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Simple, the cops job is absolutely not to enable everyone to continue having a good time. Their job is to protect capital and the ruling class, usually with impunity. Unfortunately that sort of power corrupts, and this cop probably had somewhere to go and wanted to hurry things up (with impunity)

I call bullshit - Let's see a few examples of liberals/democrats getting their faces eaten by policies they support.

"Oh noes, this free college is hurting me" "Oh noes, all this free healthcare, my wallet is too fat"

Just to be obvious here, show me what laws liberals have actually been able to pass just how they championed for, and show me the face eating. I'm waiting.

Inb4 something about an immigrantl/minority/female committing a crime (cause liberals are so pro crime)

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Even today I was catching shit from rightwingers about vaccines and general public safety (ie masks and staying home if you feel sick).

It's so fucking frustrating, them and their pseudo science and "health hacks the libs don't want you to know - like drink a cup of water with a lemon to cure a viral infection" crap.

I don't wish illiness and ruin on anyone, but I sure as fuck won't forget when the GoFundMe's start showing up again

Only problem is these lapsus$ kids were Giant, GIANT fucking assholes - taunting people in slack, fucking with employees, deleting shit just for laughs, etc - they were trolls with real maliciousness. The kind of shit 4chan would be really proud of. I'm not saying lock the guy up for life though, but they were all absolutely horrible and the damage they did was really stupid (for example they would ransomware someone's data, then not decrypt it after the ransom was paid - even other criminal cyber gangs didn't like them lol). They are probably the worst lulz group in recent memory

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Last time this made the rounds, it was said she didn't know the dildo was there, a friend put it there as a prank. It was also said she deleted all her social media and whatnot afterwards too. I don't have source and admit I can be totally off

The Grammer Nazi's are here to

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Bro, Trump doesn't know shit about anything. Xi and Biden though know very well.

Meta is just going to scrub all the Cara content into their AI system anyway. They have no fear because there are no real consequences

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Having been studying what this guy and his group were doing, I doubt he is capable of doing anything for the good of society. This guy was a major asshole

Maybe OP is very conservative and feels it's porn to see a woman's ankles? Imagine what those people must think looking at any form of media 🤣🤣🤣

4 indictments (so far), 94 charges (so far), RICO charges, many of us watched in realtime as all this dumb shit was happening as it was fucking obvious, overwhelming proof, even his own people have turned on him, now law and order is coming for him and his useful idiots.

I'm sure your either a paid troll, or a pol/ edgelord troll, or perhaps someone who has been a victim of the propaganda machine - this post is hoping you have just been a victim of the rightwing outrage and misinformation media industrial complex, and I hope you get better

I'll have to watch this review to have a knowledgeable opinion, but from the LTT I've been watching over the past few months, my initial feeling it is must suck to constantly have to come up with new content and to have the it's core business at the whim of the YouTube algorithm (where quality of content doesn't seem to be weighted much anymore). I've read a while ago that a thumbnail with a person's face weighed more than a thumbnail without in the algorithm, that's why all the LTT videos have the stupid face. It's small dumb shit like that (to play by the algorithm's ever changing rules) that can really chip away at a YouTube series

Facts and math don't matter to conservatives /republicans - they ALWAYS fall in line. Look how fast they all fell in line when trump was the nominee.

People have different opinions why rightwingers always fall in line (hatred of libs, to them it's a sports team, fascists gotta fascist, the authoritarians always need a leader, etc etc)

For whatever reason, if a hamster got the republican nomination, rightwingers would fall in line then too

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Ok bro, don't be leaving us hanging like this. I don't know a single thing you are talking about, would love for you to give some of such examples!

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Forcing the birth of child rape victims is right on the list of someone showing they are a vile subhuman (where it's also amazing the poor girl didn't die - and let's not forget how the same vile subhumans are all about taking away whatever social services the victim needs). This is not exactly making up stories to paint a group as subhumans - they are demonstrating why they deserve to be considered garbage and viewed as such.

Now here is the funny thing though - find your common conservative and they will probably claim they don't support this - but yet they did and will, because that's what they have been frothing at the mouth for decades already - now they see their handywork, and claim it's not theirs. They are truly lost and broken (until it happens to them, then their daughter or granddaughter absolutely deserves the medical procedure). Utterly broken individuals

CNN was never lefty anyway.

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They will blame some scapegoat for not doing enough or they will blame some scapegoat for doing it on purpose, they will never look at themselves and see the issue is them - same playbook we just watched happen.

And I guess we will just sit back and watch it happen, again. What is there to do? Try to teach these people science? Explain to them nicely herd immunity? They will never ever listen because that's just who they are, conspiracy dumb dumb conservatives who think they know better because they looked into it i.e. some grifter on TV told them so.

Now the obvious solution might be to have the grifters in right wing media actually tell the truth about the matter, but this entire episode was already made political and we will be stuck with the fallout for probably generations.

Underrated comment - the top is filled with toxic scum. Like if one really looked into it, everything would have to be boycotted (not that it isn't a worthy thing to do, but it gets exhausting and scumbags seem to own everything)

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WinRAR had a great gui and it integrates much better (imho) into windows than 7zip, only thing 7zip has going for it is it's free.

If we are talking command line, rar is free (inb4 Unix guys butt in)

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Sort of amazed you have Reagan so high

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Let's agree though that the timing was hilarious

You give Musk too much credit. The fucking guy is a big baby with impulse issues - who happens to have billions of dollars at his disposal. He is running Twitter exactly as I would think a dipshit narcissistic tantrum baby would run it, although dismantling Twitter does coincidentally benefit the top .1% for now

Absolutely based post. I've recognized what they truly were 20 years ago. There is a slight distinction - the republican party always had 4 stools (people used to say three stools but I never agreed).

