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Joined 6 months ago

I wish fucking supermarkets would understand this. I don't have to be told in a super loud fucking annoying voice that I need to place the object in the bagging area, or switch to the other machine to use my card. I've already hit the fucking button to use the cc machine, you fucking nonces! I've already placed the goddamn stupid fucking bananas in the stupid fucking bagging area, shut the fuck up! AAAAAH!

It's even worse now because you used to be able to mute the mother fucker, but now they've disabled that option.

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I highly doubt the supreme court will care about breaking apart the way we think the legal system works. They'll just take another case that would have its handling changed, and declare that 'this particular instance works the old way, but that other one works the new way, (stick fingers in their ears) la la la la'

Angles, baby, they let water dangle from a small hill and curb.

It will be low. Super low. $300k is pocket change when the incidence for gun carriers to use them is extremely low. It's why we can constantly mock the tacti-cool warriors for thinking they need a gun on them at all times. Plus, the insurance company has way more flexibility in proving their client was not at fault in the incident compared to the shenanigans they have to pull now for car wrecks.

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And this is why you should block ads, sheeple! So the government don't get ya!

What an amusing way for the manhunt to play out. I'm sure the fella who came up with the idea received some praise.

Having been involved in something that was actually bad, I can say with certainty that there are enough rules already (in most places) that apply to these sorts of situations. Harassment and stalking crimes cover the sorts of things that need to be handled by police. If someone teabags you in Halo, or curses at you or says disgusting things in a voice chat, you either block them or shake your head and move on. If they follow you around through multiple lobbies, send/spam pictures or post/spray real pictures of genitalia (in places where it is not supposed to be, such as your inbox/cellphone/vr lobbies, obviously not talking about nsfw sites), those things are already crimes covered by harassment/stalking/sexting crimes.

There may be a few edge cases where someone can skirt the laws, but again, in my experience, the statutes are broad enough to catch almost everything you could imagine and want to be a crime.

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The best explanation (ever) for a sovereign citizen is found in a legal opinion by a Canadian judge. He spends about 176 pages delineating their beliefs, origins, and manner of interacting with the legal system.


I wonder if Carlson is fully aware of how deep the hole is that he is about to crawl into. He likely already is a full russian stooge, but if not, he's about to find out just how tyrannical despots can be when you're in their power. Imagine the open and implied threats to his life and his family as they walk him through exactly what to say. Imagine how they dissuade him when he suggests certain questions that he wants to ask. If he strays from the exact script? Somebody get a picture of him when he returns to the states, and if it's within a week of the interview, see how many bruises, cuts, limps, or other signs of 'treatment' there are.

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I'll do you one better on TOP of this: the lowest level offenses, like traffic tickets, don't afford you the right to an attorney (somehow, eh? Also, catch my pun :P ). Maybe you think that's fine, because traffic tickets are different from theft charges and assault charges, etc. etc., but the catch is the lowest level of criminal offenses bundle in with those traffic tickets. If you catch a theft charge for the lowest amount, you don't get an attorney. If you catch a theft charge after the first, even if it's the same dollar store candy bar amount, now you are in a higher charge, with more jail time. The pattern repeats across other crimes as well. In fact, when I was paying attention, I'd say most of the 'crimes' that I saw people brought in for in my city were the low level offenses, and they were always the weasel crimes of cursing, making gestures... anything that could be used to put someone in jail for the night, and they would never get representation to fight the bullshit.

Huh. I never really thought of the character designs from helluva boss (haven't paid attention to the hotel) as being designed to be rule 34 stuff. Everything I've seen has the characters differing pretty wildly from their standard look in order to get the sexual characteristics.

