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Joined 9 months ago

There's also a certain governor who stand to experience god's wrath.

Yeah, because conservative idiots refused to follow any of the advice given, preferring instead to live in denial and spread the disease. The best part of COVID was the Herman Caine Awards. God, that was better than any therapy.

Your kids are going to save so much money on a retirement home.

You again, huh?

Oh my gosh I had to Google "Putin and Jill Stein" and scroll all the way down to the first article that popped up and my fingers hurt. So. Bad.


You could be right. That could be all she is. I feel like she's deeper in, but I can't prove it. Either way, she is totally compromised and unqualified to lead this country, and her fans need to realize it before it's too late.

No, I think it takes a little more than that. She craves legitimacy, and he gave her a taste of it. I think she is in on it. She runs when doing so will cause the most damage.

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What? Internet's right in front of you and you're unwilling to make the effort to discredit me? If you think those questions have uncomfortable answers for me, you should do the work yourself. I wonder what you'll find?

I fail to see how your questions are all that relevant. The context is, she is a nobody, and nobodies do not get seated randomly at tables with dictators of superpowers, who have at their right hand traitor general of the same nation as the nobody.

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That image is the context. She has never been important. She has never held political power at any level. She is not a politician. She is no ambassador or diplomat. She's a nobody who keeps failing to be elected only to the highest office on the planet. She isn't an almost-Hillary, she's a barely-not-Vermin-Supreme. She has zero legitimate business at a table with Putin.

Nobody, absolutely nobody gets seated at the same table as Putin without a damn good reason. Look who sits at his right hand; American traitor general and conspirator Micheal Flynn. The only way she got a seat with Putin's entourage is if she gave him something for it. What did she give? Well, she siphoned votes away from Hillary at the last minute.

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Then you're a fool. Nobodies like her do not get randomly seated at Putin's table without a reason.

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But oh how they want to, and they'll vote for the guy they think will make it so they can say it and have everybody think they're cool again.

Maybe so. On the other hand, would a useful idiot get a seat at that table?

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I'd get a second vasectomy if I thought it would help. The first one was super easy.

14 more...

None of them do what I want, which is to check my blood sugar via UV light. They've been talking about it for at least 15 years. I know why too. They want to be able to sell all our info, and medical stuff is protected by HIPPA.

Fine. Pump it directly into their homes.

If you're nervous, they can knock you out for the procedure. You can't drive yourself though. And not just any driver will do. They need to be responsible for you. So no taxis. I had nobody to help me out, so I went for local anesthesia.

I cracked jokes, which they said was a common coping mechanism for nervous guys. The nurses laughed, but the doc kept a straight face and steady hand. A couple tiny needle pokes were unpleasant, as was the tugging on the vas deferens, but neither particularly painful. Afterward I drove myself home to play video games and get high for a weekend. A bit of soreness for a couple days, but nothing compared to what she would have endured. I went back to work before recommended, and also masturbated too soon, but suffered no ill effects.

7 years now, zero regrets.

Sorry your experience was so rough. Slight pinch for me too. Worthy of a displeased grunt, but that was it.

If you sewed together all the fragments of Jesus's foreskin, you could go skydiving with it.

I often work in rural TX. I've had a number of Texans suggest I ought to move there, cause muh freedums. Yeah, I target shoot a little, but I'm lefty as hell. I talk about guns sometimes to deflect questions about my politics.

They are so full of themselves. They think because great grandpa was a cowboy that they inherit all his toughness. I don't know how grandpa lived, but I know Texans today live mostly in air conditioning and love shopping, huge portions, and convenience. They're fully convinced there is nowhere better on Earth. But no, TX sucks and I'd never move there.

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"I feared for my life!"

Yeah I'll bet you did.

Fucking coward.

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Mark my words. These people are not just willing, but eager to unleash nuclear hellfire in the Middle East, under the ludicrous delusion that they can fulfill prophecy and force Jesus to return. They shouldn't be trusted to run fast food joints or craft supply stores, much less a superpower. It's an apocalypse cult. They've convinced themselves that they're better than everyone, but their religion spread across the globe by genocide, enslavement, and forced conversion, not by loving their neighbors. They have been trying to end the world for 2000 years.

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Reporter SLAMMED for overuse of the word SLAM in clickbait titles.

Probably not even written by a human though, really.

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I grew up there. I always, always hated living in FL. I fled that shithole 15 years ago. The only thing I ever appreciated was the natural beauty, and every time I go back to visit, they paved over more of it.

Yeah, that's not as hopeless as you think. They can easily track what he did to obviously hide his assets in the time since the judgement and still seize them from the parties who now could face charges for accepting them.

Could Trump's Truth Social stock value be powered by massive fraud? Experts say things like "slammed," "mystified," and "dazzled!" This and more for the next 24 hour news cycle until he does another damn fool thing that we can exploit.

"I'm the entity, not the individual! People can die, but ideas live forev

I've always felt like the names we pick for ourselves ought to be more valid than the ones others choose for us. We should choose names for ourselves at different stages of life, and just tack them on in whatever order we like. You want something more fun than mummy and daddy gave you? Knock yourself out. Were your idiot parents drunk when they signed the papers? Well you can fix that at 12 if you like. We are who we choose to be and this the goddamn future.

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Yeah, we really ought to just ignore them and let them do whatever they want.


Mildly verbally criticized = flattened

How about a headline where he is arrested, held, charged, tried, and convicted? All much more convincing verbage.

I'd like to support solarpunk development. I just want to live a simple life, with high tech in cooperation with the environment. We need it badly. I would fund so many community libraries. Don't misunderstand me though. I still want space travel, but I no longer trust capitalists with it.

Ha! As if real girlfriends don't harvest personal data!

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I hear those big box stores will shut down immediately if someone, anyone, just scatters union pamphlets around the store.

Oh, you think that ideology is transmitted genetically?

How very fascist of you. Yeah, I see that 88.

45 more...

Yep, it's nearly always local pilots to drive in and out of ports. They know the area best.

Cartels the US directly funds thanks to our insane puritanical response to drugs.

Nah, it's easy, just lower your prices and expand your catalogue. Nothing to it.

Oh, and stop paying your executives like kings.

So hard.

I wake up without the alarm at 0400 every day now. My alarm doesn't even go off til 0500. I only want to stay up late looking at the stars, but haven't done that in forever.

I've become what I hate.

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Nope. Just need to force all landlords to sell. Make tax on rent ruinous. Tax additional homes. Make it illegal for corporations to own residential property.

He wants to fuck gays huh?

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"I feared for my life!" Is a direct quote I've heard more than a couple times from big burly manly Texas men I've worked with. I'd bet $20 this guy used to talk the same trash. They'll claim that if they ever have to kill somebody, they'll say that to the cops / judge and get set free for having fired in self-defense. I keep my thoughts to myself.

Except with y'all!

It sounds to me that these guys want everybody to think they're super tough, but their pre-planned defense is to claim cowardice as a virtue, and they'll tell you so ahead of time. It baffles me that they fail to feel shame for it, but I believe them when they proudly declare what cowards they are.

And yeah, that dude was an angry coward who wanted to lash out at the first person who dared cross an imaginary line in his head. There's no reason to be afraid when a couple cars come down your driveway. But they've let themselves get whipped into a bloodthirsty frenzy over imaginary terrors. Fear is a central facet of their personalities.

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