4 Post – 166 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

Yes, that Sasha 🍉

Non-binary 🏳️‍⚧️⬛🟪⬜🟨🏳️‍⚧️

Definitely an anarchist, and an egalitarian

If you're an Aussie:

If you eat food:

And if you live on Earth:

I was so confused by this title because I kept reading it as pro hate towards Israel lol

Power move

I'd totally do this on purpose

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I used to love customising the notification colour on my old phones, so good.

I miss my headphone jack so damn much, I'm over Bluetooth earbuds breaking constantly and being so damn expensive and low quality.

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I assume this is the "small government" party doing this?

(I'm not an American)

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Gos pis girl

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That was one of Louis Theroux's phenomenal docos.

He was super confused at the end when he was met with "but we want to hurt them" it was a bit funny how jarring it was, but also really sad.

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Or your protection broke, it happens...

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Looking through the scope using the hair covered eye is a pro strat

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If they've been subsidised so much, the company should just be made a public entity rather than just stopping the funding.

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It's important for the left to recognise that boomers as a whole also represent a group of people who face significant systemic challenges, and that the real enemy is capitalism and the power structures that maintain it as the status quo.

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I had a fossil before I bought my Samsung, and it was a god awful mess. Barely functional, slow and honestly kind of ugly.

Still, a shame to lose more competitors.

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I'm more concerned about the fact that shitty companies will use this sort of thing to put graphic designers out of a job.

This isn't good progress. Even soulless corporate bullshit puts food on the table for someone, soon it'll just make another company a bit richer.

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Why can't we just fucking treat animals nicely instead of doing insane shit to them, I'm literally going to go and throw up now

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Effective altruism is just capitalism camoflauge, it's also just really bad at being camoflauge

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How many more years of these news stories do I have to read before we actually do something about this?

I'm so fucking sick of this happening constantly.

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It's a lot of effort to solve an issue that's already solved by being vegan so eh, I'm pretty indifferent to it at least at face value. If it can compete with a vegan diet in terms of climate and ecosystem impact then I'll support it but I've no interest in it personally. I don't really have any justification for not being interested, I'm just not.

I'd be much more interested in seeing artificial cheese made from proteins created by yeast or bacteria tbh.

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A friend took some photos of me on a holiday, and when another friend saw them she asked who the girl was.

I nearly died from happiness

I knew someone who had a badly behaved dog, it attacked their partner so they put it down.

A few weeks later "I'm getting another one and I'm going to train it myself" Meaning they just won't train it, lost their shit when someone called them out as a dog killer. People don't deserve animals, people suck.

OP, I need the definition for × and <,> too

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Cool, another step in the ruining art with AI saga

These are all short clips because they look like ass if you get enough time to actually look at them. But even still, can people just stop with this shit?

Let people do the one truely human thing ffs.

Edit: Let me be clear, AI has good uses. My only argument here is that generating art is not one, especially when the training data is stolen and used for profit.

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Take away the power to tit for your tats, and now you can be almost as nasty as you want.

The prisoner's dilemma is of course, a highly simplified model. If you could just submit a strategy like "my opponent doesn't get to play, so I take all the points" then yeah, that would beat tit for tat.


As they do now, capitalists are to blame for what previous generations have had, not the generation themselves. While the boomer generation may have profited by the direct disenfranchisement of others, the same is inherently true of almost anyone who participates in capitalism.

Hating boomers for being born when they were is prejudice plain and simple, while we may face our own modern issues they had their own when they were younger. More recently there's lovely stuff like elder abuse that's rampant in aged care.

The leftist cooks did a great video on the topic that I'd recommend watching rather than listening to me, I'm no expert on the topic, I just think social cohesion is important and we need to keep in mind who really causes our problems.

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"Are you sure you're not making it up"

The medical system is not kind, my diagnosis was all of 5 minutes and almost definitely wrong. That was after fighting with my GP to get a referral to the right specialist...

I reckon the worst part of a chronic illness is when you don't realise it's abnormal, I just assumed everyone else was just as tired and sore as me.

Shrimp fried rice?

I cope with the US falling further by not living in the US, unfortunately I'm just privileged like that, sorry.

I have a few friends over there, and the state of things absolutely breaks my heart.

Why must I see this for a second time?

How about fast trains?


If people want to play Hogwarts Legacy, they should pirate it.

I think there's some justification in seperating shitty people from their work because people enjoy it, but we should enjoy it in a way which doesn't support that person and the cancer they spew.

Also Harry Potter is kinda meh anyway :/

The fleet did arrive on the 26th, you're either just lying or completely ignorant of history.

Learn to have some goddamn compassion for the trauma that started that day.

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Free trade and mutual cooperation between collectives, I thought this was considered the standard anarchic model?

This should be a crime


I only just started the ferment a few hours ago. I normally use these jars to make Kombucha, the airlock is for making it alcoholic.

My brother and sister in law accidentally grew an insane number of cucumbers so this seemed like a good way to save them from being wasted.

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On second thought, maybe they aren't a payphone if they're free 🤔

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Gangster rappers are a subset of pirates?

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The plushies take up more room on my bed than I do

The pro strat is to first post something extremely controversial on twitter

I just bought my first Blåhaj about an hour ago ❤️🦈❤️

Joanne Rowling, who wrote Harry Potter, is a gigantic TERF and often tweets about trans people and how terrible she thinks they are.

She actively causes significant harm and supports TERF groups, all in the name of looking after women and children.

I'm no expert so I have no more detail than that, I actively avoid knowing about her any more than necessary

Saudi Arabia is the third largest oil producer on the planet, though often they are second. So no, they're CO2 production is not negligible, they just export it, and that's worse IMO

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