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Night shift IS easy...

as long as your job doesn't have stupid requirements like switching back and forth between the day and night shift every other week, month, or on whatever-the-fuck that plant schedule is with 7/1/7/7/1/1 or its variations. And as long as there isn't some stupid requirement like having to brief a company that relies on something you did weeks ago, and have to do it right around 1100 hours when you already worked that night, and have to work that night. AND as long as you aren't understaffed, so you get mandatory overtime in the middle of your off days, oh totally preserves your off time so you're not working back to back but it totally fucks up your sleep schedule right in the worst time. AND AS LONG AS your bosses aren't complete fools who can't understand basic written sentences so they call you as you start to go into that phase IV deep sleep just so you can explain the same thing to them in spoken language...

fuck night shift.

Don't insult the hill billies. These are white-collarish, oh so fancy suburbanites.

I still listen to the noises. The cpu makes a unique whine when I highlight text.

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Bah. That's the one thing that always seems to never happen. 'Civilized' places always seem to take the high road and never hit back.

Lol. The best part is, the name comes from the area being a huge salt dome, which tracks because these school administrators are obviously super salty.

What are ya talking about, brosef? That's a great design! We're engines of warfare, and in warfare machines, ya gotta have redundancy! More redundancy! And spread the vitals around, make sure a stray pinecone launched from a big 80 foot enemy war machine above ya doesn't take ya out! The trees are coming!

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I think you may be making a mountain out of a mole hill. If they're asking you to make him take it, we all know that's a violation of informed consent to medical treatment laws/practices/standards. It doesn't sound like that though. It seems as if they just want you to document whether the patient takes it or not. If they're alert and oriented, it should be obvious when you give it to them whether or not that happens within, say 10 seconds. 10 seconds isn't really invasive. If the patient gets upset that you're watching him take it for that long, pass it off as you're just documenting whether or not he took it.

If they are wanting you to make the patient take it, well... bring up concerns to a supervisor you trust, and chart that you spent time trying to convince the patient to take the medication (better known as, the 5 seconds you talked to the patient about this being a doctor's orders for medication).

Mate, if the courtroom isn't the place to be somber, there would be no place to be somber. When one person accuses another of harming them, the parties who will be listening to their pleas and deciding on fates should be absolutely somber.

That's strange to me. I remember, and still think of, amazon as a marketplace. I bought used books and video games as my first purchases, waaaaay back when. You would have to sort out the prices and compare them to the listed 'condition' of the purchase, trying to figure out whether 'like new' condition was worth the $3 price jump over 'good' condition.

I don't necessarily disagree with the reasons behind your conclusion, but it costs more to execute a prisoner than to house them for life. The nature of the death penalty means that every appeal must be heard and fought through, which is one reason why it takes so long to kill them after conviction. All of those people involved in that process are thus being dragged away from other things they could be doing.

About the only time an execution occurs quickly is if the individual decides not to appeal. Rare, understandably. The other option would be to ignore the appeals process, and frankly we have already executed too many innocents for any person, even those who believe in the death penalty, to believe that would be justice.

Yes, there are some who say that. They get agreed with in person, ignored at the local party/voting level, scoffed at by media, screamed at in general on the internet, and scolded on places like lemmy or reddit (if not screamed at). There are policies that I like that for some reason have to be lumped in with policies I detest no matter which party I look at. One party (fucking GOP) is way worse than the other, but try to have a rational discussion with anonymous or outside-of-your-social-circle people, and any criticisms of a party are like blaspheming their god.

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Pretty sure the Iceland thing proved that one. When they made extracurriculars like athletics or clubs mandatory (and obviously supported it so it wasn't a giant effort for the families), teen alcohol/drug addiction dropped handily.

Texas is very much a purple area. It could completely flip blue in certain areas, which is why you might have noted all the efforts to suppress the vote at the state level, such as throwing out Houston's votes.

Oh. Oh, you poor innocent soul. Sometimes I wish for the days of fancy and wonder to come back to me. You keep thinking the best thoughts!

As much as I'd love to see that, the likelihood of it happening is low. The boards move on public opinion and consensus. The public they care about may be only other doctors, but as we've seen since covid, there are plenty of doctors who listened to Ozzy and boarded the crazy train.

