2 Post – 527 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

It's for safety, to protect any unexpected insertions, you first want to wrap parts in rubber. Otherwise you get a virus.

Texas is dumber than I thought.

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5 times the content. Where do I sign up?

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Let's keep adding more war crimes to the list. Oh and have video proof for the whole world to watch for-EVER.

He should remove it from all countries. What a rich dumbass.

So there are time when MAGA is NOT furious?

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This has to be from theonion

Wish that man a speedy recovery. He has given so much. Good luck Bernie.

Pro-life, until they arent what expected, then fuck those people. The conservative religious are very hateful.

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Making CEO decisions, is easy for AI. Cant AI just replace these CEO's more readily than programmers.

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Manchin is worth less than dog shit. Die already you stupid waste of flesh.

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His supporters will cryogenically preserve his body so he can keep perpetually lose every 4years.

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When I encounter single ply, I intentionally use three times as much. I'm vindictive.

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Step 1. Replace CEO with AI. Step 2. Ask New AI CEO, how to fix. Step 3. Blindly enact and reinforce steps

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Well, I would expect someone called "Vase Women" to know a thing or two bout them.

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Didn't know children could be Secretary of State. Missouri has low standards.

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Just paid gang members

Exclusively used chrome browser for ~10yrs. Switched to Firefox last week, cause google being evil.

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Media has been warping the perception of the genocide by Israel of Palestine for more than half a century.

In addition to prison officials, the lawsuit names the UAB Health System as defendants. The suit claims UAB’s School of Medicine obtained Dotson’s heart, and details a 2018 incident where medical students “noticed that a disproportionate number of the specimens they encountered during their medical training originated from individuals who had died in prison custody within the Alabama Department of Corrections.”

Hoodie + Trust > Suit + Lies

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Just butt hurt cops, who don't like others having power.

Low IQ Christians never learn. They must be old dogs.

Yeah, user agent switch to chrome made YouTube vid instantly load. Real shitty google!

Well, not like you can own anything anymore.

Bout as sharp as a basketball

Targeting hospitals has a specific end goal.

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Wait Windows users are allowed to manage their software ?!? Get out of town.

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Nikel and dime till it's a crime


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The US needs to stop funding terrorists.

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A GOP member, a Catholic priest, and a boy scout walk into a bar. I mean daycare.

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Is this an Epstein event?

Risk?!? The Palestinian's have been murdered for 50+ yrs in a genocidal occupation. Silly UN.

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Please hurry up and die old man.

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Yeah because UTAH is so good to their youth.

Yeah... No one has gotten in any trouble by following Trump. Be obedient folks.

How quickly we forget history. You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself come a villain.

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Joe Rogans mental decline in the last few years is astonishing.

Store all this data to tell accurate histories.

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