quite a bit of the microbiome.

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I mean, why SHOULDN'T I be able to expose people and the environment to harmful conditions in order to maximize profit?

I'm allowed to do that in other countries, and I can also pay those slaves in beans so that I can make even more money.

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Look man, I'm just saying that between the two common genital configurations, one of them is more prone to moisture than the other.

Skirts are dope.

Ask any post menopausal woman. (estrogen pills)

Or teenage girl with acne. (anti androgen pills(sometimes))

Trans women take both.

Was this article written by Philomena Cunk?

What the hell are you on about?

You know what, go ahead and list these record settings. I want to see them.

Omit "school record" or any regional / divisional / age related records. Those get set and broke constantly. Show me ACTUAL records. World records. Professional league records.

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Are we talking about Gaius Publius Gronkculus Parthicus Maximus the Younger?

Sorry about you not seeing the lightning bug.

Insects are dying out a bit.

trans people.

c: \ \users\bob\ .appdata\ .roaming\notporn\pom.xml\ .appdata\d: \ \desktop\mydocuments\documents\onedrive\system31\windows\dev\swap1\sda1\Documents


Do you have a source? I'm pretty sure June is in February.

real estate billionaires will have their office buildings devalued.

They have standard lithium ion sizes that are tiny; there's no reason why they couldn't add threading to earbuds so that you could unscrew them.


Anyway, how do I report a comment?

No I fucking don't

Thanks. It was a genuine question. I've never heard of a single trans person who has set such a record.

Every time I hear stuff on the news it's "Trans girl shatters high school record". Given that there are basically thousands of possible records per grade per school, I would absolutely expect a few records to be set by trans girls. The thousands of records set per year by cis girls goes unrecognized and unreported.

Whenever cis girls succeed, they're ignored. Whenever transgender people succeed, they're punished. Whenever they fail, they're still punished.

Honestly, I would love to be eaten after my organs were harvested.

Help people one last time, you know? It's also symbolic because part of me will live on through them.


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And here I am throwing shit in with random amounts like I'm the Swedish Chef.

"yeah this looks like the right amount of garlic"

Morality is very subjective.

If your moral system includes minimizing human flourishing while maximizing human suffering, then Reagan was among the best men modern America ever produced.

Look to nature. Butterfly wing patterns.

I'd dig it.

'Long as I can shout Yeehaw

No joke, I love everything my kid creates. There's absolutely no pretending.

It's an expression of fun and joy from him. I would take that over a Monet painting any day of the week.