2 Post – 143 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's Adam Osbourne, saved you a click.

Oh fuck I forgot about that troglodyte. My parents were Limbaugh losers back in the day. Now they're anti-vaxxers.

I mean with the amounts in this thing you'd need to eat a server farm to get a lethal dose, the lethal concentration is 1800mg/kg. But after the first few you probably wouldnt want to anymore, it looks like it was used to treat bipolar disorder in the early 20th century.

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Defo gonna try lol

Looks like someone on reddit was asking a few years ago, hopefully this points you in the right direction.

EDIT: Just got to the bottom of the thread, found THIS.

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The tl;dr is that the play version of termux has been lagging behind the master github branch because of Google's fuck fuck games with Android permissions. Now it's been updated, but effectively neutered.

Basically, PlayStore termux-app v0.120 release is functionally equivalent to v0.108

Damn straight! I miss pebble. :(

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I think you meant to say not subsidized by ad tracking lol

Because fuck you we're Sony I guess?

"Why aren't we making more money?!?" Cries Phil Spencer while wringing the neck of yet another golden goose.

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Former intoxicology tech, was both guys daily lol.

Did you even read the article? It's not like all the users just get unrestricted access to storage to treat like a google drive, this is a backend thing. This guy is trying to find a solution to all the wasted bandwidth and storage space from sending copies to all the other instances they're federated with, which is a legimate issue that the instance admins are already dealing with on a daily basis. This will let them pool resources to help lower costs for smaller instances.

As to the CSAM thing I can only imagine it would be easier for one instance to purge fifty images/restore from a backup and everyone else just have to redo their thumbnails as opposed to all the instances having to purge and restore but that's just me.

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All my homies hate zombie constitutionalism.

Like seriously how is this not stochastic terrorism?

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Somebody left a computer unlocked in the dementia ward lol

That looks like just the right amount of pickles to me. is working on loops, a federated tiktok. According to THIS POST it looks he's going for optimizing the uploaded video format over microtransactions for reducing overhead.

Especially when they put the ads in the general channel instead of a dedicated one, makes my blood boil.

Antennapod lets you customize how far your fast forward button skips ahead.

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Not out yet unfortunately.

EDIT: I lied, link is here. There's no releases as of yet.

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Can we just buy this asshole's data and do something funny with it ourselves?

Thank goodness lol. That was tragic.

I'm in the process of doing this with my former employer (NLRB complaint). It's not as much trying to get your job back as getting what you're owed, be it severance or your pound of flesh lol.

A lot of contracts specify that you have to go through arbitration to resolve disputes with the company as opposed to the courts, which is both good and bad. Bad because it takes a while and they're usually all buddy buddy with the people who pay them, but good because arbitration is pretty expensive and making them do all this when they'd rather be done with you brings me joy.

Also this gives companies the opportunity to use more rope to hang themselves with if they try to do funny stuff with their arbitrator, the NLRB can overrule arbitration decisions if they're "repugnant".

Looks like floppy disks without the shell. How big are they?

the root cause of shortages of low-cost, off-patent generic drugs is well established. These drugs have razor-thin to non-existent profit margins, driven by middle managers who have, in recent years, pushed down wholesale prices to rock-bottom levels. In some cases, generic manufacturers lose money on the drugs, disincentivizing other players in the pharmaceutical industry from stepping in to bolster fragile supply chains. Several generic manufacturers have filed for bankruptcy recently.

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It always takes three rotations to plug in a USB cable.

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I fell off the webcomic train after Google reader died but girl genius is still going! I just checked lol. Schlock mercenary ended in 2020, I think OOTS is also active.

There are a lot of great responses on here! I've been playing (at least until my steam deck shit the bed two days ago) around with OpenRA and Minetest.

The Universal blue project checks some of these boxes I think. It's a toolset for rolling your own immutable images based distros like Fedora Silverblue and Bazzite.

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This is fantastic!

If you want open source encrypted messaging, try delta chat. It's an email client that's styled like a messaging app, and it works with most email providers.

Edit: a word

You know someone remade the rock raiders game? It's called Manic Miners.

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Oh don't worry, I'm sure it'll be back behind a paywall soon enough.

Server here, usually with restaurant Point of Sale systems the transaction isn't sent to be processed by the financial institution until the ticket is closed out. (Presumably because tipping culture 🙄) I don't blame your server for not putting her tip on there, if you get caught without sufficient ass-covering (having the guest initial the tip field is what I usually did) that's a fireable offence.

I'm just curious as to how you think these are insurmountable problems while every instance in existence today is already managing to navigate these issues.

The only thing the author is suggesting is to pool the resources that are going to waste copying media posts around the fediverse into a new backend (that means it's not directly user accessible and presumably subject to the same restrictions as posts right now) so that the cost of media hosting is more distributed between all the fediverse instances instead of having the big ones hogging all the bandwidth of the small ones with memes because some users decided to subscribe to a community on say

I think the scale of the projects and the amount of time it takes to build gives people time to work things in to the plans. I also imagine it's affected by the local supply chain.

That being said I'm more on the fence about them after reading about some of the challenges involved in making them economical. Can you imagine a factory recall on a reactor part? And that's not even talking about nuclear waste disposal which we still haven't figured out reliably beyond "stick it over there and hopefully it won't be a problem for a few hundred years."

Rock raiders and Lego racers was my jam!

I wonder how much it would cost to send a bag of dicks internationally...

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Yeah we're about due for the bell riots, aren't we?

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