a lil bee 🐝

@a lil bee 🐝@lemmy.world
2 Post – 369 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Disappointed in the comments here so far. There's a cardinal rule of improv that also works well for many other things in life, politics included: "yes, and".

This is a great change that will save folks money and make the country just a little bit fairer. Celebrate that, and then use the momentum to push for more. This builds alliances and a shared vision, instead of devolving into petty squabbles around direction.

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I'm not sure that I agree. While I would support something like outlawing billionaires or at the very least, a tax bracket that claws back significant chunks of what they are draining from society, there are vast nuances to these issues beyond "the billionaires want it that way." When you say "everything from ... can all be rendered down", I think it's pretty important to recognize how much detail and nuance is lost in that rendering down.

Billionaires and the accumulation of wealth are just stand ins for the accumulation of power in a capitalistic society. When power is removed, it creates a vacuum. Who fills it? In the ideal, I know most of us would say "the people" but this is an insanely complex balancing beam to maintain without some group of assholes finding a new, non-capital way to extract and centralize that power.

None of this is to say that eliminating the notion of a billionaire is a bad idea. I'm with you all that the very idea of a billionaire is heinous and impossible without vast exploitation. I just do not think that issue being solved would be even close to some panacea for all of the world's problems. There would just be twists in the existing problems and fun new ones.

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Purity tests all the way down and it's why populism never actually works. You can't be happy, even a little bit, about incremental progress if the "real problem" hasn't been dealt with. That problem will always be broad and impossible to truly achieve outside of theory. You end up with an ideology just centered around anger and despair.

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Why would they care? They're proud of it. Their voters are proud of it.

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We've obviously seen a lot of studies about the proliferation of microplastics. They seem to be in practically everything and everyone to an almost cellular level. Are there any modern studies or even just hypotheses for what the actual effects are? Has it just not been long enough for us to gather data?

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Hey, everyone on this thread saying "do something useful". The democrats are currently the house minority. The Republicans will torpedo anything useful they propose, and have already signaled that they will do so. The dems are blocking what they can when it is proposed. This is performative, yes. That's exactly what a minority party does outside of responding to what the majority party dictates, which dems are also doing. Johnson and conservative committees decide on what is brought to the floor, so no amount of hard work magically makes good legislation happen.

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People are getting so caught up in Israel's genocidal bullshit (which is heinous and horrific, to be explicit so I don't get dog piled) that they seem to be forgetting that Hamas is a literal terrorist group that would happily kill us all, and also subjugates Palestinians. They did take hostages, they have killed some, and they have treated them all very poorly by all accounts. You can hate both sides of this one guys, it's pretty easy.

Thanks for posting the article and your thoughts, Mr. Squid.

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They just weakened the NLRB in another opinion and when they destroy the Chevron deference principle this year, the NLRB (and a lot of other regulatory agencies like the FDA, EPA, etc) is going to be neutered.

SCOTUS is potentially on the ballot in November. Hope you all vote with reproductive access and labor rights in mind.

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This is so far beyond salmon fishing. This is going to weaken every executive agency we have severely. Congress is broken and they're never going to give piecemeal explicit authority to these agencies for comprehensive work. The EPA, the FTC, the FCC, the SEC, the ATF. They're all damaged and weakened by today's ruling and thus so is our environment, our economy, our utilities, and our regulations. This was the conservative wet dream ruling above almost any other this session. This was the Dobbs-style meat thrown to the educated, more lawful evil Republicans.

Please vote, so we can nominate justices to the Supreme Court. Please help us add another Sotomayor or Jackson instead of an Alito, Thomas, or at this rate, Cannon. Not feeling hopeful right now, but I have to ask.

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Even for Trump, this one is a lot. It was essentially his campaign slogan. He didn't just say it, he led chants of it in front of crowds.

Define "BLM", "protests", and "success" because any combination of different variables produces a different result. Additionally, even then, there is a lot of nuance to being successful when it comes to political movements.

The protests undoubtedly brought more attention to policing and racial issues in general. They obviously didn't solve either problem. Some states passed progressive policing laws, some regressed out of spite or in reacting to the other states.

Then you also have the category of "well, it might have made an impact on this but we'll never know". For instance, does Biden win in 2020 without the Black Lives Matter protests? No idea, and nobody truly does or even can. That would be an enormous impact on many things, some of which may not even have been goals of the protests.

I'm going to take a different approach than most of the other comments here: you can't. Microplastics are in the air and a large chunk of it comes from car tire residue. You're breathing it, likely right now. Research is still in the early phases and we just don't know how bad it is yet, both from the proliferation and the impact side of things.

