1 Post – 135 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

His only job will be to do what Pence wouldn't

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It happened when I was kid growing up in another country, as a US citizen, and then coming to the US to see for myself why I had heard so much trash talk about Americans.

We are arrogant, spoiled, dumb and racist. The world expects us to be better. We are privileged like a spoiled rich brat and are waisting our fortune. We have what other countries do not and yet still ignore our own poor. We openly shit on our own minorities and immigrants that want to come here and build with us.

Even dirt poor countries have free healthcare and education. Our education system has been ignored and allowed to fall farther and farther behind the entire world.I came here in when I was in the 6th grade and immediately was shocked that kids my age could barely read. This is richest country on the entire planet, ever! Multiple choice? You mean they give you the answer and just mix it in with wrong answers!?

Our celebrated values that we put forward in our popular media (how the world learns about us by the way) do not include humility or compassion, it's all direct or veiled celebrations of military might. Every hero is fighting. Guns guns guns, fight fight fight. Our military power allows us to do nearly whatever we want and we do.

Every disparaging comment I heard or that was aimed at me for being American I learned to be true. They are tired of our bullshit. The world doesn't hate us, they are deeply disappointed in us. Several generations of disappointment.

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Gay people. When I was much much younger I remember telling a friend that while I didn't have a problem with people doing their own thing, I still didn't like gay people. My friend said I hope when you have kids they're gay. Guess what happened and how I feel about it now. I was such a dumb ass. When my kid came out to me I wept for joy at their bravery. I don't take hard stances on my opinions now and try to remember that my perspective isn't ultimate or necessarily right. There's always a chance that I'm wrong.

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Monocultures in Agribusiness. One 'public secret' many outside of the industry might not be aware of is the prevalence of monocultures in crop farming. Vast expanses of land planted with the exact same genetic line of a crop. While this makes farming operations easier and often more profitable in the short term, it's a ticking time bomb for pests and diseases. One well-adapted pathogen could wipe out an entire crop species in an area (look up citrus greening in Florida), because there's no genetic diversity to halt its spread. But hey, it keeps the costs down...until there's no food to eat.

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Assassination attempt on Trump

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Don't underestimate the US military, as an ally. They are primarily younger, and the upper echelons are educated and all take their oath very seriously, to defend the Constitution, from enemies foreign and domestic. Of course there will be factions that will stick to Trump, like certain national guards, but that will fracture command and weaken our ability to react internationally. The military understand those implications, the potential literal end of the world. In the end, they push the button, not the president. The lower ranks have no desire to fight American civilians either, it's antithetical to everything they are taught, and the age range is generally people in their 20's and 30's.I trust a Marine, a soldier, an airman, a seaman heheh, coast guard too, oh and the spacemen, way more than a cop, to do the right thing.

A vet.

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Community college. Took a few classes I never would have normally chosen like art or acting. I was a stay at home introvert who was way past college days, so I couldn't figure out how to put myself into social situations. But I do like to learn, so signed myself up for some night classes. Ended up dating a few people, made new friends, and married one of them. Night classes bring in the adults who have to work during the day, a few kids too, but I met just about every age group from young to very old. Study groups, group projects, anything that will involve working with or helping classmates, or anything that you think is interesting really. Have life long friends now because of that decision.

Go back to where you first learned how to make friends, go back to school.

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Hey would you look at that.."It was defunded at the end of 1995, following the 1994 mid-term elections which led to Republican control of the Senate and the House. House Republican legislators characterized the OTA as wasteful and hostile to GOP interests."

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Humor has been achieved.

"I'm good at multitasking" is just another way of saying you can't focus on one thing at a 🐿️ SQUIRREL!

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I agree with you that they are not interchangeable. A large swath of Christians are appalled by fascism.

But, they have historically used each other for their own means, and that can be difficult to ignore. I think once again people are seeing the two get back together, and we all know how that relationship turns out.

She seemed nervous with the first one or two questions, but the longer it went on the stronger she looked. Classy and professional was one way I heard her described. He was his usual self. Some memorable lines:

Don: "they're eating pets" ... "I have the concept of a plan.." Kam: "..he (Putin) would eat you for lunch.."

