To End 'Nightmare' in Gaza, Sanders Moves to Block Funding for Israeli Weapons to politics – 645 points –
To End 'Nightmare' in Gaza, Sanders Moves to Block Funding for Israeli Weapons


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Hamas is fucking terrible. What they did was terrible. What Israel is currently doing in retaliation is terrible.

I would love it if Hamas surrendered if that immediately stopped all the killing. They won't though.

1700+ dead. 250 hostages, in a country of 9+ million people.

27000+ dead, in a small strip of land that had 2+ million people.

It's beyond fucking retribution at this point.

I would like to know what you think Israel would do if they accomplish their objectives?

If Israel, as stated by the pm himself and members of the war cabinet , gets the hostages and dismantles hammas then it would allow to form a better governing body for Gaza which more humane and more Palestinian focused than killing jews and digging tunnels.

Israel, contrary to popular belief isnt going to erase gaza out of the earth even when hammas is eradicated. Israel could erase gaza if they wanted. They choose not to in order to save Palestinian civilian lives.

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