3 Post – 109 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

I wanna see you going to sleep on 35c and 85% humidity

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Im a data engineer with 20+ years of experience in sql and various databases, I do performance tuning on daily basis. How can I help? Please message me if you think you can use me. Id be very happy to help where I can!

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I worked for an online payment company you all know. Many eployees have access to the main DB which holds all transactions and names and everything in clear text. You could basically find out all PII (personal identification information) of any celebrity you wanted given they had anaccount. Address, phone number, credit card and all. If you knew a bit of SQL you could basically find whoever person you wanted and get purchase history and all.

Cant say I didnt use this to find stuff about my exes or various celebrities.

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Wikipedia is probably the most important thing on the internet fight now. It also needs some amount of servers, many crawlers scan it daily, I assume its a shitton of users and logins and API hits and what not. And still it survives on donations alone.

Eventually lemmy is not a streaming services with videos and and a lot of bandwidth. Its just text and people connecting. So I assume you dont need massive servers and shit.

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Because you want that hormonal changes in your pets.

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As someone who worked for a tech banking company many years, you are too stupid to do it.

This shit is complicated as fuck.

Oh and all the tech in the world or capital you could build is worthless unless you have that sweet banking / credit license in US. And lets just say its really really hard to cone by nowadays.

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Color is so stupid. Who the fuck cares what color the video is. Couldve used this to actual good like pick three minor subjects from the video and ask me if im interested in more of those. That would be awesome. And I know they have that data.

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Covid deniers gonna start shitting in the back yard

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Ok but what are the sites? For science of course.

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I wanna see over the next year how rape and sexual harassment rates change.

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Karma whoring bots

Id rather someone just point me to the problematic query obviously. Would be much easier and better use of my time than to run my own instance and fake data into tables to see where the bottle neck is …

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Nah dog, its gonna be UTC. End of story.

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12 years here. The day apollo died is the day I stopped logging into reddit.

And it is really hard. That was my default go to free time app. I spent AT LEAST 4 hours A DAY on reddit for most of those 12 years.

Its hard. But on the other hand that site disgusses me now.

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so the whole world uses mostly whatsapp or some other messaging app. nobody not in the US gives a damn about the color of the bubble or even knows whats the device on the other side. we all use whatsapp its much better in any way possible (except that it belongs to facebook, that is bad... anyway we were there before it belonged to facebook, so.....)

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Maybe you’re undiagnosed autistic. Im serious.

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I went to visit a friend in the US (los angeles). She asked me what I want for breakfast and I said just some tea please and nothing else. I saw her going from confusion to terror in 5 seconds. And I was like whats wrong? Is everything ok?

Eventually she boiled water in a mug in the microwave, put in some pieces of apples and called it tea.

A few weeks later I went for work in the bay area. I just cannot start a day without tea. I saw the hotel I stayed in had a bit of difficulty in the tea department. Decided to buy my own kettle so I can have my tea in the room. Naively went to an electric store to buy a kettle. There was none. I was like WTF. Went to target, there were none. Only stove ones. But my room didnt have a stove. Then it hit me americans just dont boil water like the rest of the world.

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They should just do it procedurally on the fly. because after all there was probably some algorithm that generated those all these and saved to a file. Just cut the file…

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James Randi. Glad I got to meet him before he died.

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Just fundraise like 100 mil to get trump out of the race. Totally worth it and hes gonna take it with both hands.

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12bil for steam? Nah man, its probably triple than that.

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One of the real reasons is that companies put a shitton of money into physical infrastructure and based their entire selling point for jobs on office perks. Amd now they dont know what to do with that stuff sitting empty.

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why republicans always find a way to deny voting for some random group?

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Where i live its literally 5 times cheaper. I call bullshit.

This is…. This is…. The stupidest thing ive ever seen.

Really? For me the front page hits almost spot on on what I want to watch. Weird. I use subscriptions tab first and then when im done with it I move to feed to watch new stuff I might not know and almost all of them are interesting.

Ill run red lights all day if i get fined 1 cent a day too

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Probably the first ever helicopter crash that everyone hoped no one survives.

Its been about 10 years ago I wasnt a pci expert then as i am now. My understanding today is that the db was probably pci compliant. But access to it was pretty promiscuous.

Well I just stopped going to reddit. The only way O used reddit was apollo. I put lemmy icon on the aplllo place cos I kept unconsciously clicking it even though I knew it wont work.

Careful he might be the first president working remotely. From russia.


Open Transport Tycoon

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FTL, Rimworld.

I have about 5000 hours just on these two

Me too! Im a dozen!

Wouldnt that be easy to test though? Send the same dog a few times and see if you het consistent results or not.

I really wanted to like this game. But Man it was too linear for me and also too hard. I had to google every quest to know where the fuck is X to finish it. It was just too daunting. And I like hard games. But this one was frustrating for some reason.

Otherwise its probably an awesome game. Not for me.

They couldve opted to end 2 end encryption just like they do on whatsapp. Then the warrant can eat shit.

Everybody is mandatory drafted in Israel except ultra orthodox jews and arabs. Being a politician’s family isn't on that list. And also its very common. All politicians at some point either serve or served at the army, including their children. It just so happened that someone who died is also the son of the one who calls the shots about the war.

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I like fleshlights. I have quite a collection of them.

Corded dyson from 20! Years ago. Still sucks, in a good way!

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