4 Post – 121 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yeah, what are they doing there? Crazy Antarcticans.

The community is called c/antiquememesroadshow, so that's kinda the point there.

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Wtf that's my partner's friend! I've seen people I know on Reddit a few times before, but I didn't expect it on a less populated place like Lemmy. It's a small world.

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Serious question: How is this different than all the other sensationalized headlines about some technology that's gonna change everything, and then you later hear nothing about it?

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ADHD. A lot of people might say depression, and ADHD gets misdiagnosed this way too, especially because people are much more familiar with the way depression manifests rather than how ADHD actually manifests beyond stereotypical hyperactivity and difficulty focusing.

What you're describing is executive dysfunction and energy regulation problems. The reason you can't stop scrolling is because your brain doesn't produce dopamine enough, and it's only used to the short bursts it can produce. This creates a feedback loop where you're stuck stimulating yourself with quick, easy dopamine hits, and that's why anything that seems like a prolonged task feels like an impossible endeavor. It's also why you'll get tunnel vision if you ever do start playing that game.

This meme is so old that I was 27 when I first read it.

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America. 🦅

I had to stop drinking milkshakes once I started counting calories because of this kind of thing. Like, I knew it was bad, but I didn't know it was this bad. 😬

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I'm so sad this will never be me. 😭

I thought this was charming. :)

If Republicans didn't constantly try to make being queer synonymous with pedophilia, this kind of statement wouldn't be ironic and funny. Unfortunately, there's an entire political party trying to make being queer synonymous with pedophilia, so this joke hits.

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Don't be a reductionist. If that's all your cat was and that's all your relationship was, then fine. If it wasn't, you owe it to that cat to remember all the good times you two had between when it came to life and when it lost its life. Do it for the cat.

Then, when you've finally moved past this point, realize how much joy you gave that cat. Know that you did something beautiful in letting that cat know it was loved from beginning to end. Think about the cat's perspective. Its death may have sucked; they rarely don't. Now think about every moment that cat experienced growing up and being with you. Every sense of relief that cat felt when you came home. Every wave of comfort when you gave it pets. Every moment of safety it felt when you cared for it.

I know how sad you are, and I know this is tough love here, but that's what carried me through losing my dog on Christmas 2022 and her sister December 16th 2023. We did our best. They couldn't have had happier lives. I'm glad we could do that for them. It was worth the weeks of agonizing grief for the 14 and 16 years of happiness they experienced.

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There was recently a "movement of the month" or however you'd call it where everybody decided to post vintage memes, and I think somebody seized the opportunity to make a space for it and ride the wave.

Last month, it was beans.

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Republicans hate this one trick!

Read any of the States' Declarations of Secession, and you'll see how the Confederacy betrayed humanity with that racist garbage. I would literally get banned if I copied and pasted what they say.

Surprise! My mom does this too, and the frustrating part is that she's wrong about the second half of my sentence a LOT of the time. It ends up being rude and makes the conversation even longer because I have to waste additional time going, "No, I was going to say..." instead of simply finishing the sentence and continuing on.

So congratulations. You're playing yourself. (I also have ADHD.)

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An article published detailed what it was like working with Elon Musk at Tesla. Apparently, he rarely, if ever, has any idea what's going on in his own companies.

Basically, the dude just says things. He has no idea how most of his products or software work or anything. He just says things.

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I loved the desirepaths subreddit. It's a shame it's, ya know, a subreddit.

Not cause of your age. I got told that all the time in high school! And college. And after college.

Anyway, I eventually got a partner, but having a consecutive string of meeting romantically incompatible potential partners is not age dependent.

"The Trump Hotel"

I'll never understand why low res images like this always have half the text cropped off. I get why it's done when they're conveniently censoring something, but...ugh. :(

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Omg I already believed you, but it still surprised me when I looked it up.

This made my partner and me laugh out loud. Thank you.

Oh, I took 'em. But I ate too much. It was like a man versus a military.

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"Euphemism Treadmill" on Wikipedia. Very interesting subject!

Not all famous people's friends are famous. 🤷🏼 They both used to be part of the cosplay community that would attend a lot of anime conventions, but somebody made a joke about doxxing myself, so I don't feel comfortable saying much else.

Could you outline an example? I understand your perspective and feelings on the matter, but maybe if we could see a transcript, we could see exactly how this trait is manifesting, and we could analyze better what was happening here.

On YouTube there is a video

Of a news story

About a man who finds himself on a website for missing children.

A lot of Austin, Texas too.

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Yes, it's because a lot of kids started wearing their dads' classic rock and grunge metal band shirts, so much so that it became fashionable, and stores like Target and Walmart sell these shirts again.

Then you have the kids who actually listen to those bands and think very highly of their learned musical opinions (reminiscent of "le wrong generation" kids).

There's now both a stereotype for the type of trendy person who wears a shirt for a band they've never even heard of and the type of person who judges them as posers.

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Can somebody explain what this Raspberry Pi is that I see talked about all over Lemmy? Certainly, it is no pie, but I can't seem to grasp what it actually is.

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There's actually a documentary about this that I watched a few years back. They played recordings of the noises too. So strange.

I went through a period where I binge watched a bunch of episodes of that show, but I read that it was difficult to convict some of the people they caught because adults posing as children to lure people into getting arrested is considered entrapment or something. Therefore, their method of catching them could be considered unlawful, leading to the case being thrown out.

So specific.

The thing is that my partner and I have gone sober recently, and since I'm specifically thinking of this from the perspective of "I want to avoid alcohol", it's causing me to have a bit of a "don't think about the polar bear" moment.

We've also begun opening our circle up a bit, and while I'm perfectly comfortable having good friends come over for whatever, it feels too intimate to invite folks you barely know over.

Why is this getting down voted?

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Somebody's got to. 😤

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