0 Post – 133 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm a Streamer and Software Dev in Liverpool, UK.

Stop by if you fancy a chat or whatever,

Genuine question: why does bedrock exist? What does it bring? Why is there the choice between java, bedrock and "Minecraft for windows"?

How do you fuck up this badly?

I tried using the launcher to move a java install from C: to another drive and it just points there and doesn't do anything? Steam had this stuff figured years ago

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And that Easter is a co-opted pagan holiday for fertility (eggs, rabbits)


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The highest of scores would be 0

The workers today need to cut back on.. Let's see.. they're already eating gruel and working 3 jobs.. free time!

They need to cut down on free time and spend it stuck in traffic.

If you call it a passenger compartment then you're going to have to put a passenger in there.

I vote for "trinket receptacle".

How is it legal to have ******* as your license plate?

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I worry you are incentivizing them to just put their faces closer to the boobies

Just give me something for the pain and let me die

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6 months ago Fidelity's valuation dropped 41%, has something changed? Or just not gotten worse since then?

Is there a punishment to Impeaching without evidence?

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Ever seen ants disassemble a much larger animals carcass?

Imagine trying to keep millions of angry ants out of your house, not imagine they have support from spiders, racoons, birds.

Throw in dropping snakes down chimneys.

Bees stop pollinating our crops, larger animals could take our dead and drop them in our reservoirs. Cities are done.

You might like the TV show called "Zoo", it looks at some of this and gets pretty crazy

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That time I made banana bread but with salt instead of sugar. Accidentally, of course.

It looked sad and squishy, I tried a bit anyway. It was odd, my tongue detected something amiss, but the bad taste arrived a second or two after my brain started "reacting", like warning lights were flashing but I didn't know why.

And then the taste of bananabrine arrived and my face locked up in a rictus grimace.i couldn't control my mouth so I had to scrape it out with my hand.

Truly awful.

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I saw a bit of those on stream and thought maybe the time affected the quality of the result.. but no. It's just filler shit to get your space dragon speech spell or whatever. Then the enemies are all bullet sponges. It all seemed very transparent and very familiar.

The one time I got a prebuilt desktop for myself it was an HP Omen. Terrible decision.

Single unit radiator that struggled to cope with the CPU under any load, custom case so a larger rad AIO won't fit, buy a new case.

Usb controllers overwhelmed while streaming and gaming so bought a controller card. Nope, there is only one slot on the mobo and that's for graphics. (Yes, I should have checked first)

Useless bloatware always crashing and popping up over screen. Changes made to windows registry mean sounds fade in if no sound was played for a while (including alerts or memes on stream so you only hear the last part)

Many regrets.

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You just do " (listen for next character as register name)

Then, say q,w,e etc, then yy to yank as normal.

So "wyy

To retrieve it you use "wp

To add to it "Wyy

To view them :reg

Remember you can make "w anything, like "x or "p

And each time you yank it gets pushed into the default register history "0 "1 "2 etc

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If the title text is the same it should just squash them, show you all the options on further inspection.

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If the customer is dead, they definitely can't renew.

Who wouldn't tout your service if it saved them?

But also.. why the fuck does this require a sub?

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Amazon used to send the question to you in a very weird way, Almost like th person was DMing you, so people would reply (maybe to the email?) In an honest way.

I took me getting one of those emails to understand.

Still makes me mad, but at amazon instead

Imagine falling over and fucking your face up, losing your wallet and dropping your groceries.. on the first stepping stone

Think about how much this cost.

Think about who this is meant to benefit.

Pointless politics.

Hey, c'mon I switched universes and back again but it still won't load

It's reversed at 3am.

He must be telling me how cute I am while I sleep.. that's definitely it.

I asked ChatGPT to show me how to do some Godot4.2 C# stuff the other day as I transition from Unity, it was 70% incorrect.

Good times. (It was probably right for an older version, but I told it the actual version)

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And avocado.

All the good things that end in O

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Oh noooo, you'll just have to buy another copy of the game, whoopsie-doodle! Sowwy! 💰

Limited time, limited locations for you to safely make it out with loot. Like Tarkov or DMZ.

I find the episodic nature more enjoyable than mmo total time sink fwiw

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It's quality of upvotes, not quantity.

They already said that

It would be common to see still water and your own reflection

Less common that someone would position themselves in such a way they can see their asshole clearly in it without disturbing the surface.

What do I know? Maybe they made little foot jetties just so they could stand above the water and gaze wistfully in into their own rectums on still days?

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This is a vim household :q!

Hit 'em with your splash attack,!

Check out bigclive on YouTube, he takes apart lots of electronics and breaks down the circuits. He investigated lots of cheaper, dodgier stuff too. Like lamps with usb ports that are mains voltage when the lamp is plugged in to recharge. Fun times.

Or electroboom if you want to see what happens when you lack care around those same electronics

For real. It would rather take me to a bing results page for (AppName) than open the fucking app that is actually installed.


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I think the text is meant to be his bowtie now

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RIP Fireworks. I used it for shitty design rather than websites or whatever but it was so easy to use.

Ping pong tables are loud as fuck and disrupt the whole office. If they invest in a soundproof room to put it in, sure. Otherwise it just makes you feel like a massive douche.

Me: Let me write this down..

Pen: lel, I am gone

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Smell my fingers, goat