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Party of limited government my ass. They just don't want rules that prevent them from telling the peasants what to do. Stay in line peasants.

I was thinking about this just yesterday. After watching Frankie's cultural observation on boomers, where he says that "boomers are the first generation in history that wanted to do better than their children", I asked myself what have us millennials done. I settled on this, we broke the generational cycle of abuse and bullying of our kids. The boomers parents, while the "greatest" generation, were raised by an even stricter generation of parents who believed in things like not picking up a crying baby, and probably resulted in Boomer parents that, thanks to WW2, were also an untreated PTSD generation. Alcoholism was just dad's being dad's and pre ww2 moms stayed home to keep home and hearth with a little help from the snuff tin. Several generations of war torn parents ignorant of how to deal with what they went through, raising more kids for the next war. From the civil war to Vietnam, every generation had a war or two on their plate. Then our small communities were randomly spread out into suburban experiments to support the industrial revolution. Now no one knows their neighbor, they just go to work. Then the millennials were sent to war. We had heard the stories growing up about how great our nations fighting forces were. Now it was our turn. We had the most righteous of reasons to fight. But this time, when looking to the boomers to lead us, we found a bunch of disfunctional brats. Their maturity was a ruse. They didn't know any better than we did on how to deal with this world. Their parents won the great war, setup the economy, spanked them, never hugged them, and then handed them the keys to the company and retired to Florida. So the bratty boomers without a clue bullied their kids out the door and into the world. There we stood, 18 and primed to take it on. But there was nothing left to take. Then the bubble they blew popped and we shipped out to Afghanistan, and then Iraq, and even after 20 years we still had nothing to show for it. No house, no good paying job, no health care, and a degree with the weight of never ending debt chained to it. The boomers are and always have been, brats. You see them out there on their Harley's brrrraaaaatttting around. So when we started having kids, we said no. No we're not going to beat our kids, no we're not going to shame them for who they love, no we're not going to "be a man" and shut up about our war trauma. But the brats still had all the power. They refused to let go of their toy. So we put ourselves to work on trying to fix the only thing we had the power to fix, ourselves. We started normalizing therapy, researching drug and alcohol addiction. We dug into the data. We acted like adults, we admitted we have a problem and we did the rigorous and SCIENTIFIC work of finding the solutions. We broke the cycle. We've really earnestly tried to raise thoughtful, honest about themselves, proud adults who ask why. We didn't ignore them, we answered them honestly, we admitted there's a problem. But we don't have enough time to set it right in our life time. The brats won't let go. We need Gen Z to carry the torch forward. Question everything, do the hard work, admit when you were wrong, be willing to change your mind when new data is discovered. I'm proud of these kids. I want them to do better than us. We got your back kid.

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Make it a good one. Then tell me about it, because I know I'll never find it on the play store.

Not only have they infiltrated almost every aspect of the education system in my area, they're holding school administrators hostage. Teachers are afraid of losing their jobs. Everyone is trying to keep their heads down for fear of the Karen brigade lopping it off. Plus, because it's Florida, parents are afraid of their kids saying the wrong thing and getting forcibly removed from their families, including their siblings. These people have a fervor in their eyes that can not be abated. We don't know what to do. Help.

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When my father was younger he devised a plan to drop down out of a tree onto the back of a deer and take it down with a knife. He said it beat the shit out of him with its antlers. So I think I could take down a doe, a deer, a female dear.

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Things are starting to get weird faster than I thought wierd would get here.

"Your honor I submit to the court..our own rules instead the current ones, what say you!?"

Cooperative smart people. (someone who works with a lot of uncooperative smart people, smarter than me at least)

💯 they're not outnumbered, they're less organized.

Why do we only get 90 minutes. Why do they only get 1 minute to answer. Sit the down and have an actual discussion damnit. You're trying to run a country not win a talent show. I want hear how their brains work, not their mouths.

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Breaking the cycle will be our generations legacy

I would like to represent those of us who use Word everyday and either kinda like it, or just don't give a shieeeet

NeverKnowsBest For very in depth game essays. He has a 2:44:46 in depth look into the history of MMO's. 2:03:15 Elder Scrolls analysis. And he has an absolutely comforting voice that sweeps you along so easily that you don't even feel the time pass.