Source is Breaking the Plastic Wave and Overview on the occurrence of microplastics in air.

This is huge! This will increase wages for both the lower and middle class, make both employees and most employers happy, and I love the provision about not being able to make it even appear that your employees are under a non-compete. Eager to see how it survives the inevitable legal onslaught from the bigger corps, but regardless this FTC has been stellar.

I agree with this in principle (and I know it's just a meme and I'm taking it too seriously) but how do we still allow for people who take pride in their trade or craft, even if the majority value has been stolen by a megacorp? I work for one of those huge soulless corps. Sometimes, every once in a great while, I enjoy working on something I've built. I'll put in more hours than I have to just because I'm having a good time or whatever. I guess that's still separate from the "being on my grindset" culture of doing that all the time though.

Idk, thinking out loud here.

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I really hate it when this sort of thing happens. If you read into this particular death, it looks like a tragic series of unfortunate events and not anything nefarious. The earlier whistleblower death looked truly suspicious and I don't fault people for that one, but this one just isn't. Now this family is going to be dealing with a conspiracy and hounded by insane people while trying to grieve their loved one. I wish people could really look into these things instead of just reacting because Boeing has been sketchy lately.

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The National Labor Relations Board is the federal agency that is responsible for regulating labor and workers' rights. 15-20 times a year, they use a court injunction to force a company to rehire employees that were fired due to attempted unionization (usually hidden under a BS other reason). The court made it much harder for those injunctions to be granted, meaning unionization efforts are going to be chilled.

The Chevron deference principle refers to a principle stemming from a prior case that effectively defers to federal agencies over courts when there are questions on implicit powers of those agencies. Weakening or destroying this effectively means any power for a federal agency must be explicitly granted in the text of a law, which republicans will never, ever do or allow. This is going to severely undercut the powers of every federal agency we have in varying degrees. Another conservative wet dream.

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Hate both, where it's appropriate. Some of these players perpetuate the game that we all hate. Elon Musk is a player who has become part of the structure of the game, fighting regulations and damaging democracy for the sake of his own capitalistic endeavors. Someone mentioned below that Dolly Parton could be a billionaire. Not gonna hate on Dolly Parton who I assume did not come by her wealth through being an asshole, but more just being successful and our current "game" rewarding her with more than she would have in a better society. I would tax the absolute fuck out of her though.

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I completely disagree that your complaints spur a single thing. Every heard the phrase "you catch more flies with honey than vinegar"? Or how about if I get your thoughts on how to rear a child? Do you beat them, complain about their accomplishments constantly, or do you encourage and support them? Encouragement, support, and excitement do more to inspire change than any amount of complaints.

Incrementalism is the only bloodless way to achieve true progress. I embrace it, and celebrate these wins.

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To be fair to you, I thought they were talking about AWS S3 at first and was very confused until I read the article.

They're not crying. They're pulling the levers of power to perpetuate their hate. I am not making this distinction to give them any sort of credit, but instead to ensure we all know that this is another concrete action taken against the people. This is not an action we should point and laugh at. We should be in horror, and preparing ourselves to push back in the ways we are able.

At the very minimum, please vote in November. Vote federally, vote locally. Deny conservatives their court majorities that strip our rights away. Deny them their positions of power to bring suits from. When that is done, we can then all point and laugh at the futility of their cruelty.

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It's important to note that this was not an exoneration, but rather more procedural. The judge's argument is that the charges brought are not specific enough as to what elements of their oaths were broken. Now, the prosecutors will either have to drop those charges or refile them in front of a grand jury with more specific charges. The racketeering charges remain and are unaffected by this ruling.

We also still haven't heard anything on the removal of the prosecutor for an alleged inappropriate relationship. This case is a clusterfuck.

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I'm with you here. I don't like this EO, but wtf else is he supposed to do? It's the number one issue for a huge chunk of the populace. We're gonna have to do better than complaining about it to give any government official options that aren't just restrictions. People are hurting and dumb, and they blame immigrants. Solve that at the root, but you can't ignore it in the meantime.

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Why is it that everytime someone on the left does something stupid online, it's automatically propaganda? Why can't it just be the case that there are a lot of politically and generally uneducated people that are part of the movement, which is consistent with every populist movement for all time? This has to be reckoned with and mitigated if the left ever wants to actually hold power and do something with it.

