Too many pickles rule to – 126 points –

This is enough pickles for a couple weeks. The juice tap is a nice touch cuz pickle juice is a great ingredient and also it's a pain to get at your pickles when they're under two inches of liquid in the jar.

What do you use pickle juice for?

it's a great source of salt and acid in marinades, you'll never have fried chicken as good as the fried chicken you leave overnight in pickle juice. it's the key ingredient to a friend's devilled eggs. pickleback shots and bloody marys both benefit from it. basically anywhere you want salt and sour (which, to me, is everwhere) pickle juice can give you that.

Hell yeah! I've had some pickleback shots before and they were great, just wasn't sure how else to apply the holy pickle juice (as I usually have a ton in my fridge due to being a pickle addict).

Marinade is a great idea and I think I'll be making some bloodies when January is over

It's great as is but wiener stroganoff gets extra taste from it, could also use for Moscow stew

Wow! Did you make those? I recognize the pressure thingy on the top from when I made pickles last.


I only just started the ferment a few hours ago. I normally use these jars to make Kombucha, the airlock is for making it alcoholic.

My brother and sister in law accidentally grew an insane number of cucumbers so this seemed like a good way to save them from being wasted.

accidentally grew an insane number of cucumbers

This is called "gardening" lol.

I've never met anyone that has grown only their needed amount of cucumbers, tomatoes, or peppers. You either get a handful of dollhouse sized food, or a metric fuckton that you pawn off on your friends/families/co-workers.

They bought seeds that were incorrectly packaged was the main problem, so they grew twice as many cucumber plants as intended.