Mortismal He reviews games after he 100% them, makes guides, game lore, builds. His favorite genre is tactical rpg's but he'll to do others of people ask him to. The man is a consummate professional, and work horse. Puts out a video 5 days a week. He went from foster care, to being homeless to making a living doing what he loves. Used to put up posters offering to make game guides for money when he was a kid.

Lex Fridman He did long form interviews of really brilliant people. Novel prize winning scientists, mathematicians, biologists, philosophers, politicians, tech moguls, artists. The list goes on. He's not funny, but he is refreshingly sincere in his wanting to try and understand the topics, people, and life. He's a Russian-American computer scientist and research scientist at the MIT Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems.I don't always agree with him, but I love getting to listen to the people he interviews.

Quinn's Ideas A wonderful fan of sci-fi that reviews and explore the worlds of great sci-fi novels, turning over the abstract concepts inside those universes. He has an extensive playlist on the world of Dune, Lovecraft, authors I've never heard of, and he also covers other nerdy things too. He has a wonderful voice that brings you down into the world he's describing. You can tell her really gets into the books he reads, the more mysterious or awe inducing the better.

Wes Roth I recently found this guy. He reports on current news on AI. He does a great job at explaining things you would be too afraid to ask about for fear of sounding stupid. He's not an AI expert he's just discovering AI advancements with you, for you. Calm, nothing flashy, and curious to see where this is headed. If you wish you had time to look up and read about what's new in AI, this is your guy.

The Big Lez Show An all knowing multidimensional immortal Aussie Sasquatch doing a bunch of drugs, also some humans and some aliens.

The Royal Institute Like TED talks but in Great Britain, much longer, more in depth and very scientific. The intended audience are scientists, but some talks are just too fascinating to miss out on.

Luetin09 Warhammer 40k everything. Really great lore videos that are darkly beautiful to watch. He is a veritable font of WH40K knowledge.

dslyecxi It's like watching a team of military professionals conduct missions in ARMA 3, and with all of the hilarious fuckery that ensues. ARMA 3 is a realistic military sim, nothing like the arcadey Call of Duty or Modern Warfare. Really great footage.

Edit: Mr Sunday Movies Movies, comic, and TV shows, shooting up your butthole. They're Australian, but they make up for it.

I had to look it up, here's what I found (please correct me if I got it wrong):

To change the user agent in Firefox, you can use the built-in Developer Tools. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Open Firefox.
  2. Press Ctrl + Shift + I on Windows or Cmd + Option + I on macOS to open the Developer Tools.
  3. Click on the "Network" tab.
  4. Look for a small icon that looks like a mobile phone and a tablet together, usually located at the top-right of the Network tab. This is the "Responsive Design Mode" button. Click on it.
  5. Once in Responsive Design Mode, you'll see a dropdown menu at the top of the screen where you can select different user agents (like various mobile devices, different browsers, etc.).

Remember, changing the user agent can sometimes lead to unexpected behavior on websites, as it tells the website that you're using a different browser or device than you actually are. This is usually used for testing and development purposes.

Edit: a word

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When first I learned of the tower at Bok Tower gardens I thought, how ostentatious of a man to build himself a tower. But then I was given the rare privilege of standing at it's precipice. I get it now. I felt like a wise wizard, like Saruman, looking down at the world. If ever I am able I must have a tower, if only to drink my morning coffee and wonder from above at the majesty of the world beneath me.

I also played a short melody on the bells, from house of the rising sun, before being asked to stop touching everything.

It was a long time ago, so my memory may not be exact, so I'll try my best to describe what I saw, also I was not allowed into every room, but I did sneak away and take a peek behind a door, it was a broom closet.

The inside had very intrically carved antique furniture, dark brown, maybe mahogany. I was not allowed to open the cupboards, I did, it was empty. Blue or teal mosaic tiling on the floor, a white marble bathroom tucked away in the corner with I believe golden fixtures. The metal staircase wound up along the sides into the reaches of a Gothic vaulted ceiling. It didn't feel like a church, it felt more like being in a Freemason temple. Oh the front door is golden or brass and I believe there is a grave at the front as well.

The next floor contained the Gardens archives. I was not allowed in and only saw a dim and lonely room with desk and lots of papers or books. I wish I could have spent several days in there rifling around.

