0 Post – 87 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I've had my joycons for 5 years and they still work fine. Tbh I mostly use it as a handheld and probably only play about 100 hours per year, but I think the switch is pretty neat

It's fine as long as you never connect different controllers to the same device. Then it becomes a nightmare

Toddlers do the thing too

I just want to never have to hear about this cunt again. Is that why people like him?

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Producer of calculators says kids don't need to learn maths, they just need a calculator

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They missed out the context code:

trait DoW { def length: FiniteDuration }
object Monday extends DoW { override def length = 24.hours }
implicit def toDoW(s: String): DoW = s match {
 case "Monday" => Monday
var day: DoW = _

(Duration formatting and language identification are left as an exercise for the reader)

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I mean, it's red in the middle. That's not normal for a kiwi. Big fan, never seen these

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Acorn falls on car. 'Shots fired! I'm hit!' Shots were fired. By him. At car. Man was in back seat. He not police now.

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A troll fishing for downvotes! Finally this place is starting to feel like Reddit 😂

Wow, yeah, that was a bad read lol. It's generally received wisdom for global economics that tax disincentives push people to a point, but most of 'em will actually pay taxes if the alternative is hanging out in Bermuda forever. Nationwide rather than statewide is gonna be good enough for most

Tl;Dr basically agree

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Oh my God. Flashbacks to the first time I fucked up my Arch installation like a decade ago. This is a solid run-through of a very character-building exercise 😂

I kinda look at it and think 'who writes unstructured dB inserts with unescaped string interpolation in 2024?'

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No, the flip side of this wish is your knowledge is frozen in time to when you make the wish and can never be updated. You gradually become more and more outdated as you fail to grasp even the simplest of changes to all languages in current usage.

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This is fine for the most basic of use cases but once you start looping through file names or what have you, you have to start writing robust correct bash and nobody does that

Who from our time do people remember?

Oddly specific...

Astroprojection is a dying art and I applaud your service

I fear he has internalised the current dynamics of the life-struggle, and failed to appreciate the profound beauty of the dynamic near-equilibrium that permits the sorrow of life (and the joys that they imply) to ever exist in the first place

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Twitter handles aren't domain names, lol. These tweets you see linked to in articles will hang around for half a decade before the fediverse full on replaces it (no it won't be threads you can't fucking read a thread without a login it's a piece of shit)

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Then you have to continually fight a lot of battles about your money and it gets complicated but sure that's definitely a thing people also do and there are no magic bullets and all options for everything are a bit sucky - but having some of these mega-high-earners pay a bit more tax is still better than doing nothing because you're worried they'll take the money away, and the wider the policy of fair graduated tax is applied, the better it works

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I usually install like 4 browsers, and keep a chromium one for a few tabs that for whatever reason are hostile to the others

Hah weird I've been feeling the opposite - like, it feels like there's more content on here than when I joined, ain't that weird. Although maybe I'm using 'stuff I like' and 'upvotes' as a metric and you're using "community and interaction" maybe? Would seem to make some kind of sense

quibbles over whether the atrocities committed in Gaza qualify for the term 'genocide' as if that somehow makes it alright

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I only ever use Google when ddg fails me and it's maybe a 5% hit rate on that long tail

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Hypertext markup Language. Yeah this sorta reminds me of why I stopped following r/ProgrammerHumour on the old site - too many cheap potshots at Perl, PHP and HTML, as if they weren't fantastic tools that powered the creation of the internet we have today. Kids, man, SMH

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'$searchTerm def' on any search engine

So honestly the train in IT was pretty fucked up and I probably shouldn't have read it as young as I was. 100 years of solitude has its own fucked-up-ness and God of small things is also fucked up at the end, but all very different types of fucked up...

Why use grub at all? If your laptop is compatible why not use rEFInd or something?

Implicit was too much of a give away wasn't it?

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Mild rule

Phenomenal work there

The UK has a lot of shows with celebrity parodies... As in the US it's entirely protected speech...

Loving Modern Guilt at the moment - hadn't really checked Beck out for a few years but he's still getting some bangers out there

And I'd be thrilled if that material were quarantined somewhere 😅

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Think Andrew Wakefield was before that. I wanna say... 2006? 2008? 2020 is just when it started killing even more people

Look, Stallman may be a creep who women have to actively make excuses to avoid, but Torvalds sometimes gets sweary about subjects he's passionate about in developer threads. Both sides are the same!

I forgot what I was saying. Anyway

I could've used a lot of things, but I'm on my phone and I wanted fewer characters to render it, whilst being sure it would work without having to run it.

Also, I am pleased to have maybe helped. Perhaps we can be friends, you and I. Perhaps not. Idk, maybe you punch dogs, why would you do that? Seems mean.

Have you ever just, like, edited a comment? How do people know when you did it? I guess if I were writing a thing to check it I'd use a registry of timestamps and checksums... So, like, ok, you can track, but why, how does it look?

Anyway sorry I had some drinks between now and first post, goodnight

Oversaturation from the presentation format

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I find that code way too fun to write to let someone or something else do it for me 😂

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