2 Post – 190 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I worked for a company that trained me that "right to work" meant I could fire someone and tell them it was because I didn't like the color of their shoes. I suppose that's an excuse or reason but at that point is there really any difference?

Holy shit. I was around before the Internet and I've owned four smartphones.

I made it about five minutes. Embarrassing to watch Biden stumble around and Trump just non-stop lie as usual.

Just a heads up The Satanic Temple are the righteous group that litigates all these radical zealots. They don't believe in a literal Satan unlike the Church of Satan.

Yeah that's linen for you. People don't wear it much anymore sadly so they don't get that they just look wrinkled. I love linen shirts though.

It seems like nothing they say matters anymore. Some Republicans want to get rid of Medicare. You would think this would lose them massive votes among the elderly, their biggest constituency. But it just doesn't seem to matter.

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I'll speak for myself but I'm not against the Israeli people other than the settlers. Israel keeps grabbing up Palestinian land and moving settlers in. It's already an apartheid state situation. What Hamas did today was terrible, and Israel did what it always does- blow up civilians. Hamas and the increasingly dictatorial government of Israel are both shitty, but Israel provoked this shit by backing desperate people into a corner.

Agreed with the hope but many of his fans have a conspiracy theory mindset. Anything that goes against him will, in their minds, prove he's being targeted because he's the hero we need or some shit.

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The US has more military power than the rest of the top 10 combined. What countries do you think rival the US in terms of military might?

I understand why you would think that, but it's wrong. The secret service is absolutely still in charge of investigating counterfeit money.

I handled a lot of cash for an old job and I had to submit a form to the secret service whenever I reported counterfeits.

This needs to happen way more often.

Mind your own business and you'll have a happier life, less hateful.

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I want to link here to Attorney General of Arizona Kris Mayes stating that she will not allow any prosecutions of medical personnel or individual women in the state.

This is doubly important because I have seen so much advice on Lemmy recently boiling down to don't vote, both parties are the same, etc. And it's been increasing every day and will probably continue to increase all the way into November. Kris Mayes only won by 280 votes. Over 3000 people in that race chose to throw away their vote on a write-in candidate.

So this is good news for people who care about body autonomy. But it was only possible by 280 votes. Anyone who wants to counter the voting doesn't matter crowd can point to this election.

Hamas is fucking terrible. What they did was terrible. What Israel is currently doing in retaliation is terrible.

I would love it if Hamas surrendered if that immediately stopped all the killing. They won't though.

1700+ dead. 250 hostages, in a country of 9+ million people.

27000+ dead, in a small strip of land that had 2+ million people.

It's beyond fucking retribution at this point.

I would like to know what you think Israel would do if they accomplish their objectives?

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As an American I will say that we are a fundamentally evil country. Our people are mostly not evil, but our governmental system does immeasurable evil to people in this country and across the world.

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Lol are you a literal child lol

I hope you don't feel this way about your other civic responsibilities.

Believe it or not I watch regular TV! I travel for work constantly and I have TV on in the hotel room. It makes me feel less lonely. That's how I'm seeing these ads. On my PCs it's Firefox+ublock origin.

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And it's totally not an average skewed higher by higher paying jobs right?. Us working class people didn't get shit. I listened to a nurse the other day complain that they were only getting cost of living adjustments instead of a "real raise." Like holy shit a lot of us got nothing. I'm making the same thing as I was during the pandemic and my money is worth the equivalent of $6 less per hour due to inflation.

Rolling coal generally refers to people who have modified their pickup trucks to intentionally belch out black clouds of smoke.

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As of 30 minutes ago, he's officially kicked out.

I think lying about pulling the trigger will become an issue as well.

People hate the Senate because it's undemocratic, not because they hate bicameral legislature.

This is absolutely not real. I mean just think about it for a second.

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Twenty years ago I was saying the same thing. Things have got worse. I hope you're right this time.

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The guy who suggested I don't wipe my ass properly everyone!

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He's just mad because he was born old. When they did the cracker jack at his fraternity, he could only season the cracker with a shot of of ol dusty.

Forced emigration is a valid part of genocide. I mean don't get me wrong the killing is far worse but it's in the definition.

And the ones who do are often just firing at the enemy position rather than aiming for an individual. In world war 2 it is estimated that 100,000 shots were fired per casualty.

Maybe you would prefer "slams"? Just kidding I hate blasts and slams both in headlines.

This one is the only photo of him I've ever seen where he looks happy.

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I hate McDonald's. I eat McDonald's. If I get into some tiny town or get off work in a tiny town at 11pm or later it's often the only place open.

What I don't understand is people who eat there by choice. I sometimes work with a guy who will go to McDonald's by choice, even with better/cheaper options, three times a day.

I wonder how much of McDonald's average franchise net income is from road warriors.

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They need to give this person a job.

I'm just guessing here but I think the people spreading them either want to make people distrust the federal government or specifically to damage the reputation of the Biden administration by later claiming not enough aid was provided.

Maybe it's people who just think it's funny to hurt people. In any case it's total scumbags that are willingly spreading misinformation that will directly harm the people.

At least put it on a tilt mount for fuck's sake.

Everyone uses SMS in US

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Thank you I learned something today.

You need to see a psychologist internet person. That, and your other comment, sound exactly like schizophrenic talk.