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sectional relations


I think this covers everything except for one last question the OP might have had. Israel was, and still is, a US ally. Trading is generally pretty open with those allies, so citizens are fairly free to invest with any company headquartered in those countries. Investing in an Israeli company was no different than investing in an Australian or UK company. Offshore investment can be smart too, as they can potentially insulate you from the effects of economic shocks in America (in the short term). I'm sure someone much more versed in economics or finances could give you a better summary of that end though.

Just in case they're wondering whether/why it's possible/common to have foreign investments in the first place. Your comment is a great explanation for why Israel specifically.

Passion is cheap, law is hard. It's ridiculously hard to set your passions aside in cases like these, but it should be done. The state should not have the ability to kill their citizens based on a legal process they also control at all levels. It only takes a slight reduction in criteria for evidence or severity to put us all in danger as citizens. I know you generally agree, but I think it's worth stating. This man should be in prison for the rest of his life, but we all lose when we let the state indulge our passions.

Different model, same website. Silver got to keep his model and took it elsewhere after departing from 538.

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You have major misconceptions about how the government works and instead of being self-aware and saying "hmm, maybe the situation is more complex than I understand", you point your anger outward at those actually doing things day-to-day to combat this? It's just sad.

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Subnautica: Way Above Zero

This guy is living the game dev dream. Built his project that's relatively simple as far as upkeep goes (which is full credit to him for building it that way), a darling in the industry, and he's just independent. He's working on other cool stuff at his own pace with no need to placate any audience or publisher. It's beautiful.

We're all trying to be SpongeBob, but we're all subject to being a Squidward some days.

Lemmy has a much, much, much better crowd than reddit, but it definitely still got the "not all men", "I only ever comment on stories about extremely rare false rape accusations" crowd.

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Of course there's a reason? Legislation was passed (the real problem here) and the entire point of the court is to evaluate legislation against our constitution. I agree with every single statement in your last paragraph, but you have to point the blame at the correct place. SCOTUS taking this up is completely legitimate and falls entirely within their role in our government.

The state legislators are infringing on private citizens and their medical care. That's the crime here. Even then, it's important to understand that nothing is off limits to legislators. Even our core rights can be changed by a supermajority in the national congress. Power decides what rights get protected in a society. That's been the recurrent tale of history for all time. We are beyond fortunate to have a sliver of that power and we are failing to use it to stomp these legislators into the dust. That's the crime here, not SCOTUS taking up a case that falls entirely under its jurisdiction and mandate.

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Might be wishful thinking or stale in 15-30 minutes but I think they at least get him on the checks. I imagine we'll all be very disappointed if/when sentencing occurs though.

Edit: Welp, call me pleasantly surprised. Get fucked!

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Looking at the downmeter shot someone posted above, it's half the SREs in the country. Not sure what the root cause will be, but damn that's a lot of money down the tubes. I would not want to be the person who cost Meta and Google their precious thirty 9's of availability lol.

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According to the wording of the ad he took out, his argument is focused on length, not style. He explicitly states that the school allows braids, locs, and rows. Then he argues that the CROWN act is very specific about not applying to length.

This whole thing is really stupid. Length of styling of hair, along with clothing and other personal appearance issues, should be considered speech and protected outside of blatant attempts to disrupt an educational atmosphere. All that said, the school may not be acting in opposition to the letter of the law, even if they definitely are in spirit.

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Are you willing to admit you were wrong if Israel already proposed this deal to Hamas through Qatar? This is a garbage situation all around and none of it is helped by sanctimonious assholes on social media pre-judging every action taken before it even has a moment to breathe.

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My right to marry my partner was won by democrats. Anyone calling that a breadcrumb can go fuck themselves right into the sun. The party does a hell of a lot more than the left wants to give them credit for. Not even arguing the pic above is not lacking nuance or that democrats are perfect, but they've won me a hell of a lot more than you leftist armchair politicians who have never given me a single thing but promises you never fulfill.

I agree with you, and yet... It's winning them elections. We can be upset about it all we want, but it's increasingly clear that bigotry and xenophobia are winning arguments in this era. We're fucked if we don't adjust. I'm not proposing we abandon migrants, but the one thing myself and the person you replied to likely agree on is that the left is increasingly losing sight of home and the average citizen, not in terms of rhetoric but in effect. We're about to lose the EU and possibly lose support for Ukraine, see even more immigration restrictions, and see an empowered global far-right. The voters are telling us they have different priorities, which we need to focus on in a more altruistic way than the right. We have to be introspective here if we ever want to accomplish our goals.

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