When your crush walks into class but you're homeschooled...

Urethra Franklin@startrek.website to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 645 points –

I'll be using ancestry.com instead of Tinder.


Too bad that traitor rag ruins a beautiful red dress

I don't know if 'traitor' is really the right term for separatists... I mean, it's a hard spot, right? You're betraying someone one way or another whichever side you choose

I don't have a lot of sympathy for the Southern Confederacy. They left the union because they wanted to expand the enslavement of people. That's not just the leaders either, soldiers in the Confederacy made it crystal clear in their diaries and letters that they would rather die than be equal with a black person. They fired first, and they had no right to leave the union under any circumstances. They were traitors.

they had no right to leave the union under any circumstances.

I wholeheartedly agree with you on every other part, but that particular sentiment is rather disturbing. The particular reason they gave was not an acceptable justification for leaving the union, but the idea that they have no such right at all is extraordinarily problematic.

I mention this because we are a year away from a scenario where several states may determine that a particular candidate is unqualified to even run, let alone win the presidential election. We may very well find ourselves in a situation where half the country recognizes one person as president, while the other half recognizes a different person.

The idea that the states representing the majority of We The People should not be allowed to dissociate from a self-described dictator is a big fucking problem.

The union is only valid so long as we have the right to leave it.

Thanks for this, very much captured what I was thinking but you used words betterer

Read any of the States' Declarations of Secession, and you'll see how the Confederacy betrayed humanity with that racist garbage. I would literally get banned if I copied and pasted what they say.

When you scream about any minor inconvenience is taking away your freedoms, while simultaneously support a failed nation whose entire existed resolved around taking the freedoms away from an entire race of people

This girl was born innocent... And thanks to the shitty roll of dice her patents were moron rednecks that filled her brain with garbage.

Her parents were also born innocent...

True. It's a vicious cycle of hate, that's hard to break if you live in a backwards part of the country surrounded by morons.

How do you circumcise a redneck?
Kick his sister in the jaw.

"I'll wear the flag of the losing side, that'll make me seem [????]."

What are the chances the marriage lasts longer than the Confederacy?

Alright but like, the dress actually does look nice

No it doesn't. It looks like someone that needs so much damn attention they can't just get married, they need to own the libs while getting married. It's sad and looks horrible because of the pattern. Nothing makes it look good.

No, it doesn't. It's a crinkled, rumpled, shapeless mess. It looks like it was home made, by someone with no business making a dress.

It looks terrible.