First stool is the wealthy just wanting to make more money (tax cuts, tax welfare, regulation capture, etc). This is the true stool in power pulling the strings of all the other stools. They know they can never win a popular vote (why would the workers vote to lower their own wages?). They ride the Santa sled with the big bag of money, the reigns are connected to the lesser stools, and they ride that sled into the bank

Second stool is the religious vote - really captured by Reagan I believe with the invention of the abortion issue, but they go as far back as Goldwater I believe, because he warned about them. These are the reindeer of the money sled

Third stool is the racists, the KKK types in the south. These are also the reindeer

Fourth stool is what I consider the conspiracy theory crowd - they sort of share the stool with the uneducated morons who can't seem to figure out what their best interests are ("get gobernment off my Medicare, vote republican"). This stool might fall under the "undecided" crowd by some metrics, but they fall victim to the usual right wing lies and propaganda all the fucking time, so I don't see why we can't just label them as they truly are, the useful idiot voters of the republican propaganda arm

As a whole, these groups are the same pieces of shit that love Trump because he's talks to them with a bullhorn, not through dog whistles like previous republicans, that's the difference some of you might not appreciate

Edit - one distinction I think is needed is the people who fell for the dog whistles were usually of the authoritarian/fascist type. For example, There were pretty decent religious people or business people who felt the wrong message was being presented by the republican party, but the authoritarians/fascists always fell in line behind the republicans/conservatives. Still the case today

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It's a rewarding achievement honestly.

Finishing Ghost and goblins (along with ghouls and ghosts) without cheats/saves is bragging rights

My ultimate gaming achievement was beating Pulstar on one quarter in the arcade (although it wasn't really fair, I had a neogeo cabinet at home with Pulstar and I played it for hours everyday for weeks). Still, this is an accomplishment that no one I know has matched

Basically right winger media likes to paint California as the enemy (the right wing puppet masters currently hate the governor to really explain it), and the right wing muppets will not realize when they are out of their echo chamber and they will make some comment about commie Cali and your just supposed to agree and be mad. If you ask them to explain why they hate an entire state, the inability to actually explain why "California bad" is a sign that they don't really know and are victims to the right wing propaganda industrial complex

It's showing a rather funny lack of tact, soft skills and PR skills. Google can take your Gmail account too, but it's rather unheard of (say Google launches a product name "GreatDay" - it's absolutely unheard of for Google to just grab the "GreatDay" handle from Gmail - in fact such a move would sent terror chills up many marketing departments around the world honestly).

I'm not going to blame you for not understanding just how ridiculous this is, but this sends all the wrong messages - i.e. could I pay Elon to grab someone else's Twitter handle because I can make a better business claim for it? That sure is what this seems to imply

I would say China might actually be a better military power than Russia. No one would have believed just how fucking bad Russia's military crumbled away. I doubt China has the same issues (but I don't really know). Let's say their weapons are copied (copies of what? State of the art weapons systems?) - I'd guess that means they can do some serious damage eitherway, and probably better than what Russia has. They have nukes too.

There was a saying years ago that still hold true to today - "Unix is user friendly, it's just selective who it's friends are".

Years ago, I setup an SGI IRIX box for my parents to use, back when Netscape was browser king. I had it so customized for my parents that they still talk about how easy it was to use; problem for me was it took me months to figure out all the config tricks and X customizations to pull it off... Your post made me think of that lol

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Science and scientific studies help determine what is ineffective or harmful, the problem is the FDA doesn't have authority over shit plenty of things - a person can go on YouTube and say drinking their special bottled water will cure cancer, and they don't fall into FDA guidelines so they are free to claim whatever they want, essentially. These woo-woo type cure-alls have gotten into trouble with the FDA because of their ridiculous and unfactual, unproven claims, but that's usually where the lawyer wordsmiths show up to change the wording just enough to not get into trouble with the FDA.

There is a whole history of pseudoscience as an industry and how it was able to bribe/lobby for its current position in public view (since you even have to ask this question)

The right wing morons don't know that because right wing media never reported it, and they foam spit "fake news"repeatedly when you tell them

Russia still has a lot of meat for the grinder, it's like Russian white walkers

Yeah I think there is a bit of a disconnect with gun people. Some people are purely about self defense, some people are just genuine enthusiasts, and then there is the group of people who like to pretend they are part of the first two groups but really seem to have a lust for blood - be it fear (someone rings the door bell, or mistakenly drives down the driveway), perceived persecution, political ideology or just downright racist shit.

Antigun people seem to think everyone who likes guns is part of the last crazy group. It's a bit hard to really tell who is who sometimes, but it's definitely impossible to keep the guns out of the crazies hands.

Bro, what app are you using? I tried jebora and now using connect and I still can't seem to find any porn

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Yeah for sure. I have no idea how to fix the republican side either, which is even more disappointing

I bought mine and own it happily - us licence holders should all get together, we could probably fill up a Chuck-E-Cheese

Not sure what your point is? Are you defending him for having a gun?

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Yeah RIF was my go-to for years. Reddit is just not the same experience anymore, so I'm basically done with reddit going forward. Alternative or bust

ISP's are also the same companies that market and sell fast lanes(i.e. 5G), and they have bigger bribing/lobbying pockets than everyone on Lemmy and reddit combined. They ain't changing shit and will throw money at it to make sure their business models don't change (hint - look at the supreme court).

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Orphan black - first season was amazing, it was an amazing concept. It was pretty clear the writers didn't know wtf to do once they got a season 2+ and they choked imho

Yes there is. Some people are more susceptible to cultish shit than others, these are the people who apparently are the most shitty of people who are the most susceptible