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copyright laws are broken. what seems ethical can be illegal and what seems unethical can be legal.

Turkish military uses Pardus, a Turkish Linux distro, but I'm not sure to what extent.

Here where I live using AI detection tools is not allowed because they are not 100% correct, which means they might flag an innocent student.

There are lots of ways computers are used for making art. Not just video-games. For example, projection mapping, algorithmic music composition, live coding, etc.

You can look into openFrameworks for examples of C++ in arts.

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Security expert reveals surprising way to induce headaches

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Any metric will become a target and then people will maximize that instead of whatever they were supposed to be doing. Goodhart's law

Stop trying to make fetch happen!

And standards. EU please enforce standards and interoperability, and open APIs.

I can't really understand the tradition of never trusting the government in the US. The government is designed in a way that enables, even requires public oversight, public opinion. If that is not the case, you are not living in a democracy. Many Americans trust private initiatives, charity more than taxes and a working public system. People have no say in what corporations do. If people don't trust the government the attitude should be towards fixing it and enabling trust, not to accept it as is. I am not judging, maybe a little bit but not really. I live in a middle eastern country. We really don't trust the government but we keep working on steering it in the right direction. We are many times smaller than the US but we have minimum income, universal healthcare, unions are the norm, etc.

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That is why Microsoft spent a total of gazillion dollars to have its OS pre-installed on all PCs. We need more PCs with Linux pre-installed. This should be an antitrust issue but I am not knowledgeable enough to say how.

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  • Colony Ship: A Post-Earth Role Playing Game
  • Pentiment
  • Subnautica
  • Dune: Spice Wars
  • Atomic Heart
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How do you make flow charts like this in obsidian?

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Final. season was really interesting I that regard. Real cop propaganda is The Rookie. It is shameless.

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I went back to university last year and exactly this. They have Microsoft subscription with all the bells and whistles, classroom, work material, homework, etc.

edit: I guess I just ADHDed in the middle of writing this comment. it was supposed to continue:

... zoom and all its options, plus a custom classroom web app that replicates some of Microsoft's stuff and all professors use WhatsApp for everything, and email only for delivering finals papers.

... long haul flight... mx blue...

I'm not sure if you're joking but it's hilarious either way.

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Maemo on Nokia N900 was awesome. But even before Microsoft Nokia and Intel decided to rewrite a perfectly working phone OS from scratch and stopped development for years while trying to build Meego. At the time android didn't have multi-tasking, but on Maemo you could play a video on vlc on the background, and it kept playing while switching windows, inside the list of little windows. It used qt for ui and you could even write native looking apps in python. It had full access to the camera api, people were writing crazy scriptable camera apps for the thing, such as the frankencamera. Why would you throw away a perfectly working os and waste time trying to rewrite the exact same thing for years Nokia!? why!? it could have been an actual Linux phone revolution years ago. and no, I don't think Android is already Linux phone. fight me.

And that's why you also surround it with double quotes.

Perfect summary 10/10

Mad Dog McCree. A literal "video" game. Live action first person pointy shooty thing.

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Now I just want to make an account t to post AI generated dicks every hour.

Also the story of almost all Hollywood romcoms.

N900 and Maemo were already awesome. There was absolutely no need to rewrite the entire operating system. Damn I am still angry.

openai's chat gpt, and microsoft's bing flavor of chat gpt both have android apps. google's bard does not. that is all...

I think they meant "if anyone watches that video and..."

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I killed the parent, now all the children are zombies.

is this real? I can't tell anymore.

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I remember stumble upon

And not being always reachable by phone. If you are out, there was simply no way to reach you. Good times.


It's a free market. Anyone can come up and say that they are willing to pay millions for an indifferent_insect_boat_club.jpeg at any moment.

So, it's my turn to be that person. It's not "cell" shading but cel shading.

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As many people have already said, just do what you need to do. That's the best way to learn. But if you are afraid you'll break your system with dangerous commands, use docker or a virtual machine for practice.

For me it's the opposite. I tried to use nextcloud for years, installing the normal way, and it always broke for no reason. I just started using it on docker and it has been perfect, fingers crossed.

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I still don't understand. what does it mean?

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I agree. I also believe we should take care of that before we go granting them vast additional powers.

completely agreed

Shareholders do. They get a vote. The government is essentially a mutual fund you're legally obligated to buy into.

yes but they vote to maximize profit not overall social benefit

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"They don’t matter to our mission and honestly we’re a little confused about this reaction."

How? How are you confused? You have been misrepresenting peoples project. It's mind boggling. I'm more than a little confused about your confusion.

sampling bias?


And this sounds like nix for apes 🐵

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