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A few million. Nasty, with hints of corn and bean. Painful and, oddly, quite exhilarating. Knowing doesn't equate to experiencing.

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And then group c proceeds to grab the first dish with some flippant saying about it being no big deal. It's not just weaponized incompetence or avoiding any help at that point, it's being an asshole. Living with others that don't have cooperation as a goal is a nightmare.

It just goes to show ya that you don't need your router when you're stealing the neighbor's wifi.

Hmm, I think the beans need to have some canned fish in there as well. It's the only way to complement the flavor in all its subtleties.

Weird. I thought kroger had bought out albertson's years ago. At least 15 years or so ago, all the albertson's stores (like 10 that I knew of) became krogers in my area.

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The airbag vests are good. They are worn by the big boys in the moto gp purely because they are so good. Leather saves your skin, pads save you bruises, and with these your soft tissue injuries to the neck and torso are almost mitigated. They are also helpful with joint and bone injuries, as they stiffen certain areas so that your limbs don't get whiplashed if they grip the pavement when they should slide.

On the controlled surface of a racetrack, these are a godsend. Obviously on the street, nothing is going to save you from some of the hazards around, like vertical surfaces in the shape of mailboxes, street signs, or nearby cars, but overall they are still able to improve your chances.

Maybe MY experience is limited, but what manager these days isn't pulling double duty? They do 3/4 of the job time with duties no different than the people under them, and also have to do all the managing part when possible. This is how it's been in the public service, retail, and customer service jobs I've worked.

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I still wouldn't trust that to be all that great. Sanitize isn't a very controlled term (sterilize is). If you look up autoclaves, which are essentially steam baths to kill bacteria, they only get 90% of microbial life after more than an hour, and their temperatures are much higher than any dishwasher will reach.

Utah is beautiful and has tons of opportunity for outdoor activities. Some of the coolest national parks are there, and should be a top priority in anyone's bucket list. It's difficult to avoid supporting the mormons in some manner if you go though. Freaking landlords get raging erections thinking about what it would be like to be a top member of the mormon sect.

The honest answer is because it brings in sponsorship money from local businesses who want to advertise to locals who are going to go to games, it brings in alumni money from any former student who made it big in athletics (and those who have fond memories of athletics), and it brings in money from people who think a particular team/coach is good and thus want to have their kids go there. Yes, school choice is a big enough thing that I know families who have moved so their kid is in a particular school's district.

Image is a big part of that. It's also because many well-meaning people see athletics as a way to help a student get out of being poor, offer financial mobility, etc. So athletics get pushed from many people coming from different angles.

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Pony Express

Which was a commercial failure, if anyone is curious. The whole shebang lasted less than two years. Started in 1860, bankrupt in 1861, thanks to the telegraph's stretch across America.

61%, according to actuaries. It's the same reason that this law isn't all that great in making insurance companies the new gatekeeper for ownership: permit holders are among the lowest risk for firearm incidents. People who have guns and who won't be paying for this insurance are the real actuarial, financial risk. The suicidal and the homicidal will be nearly excluded from the policy risks because they won't be buying the policy. The title saying "gun owners" is incorrect, because this only applies to people who "wear or carry." Thus, the insurance cost will be low.

From driving_crooner's link: https://www.theactuarymagazine.org/firearm-risk/

Odd. I find it to be the exact opposite. If I want a real article, with thought put into it beside how to make it pop up as #1 in the search engine, I need to set the most recent date possible as prior to 2015 (sometimes even further back).

I suppose it depends on what you're looking for. News articles obviously have to be recent, and it's relatively difficult to bullshit your way into an informative news piece. Advice or DIY instructions though? You better search waaaay far back.

That's odd, because I remember their height as the 2016 election through (maybe) 2019.

Deever: The bifurcation of the urine stream as it exits the male urethra.