Next up was the old cisterns that used to be used to collect rain water from the roof and water the gardens. They look like giant steampunk iron containers. Not much in there but assorted boxes and such. I wanted to bang on the containers, but tempered myself.

I do not remember the next floor very well, I think there was a mildly modern office, with a windowed door? I think remember seeing the American flag, but the memory is hazy.

Next up was the library. I was excited when I heard the word library, and disappointed to learn it was the largest library of Bell ringing music (I don't know the proper term for 'Bell ringing music'). There were also some books and such, but wasn't as interesting looking as I had hoped, and we didn't spend time there.

I do not remember the next floor at all, perhaps because it was unremarkable or because the next floor was where I really wanted to be, the very top.

Standing at the balcony was breathtaking. The bells were to there and of course they were a sight to themselves, but the view from the edge was...inspiring. I wanted to be able to stand up there every day, every sunrise and sunset. The sun was near to setting by that time, as we were touring after hours, so the lighting was perfect. I could see the houses and trees and fields stretched far into the distance. I didn't want it to end. I needed a staff! I needed a throng to command or a people to assure, or even better, a quiet life locked in my tower studying the mysteries.

The world needs more towers. I do not understand why today's rich have not built themselves great and beautiful towers for study and art instead of ugly sprawling resorts for decadence and indulgences. Every city and town should have one for the people as well. We could use some perspective, and inspiration.

Bring back beautiful towers!

And wizards!

Dead, burnt, and blown up kids in Afghanistan. I'm an atheist now. I wish people didn't need first hand experience to change their minds, myself included.

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I started too, but then the spouse started to complain that we were acting like our lives had plateaued. So I've decided to stop acting my age and not grow up yet.

So accurate. He's also the prime example of the failures of his generation. Every boss I've had is from his generation and they all worship and emulate him. They think that running a business like him is why they're successful and are totally ignorant of the fact that they were handed the world on a silver platter, promptly shit all over it, and now can't understand why everything is falling apart around them.

I find myself commenting a lot more here. It's more conversational than reddit. Comments are longer and not just one liner's, and the smaller community means my comments won't be buried. It also feels like a gateway drug to posting. I should post something today. I won't, but I should.

No need to load the chamber, they'll do it for you

You are a patriot

Somebody get a hold of Will Smith!

A piece of tail

In their culture the woman and her family are blamed if she is 'disgraced'. Her family is ostracized by other families in the community, making it harder for the men to find or keep jobs and do business, and the social connections of the mother's or other women in that family will be shunned making it difficult to find support during times of distress like illness, pregnancy and births, and even aquirimg food. Marrying off kids to other families will become more difficult if not impossible potentially ending the family line. The community support centers, or mosques, will turn them away. Siblings and relatives will distance themselves. If you want to destroy a family, destroy their women.

In childish terms, they now have cooties, 'ew get away from me'. I don't put it that way to be insensitive, I only intend to help some understand. Kids have a way of getting to the core of our social rules in order to understand how to navigate them.

Rich people, and politicians, don't go to jail in America.

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Sorry, thought I linked it. Here it is

This is the correct answer. Consolidation of resources and power. Sure there will still be those on the periphery trying to make something from the eddies and currents left in the wake of these massive corporate ships cruising by, but the vast majority of the little guys will drown. Unfortunately I don't see another way for humanity to galvanized enough resources to create AGI in our lifetime. So there will be consequences, but such is life, the biggest mold gets the food. Then come the viruses.

I saw the video he made on tik tok last night before it was removed. Fucking brutal. But the guy pointing the gun at him was frozen. I've seen it before and it's happened to me. The brain just shuts the fuck off. System overload. He'll have the memory of that horrifying moment right along side the memory of the failure of his own mind and body completely failing him, forever. People were shouting "we need fire extinguishers not guns" but the guy just couldn't do anything, even after the guy had collapsed and the fire was put out, he was still locked in place aiming his pistol at the body.

The Airman who self immolated could have spent the rest of his life trying to make a difference for Palestinians, now he can never help, and he'll be forgotten in a couple of weeks of the news cycle. If anyone ever feels the need to do something, help, don't hurt. Hurt never helps.